1157 ferocious beast

He looked up to the sky and roared unwillingly: "Why? Why did I encounter these ferocious beasts..."

When the other students saw this, their faces became even more panicked.


The grizzly bear rushed up, opened its bloody mouth, and bit the instructor.

"I'll fight you!"

The instructor roared angrily, drew his sword and stabbed the grizzly bear in the eye.

This mentor was already determined to die and wanted to die together with the grizzly bear.

But he obviously misjudged the speed of the grizzly bear, or underestimated the grizzly bear's IQ!


There was just a "click" sound, and the mentor's long sword was broken by the grizzly bear!

The instructor was stunned on the spot, looking at the grizzly bear's ferocious fangs, feeling that his soul was about to freeze and his whole body was shaking.

"Roar~~" The grizzly bear roared and pounced on the instructor.


This is a stooped, silver-haired old man.



The person who came was none other than Chen Hui.

An illusory figure slowly appeared.

Hearing this, Chen Yuanhao became furious and stared at Chen Hui with cold eyes: "Boy, although I don't know what method you used to conceal your aura and blinded my senses, you thought I couldn't find you? Let me tell you, my spirit The sensing ability is ten times and a hundred times stronger than yours!"


Now that he has broken through the initial level of Martial Apprentice, his combat power is almost at the peak of Martial Apprentice!

The instructor suddenly screamed hysterically.

However, since he was promoted to Yellow Level 2 after Swallowing Martial Veins, his strength has suddenly improved, far exceeding that of his peers.

The black shadow flashed, and a black shadow appeared out of thin air, hanging in mid-air.

Chen Yuanhao laughed excitedly: "After I broke through the first level of Martial Apprentice, my strength increased by a full 50%!"

"Little guy, you are very brave. You actually attacked me. Don't you know that I am the Rank Three Martial Master?" Chen Yuanhao crossed his arms, stared at Chen Hui with a stern look, and grinned: He knelt down obediently and kowtowed to plead guilty. Otherwise, I will kill you!"

"Hahaha, I broke through again! 々`!"

As soon as the old man appeared, he nodded to Chen Hui.

Another place.

"Haha, I don't know where you got the courage to threaten me? Have you forgotten what happened just now?" Chen Hui said sarcastically.

Originally, Chen Yuanhao was at the bottom of the Star Dou Martial Academy.

This boy is a student in Xingyun class, named Chen Yuanhao.

At this moment, Chen Yuanhao seemed to notice something, and his face turned cold: "There seems to be someone hiding in secret and spying!!"

The sharp claws of the grizzly bear swept over with strong winds and slapped the mentor's chest hard. The latter's body was thrown away as if struck by lightning. The clothes on his chest were shattered, his chest was sunken, and his mouth and nose were bleeding. Dying.

One boy laughed excitedly. He had just broken through to the first level of Martial Apprentice.

Chen Yuanhao's eyes turned cold, he suddenly looked towards a certain corner, and said solemnly: "Whoever dares to spy on my practice, Chen Yuanhao, get out of here!!"


"Buzz buzz buzz...(Nomo's)"

Because he is just an ordinary Martial Apprentice, his training resources are scarce and his combat effectiveness is weak.

Immediately, he pointed out, and a bright golden light shot out, penetrated the space, and fell on Chen Yuanhao.



“It’s so cool!!”


With a click of his feet, Chen Hui teleported to the side of the Star Soul Monument.

The Star Soul Monument trembled slightly and glowed with iron-gold light.

"Really?" Chen Hui smiled faintly and didn't bother to pay attention to Chen Yuanhao.

Chen Yuanhao let out a heart-rending scream and fell to the ground, his whole body twitching and in agony. .

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