In the end, they all died tragically under the knife of Cheng Blind Man.

As all these snare killers were killed, the restaurant was completely destroyed.

The entire restaurant was reduced to rubble.

There was quite a commotion here too.

After all, this is Deyang City, a relatively well-developed city in the Tang Dynasty.

Therefore, there are many warriors in this city.

They were also very curious about the sudden fighting here.

It was even more shocking as there were corpses everywhere and the streets were dyed red with blood.

Now I am walking blindly.

He came outside a house and saw two children, a boy and a girl, playing there.

"Sir, do you need anything?"

At this time, the waiter came to Cheng Xiazi and said

"Its daybreak……"

"Let people come out to clean the floor."

After he finished speaking, he left gracefully.

The other two children called out to adults a few times. For a while, countless tenants and farmers came to the alley, looking at the indistinct corpses in confusion.

There were too many. Yeah!

Too many people have died here, right?

"Report to the officer!!!"

Then the farmers and tenants shouted one after another.

Immediately, the entire Deyang City government learned about this incident. They rushed here quickly and sent out many soldiers to block the alley.

At the same time, these people came to the depths of the alley. , inspecting the corpses

"Damn it, how could this happen, who did it?"

An adjutant from the government office shouted solemnly.

"It should not be done by ordinary people."

At this time, the catcher next to him said

"Could it be made by the snare?"

The adjutant's expression changed.

"A snare?"

Hearing this, everyone else's eyes were shocked.

At this time, a young man walked over from the corpses, came to the adjutant, and said with a smile

"People who died here! It's all a snare!!"

Hearing this, these government officials and arresters were stunned.

There was a look of shock in their eyes.

"Are you sure it's Luo Wang?"

The adjutant stared at the young man with a cold expression.

"Naturally determined"

"Because I know how they dress up"

"And they also have web spider tattoos on their bodies"

"You can check it out."

The young man said lightly.

The adjutant's eyes kept flickering.

He immediately instructed people to take off the clothes from the corpses for inspection.

After a while, the faces of the group of people turned green and white.

Because the corpses here They were all the people who set up the trap.

This time the trap caused huge losses, so many masters died.

"The deployment of this snare in Deyang!! Everything... is destroyed!"

The adjutant muttered to himself.

His expression was solemn and his brows were furrowed.

"Doesn't that mean that Luo Sheng is now looking for the murderer?"

"Deyang's snare was destroyed"

"but!! The entire network is spread all over the Tang Dynasty!"

"The second killer organization in the Tang Dynasty, this murderer is going to cause big trouble."

At this time, a head catcher said in a deep voice


The adjutant nodded, his eyes flashing

"Immediately summon all the detectives, sergeants, and guards from the major families to defend Deyang City! This kind of thing will not be allowed to happen again.

Then the adjutant said coldly


These people said directly

"I wonder who this young master is?"

The adjutant said as he looked at the young man.

The other man chuckled and then said proudly

"Song Qingshu, who is under Wudang, came down to Deyang to hunt down a person!"

The young man raised his hand and revealed his name.

"It turned out to be a master disciple of Wudang! Long time admiration!"

After hearing what this young man said, the adjutant held his fists and said.

Although he is the adjutant of Deyang City, he still respects Wudang very much.

Wudang has been passed down for thousands of years.

Its power is extremely broad and its foundation is solid.

And Wudang masters such as There are many innate experts hidden in Yun.

Those who can reach the innate level in this world are the real masters.

"It seems that there is a great master in this world, and it is really interesting that he dares to take action against the snare."

Song Qingshu looked at the corpses on the ground and laughed.

"Hum, if I find out this time, I will definitely cut him into pieces."

The adjutant shouted coldly.

And Song Qingshu had an evil smile on his lips.

At the same time, in Chang'an, the imperial capital of the Tang Dynasty, a red-haired middle-aged man was sitting in a restaurant. There is a man standing in front of me

"Report to leader Zhao Gao that all the killers in Deyang are dead."

This Zhao Gao is the supreme leader of Luo Wang.

"It seems that there are experts helping this Deyang County."

"But even so, what can you do to me?"

"I would like to see how powerful this master is?"

Zhao Gao sneered, with a cold look in his eyes.

He waved his palm

"Go for it!!!"

"Remember the man who killed that at any cost"

"Luowang’s highest fatwa! I want someone who dares to take action against my trap!"

"Death and destruction!"

Zhao Gao ordered


The subordinate bowed.

In an instant, hundreds of men in black appeared outside the capital of Chang'an. They rushed toward Jiannan Road with murderous intent.


Deyang City.

In a rented yard.

After the blind man came back, he listened to the discussions of the people walking nearby.

"Have you heard that many people died in the south of the city?"

"Things haven't been peaceful recently. Several factions have been wiped out."

"Yes, I heard that even Luo Wang’s stronghold in Deyang was destroyed."

"Hey, I don’t know who is so cruel as to destroy the Luowang stronghold!!!"

Soon, the entire neighborhood was talking about the destruction of Luo Wang's stronghold. They even said that Luo Wang's top brass had issued a killing order to kill this madman.

"The trouble with the snare was temporarily resolved."

The blind man murmured to himself

"Brother, this time we have completely angered Luo Wang!!! Huang

Rong came to Cheng Xiazi and said worriedly.

"There is no way, since they moved, they must pay the price!!!"

Cheng Xiazi said in a deep voice.

After saying that, he took Huang Rong to the roof to enjoy the rising morning sun.

After Huang Rong looked at the sun for a while, she lay warmly on Cheng Xiazi's shoulders.

The two of them acted as if the loving farewell between husband and wife was better than the newlyweds.


Huang Rong lay on his body and fell asleep.

The blind man was immersed in another kind of pleasure, that is, the pleasure of upgrading experience!

【You killed thirty-six innate masters and gained 40,000 experience!】

【You get Peach Blossom Brew, 100 bottles of Zuixian Brew, a restaurant, and 50,000 taels of silver.……】

【You get two innate pinnacle puppets……】

【You get a famous sword, Chunjun! 】

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