1147 Fantasy

However, he was actually powerless to resist and was instantly suppressed by the man in black robe, which was simply unbelievable.

"Little guy, don't be afraid, they don't mean any harm." Li Xuangang walked over slowly and said with a slight smile.

"Grandpa." Seeing Li Xuangang coming out, Xingyun immediately saluted respectfully.

"Little guy, let's go into the house and talk." Li Xuangang said with a faint smile.

Xingyun nodded obediently, then followed Li Xuangang into the bamboo forest and found a stone chair to sit down on.

Li Xuangang poured tea and water for Xingyun, his attitude was very good, just like the grandfather next door.

"This...is this an illusion?" After a moment, Xingyun suddenly exclaimed.

"Illusion?" Hearing this, Li Xuangang was slightly startled and asked, "Little guy, how do you know it's an illusion?"

"This is an illusion caused by the nightmare technique. I can see through it." Xingyun said solemnly, and then looked around.

"Little guy, you are only six years old, right? You actually know the nightmare technique?" Li Xuangang was quite shocked, with a hint of surprise on his old face.

"Well, when I was six years old, I studied formation patterns in Xingyue Mountain. I occasionally understood the nightmare technique in my dreams, so I knew its existence." Xingyun nodded.

"The nightmare technique is very rare. Except for the ancestors of Xingyun Mountain, it is impossible for anyone in the outside world to master it." Li Xuangang praised: "You are much better than your parents.

Xingyun smiled awkwardly and said, "My parents died long ago."

Mentioning the mystery of his death, Xingyun felt a surge of anger in his heart.

Li Xuangang nodded, and then said with a smile: "Xingyun! You are really lucky to meet me, otherwise you will definitely die.

Xingyun took a deep breath, and then said respectfully: "Grandpa, you just said that I have the bloodline of a powerful Great Monster sealed in my body? What kind of bloodline is it?"

"Little guy, don't worry, I will help you lift the seal." Li Xuangang gently patted Xingyun's shoulder and said.

Li Xuangang is a Rank Nine peak Alchemist, one of the few Alchemists in the Star Empire, and his strength is unimaginable.

"My bloodline is very special. I don't know what bloodline it is, but it is the bloodline of Monster Race." Xingyun whispered, looking a little flustered.

Although Xingyun was young, he could indeed feel that there was something huge lurking in his body, which even made him frightened.

"Monster Race's bloodline?" Li Xuangang frowned slightly and fell into a brief silence.

After a long time, Li Xuangang raised his head and said seriously: "Xingyun, remember, don't reveal even a single word about the Monster Race bloodline, otherwise you will get into trouble!"

"I understand, thank you grandpa for telling me this." Xingyun said solemnly, and then left the courtyard.

"Hey! I hope he can understand me." Li Xuangang shook his head and smiled bitterly, looking at the stars in the distance with a complicated and guilty expression.

Xingyun didn't go far and was waiting near the courtyard.


Suddenly, a violent roar came from the courtyard.

"Oops! I forgot (Zhao) told Xingyun about this. Once this brat is exposed to the Monster Race bloodline, I'm afraid the entire Star Empire won't be able to accommodate him." Li Xuangang cursed secretly, his heart full of worry.

The Star Empire has a vast territory and many forces, including many Transcendent Level powerhouses.

If the starfall is discovered, the consequences will be disastrous.

"Xingyun, why haven't you gone back yet?" At this time, Liu Shiyun suddenly came out of the room. When she saw Xingyun, she was surprised and said: "Xingyun, you're awake!"

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