
After they left, people nearby discovered that the Zhen Guanxi Mansion had been wiped out.

Those people whom the blind man killed were the guards of Guanxi Mansion.

"Guys, come and see! The Guanxi mansion was massacred!"

"It's the knife catcher! It must have been killed by a knife hunter."

"Oh my gosh, several knife catchers have been killed by Zhen Guanxi before. I didn’t expect there to be such a powerful knife catcher."

For a time, the entire Zhendong County was boiling.

For a time, the name of the mysterious knife hunter spread throughout the city.

After the magistrate of Wudu County received the report, he was scared to death.

He hurried to Zhenguanxi Mansion to check situation.

It turned out that the entire town of Guanxi Mansion was littered with corpses, and the smell of blood was strong.

"This... this town of Guanxi has provoked some kind of existence."

The magistrate of Wudu County was horrified. He had never encountered such a terrifying thing.

Zhen Guanxi was a local martial arts master. There were so many masters in his mansion that even a county official did not dare to provoke him.

But today the town of Guanxi was destroyed, which made him panic.

"Is it really a knife hunter?"

"This is a powerful knife hunter who has come to our Wudu County."

The Zhendong County Magistrate thought in his mind and felt that this was the only reasonable explanation.


In the inn where the blind man lived in Wudu County, he returned here carrying the head wrapped in cloth and sat down to eat again.

Huang Rong, on the other hand, sat next to him with a cute look, blinking at the blind man.

"Eat it, you're welcome."

Cheng Xiazi handed the chopsticks to Huang Rong and said with a faint smile.

"Thank you, uncle."

Huang Rong smiled sweetly, and then happily picked up the chopsticks to pick up the vegetables.

Although she is Huang Yaoshi's daughter, she is not usually a spoiled young lady, so she doesn't have much airs.

"By the way, uncle, what's your name? I can't keep calling you blind brother. Huang Rong asked while eating.

"Become blind."The blind man replied calmly.

"Oh, can I call you Blind Master from now on? Huang Rong said with a smile.

The blind man was slightly startled and couldn't help but laugh:"Whatever you want!""

He is not a pedantic person. Since others want to call him that, he doesn't mind.

Huang Rong ate two more bowls of rice before stopping. She touched her bulging belly and felt satisfied for a while.

"Blind Master, I'm full. Where are we going now?"Huang Rong wiped her greasy mouth and stuck out her tongue playfully.

"What are you following me for? Go find your father."


Huang Rong lowered her head and smiled bitterly.

"I escaped from Peach Blossom Island, I don’t want to go back to find him"

"Why don't I follow you, Mr. Blind? I can cook for you or something."

Hearing this, the blind man laughed and said

"You are responsible for three meals a day"

"Well, Mr. Blind, with a master like you by my side, I, Huang Rong, can be considered safe."

The blind man shook his head and said. At this time, the owner of the inn came over and said with a surprised look on his face.

"Hey, it’s you! Didn't you say you were going to kill Guanxi? Why did you come back so soon?"

His words attracted the attention and exclamation of many guests in the inn.

"What! Kill Guanxi? That's not a boast, is it?"

"This fool is so crazy that he dares to say that he wants to kill Zhen Guanxi. Does he know who Zhen Guanxi is! That is a master who is infinitely close to the acquired realm."

"That is, I'm sure this blind man just knelt at Zhen Guanxi's knees and kept begging for mercy."

Everyone commented one after another, seeming not to believe it.

After all, in everyone's impression, what power can a blind man have against Zhen Guanxi?

How dare such a person say that he wants to kill Zhen Guanxi.

Not only did they not believe it, but the innkeeper also If you don’t believe it, this is the town of Guanxi, how could you be killed by Cheng Blind Man?

But Cheng Blind Man didn’t care about the ridicule around him.

And the little cook Huang Rong beside him couldn’t help it, she stood up for Cheng Blind Man and shouted

"What do you know? The blind man is not bragging. He will stab you to death with just one finger."

"Haha, this girl is young, but she quite likes to brag."

"That is, I have even killed a grandmaster with a sword."

Everyone sneered.

"Girl, don't be ridiculous. We are all martial arts practitioners and we can't tell random jokes."The innkeeper consoled him.

The blind man also waved his hand:"Don't mind your own business."

"Blind Master~" Huang Rong coquettishly shook the blind man's arm, but she refused to give in.

This made the people in the inn even more contemptuous.

"Alas, girl, just listen to us, this blind man is a liar!"

But the next second.

The blind man waved his hand and the black cloth on the table was lifted. The bloody Zhen Guanxi head made everyone confused.


Everyone couldn't help gasping and were stunned.

This...how is this possible? That Wudu County bully Zhen Guanxi is dead!

And the death was miserable.

They stared at the blind man in disbelief, and their hearts were extremely shocked.

This guy actually killed Zhen Guanxi


The innkeeper was dumbfounded and speechless for a long time.

This blind man... is too fierce!

Then the blind man glanced at them lightly and continued to eat and drink.

When Huang Rong saw everyone's expressions, she suddenly became proud.

"Huh, look, you still dare to laugh at me, the blind man. The blind man is very powerful!"Huang Rong said proudly, raising her little head.

The others fell silent.

They were so frightened that they couldn't even speak.

"Blind Master, let’s go to the government to collect the reward! snort! Let you underestimate my blind master!"

The blind man nodded. He put down his chopsticks and stood up:"Boss, I'll take the first step." I'm coming back to live in the evening."

Then he took Huang Rong and left the inn.

After they left, the people in the inn came back to their senses.

The owner of the inn muttered to himself with a shocked look on his face:"This man actually killed Zhen Guanxi!"

Others were also filled with emotion and were shocked in their hearts.

Who is this blind man?

He actually has such terrifying power.

To behead Guanxi with one sword is so terrifying!

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