
At this time, the guard commander of the palace suddenly opened his eyes and looked around with a shocked look.

Then he rushed out of the room and scanned the entire county guard's palace.

But the result made him stunned.

He didn't feel it. Any abnormality.

But someone did break in just now and killed their county guard son-in-law Wang Yong.

This made him full of confusion.

"my God! You killed Lord Wang!"

The guard commander murmured to himself

"You guy, you actually went to someone else's mansion to kill people? You are too brave, right?"

"The one you killed was the county guard's son-in-law. I said you thought your life was too long."

Then. The commander will kill Xiang Cheng, a blind man.

"Who is doing it!!!"

But at this moment, a majestic shout came from outside the house.

This voice contained rich real power.

The guard commander who was about to take action against the blind man froze.

The whole person stopped.

He turned around Looking around, I saw a group of people coming quickly from a distance. The one at the front was a middle-aged man.

He was wearing a golden robe, and there was a domineering look between his brows. He had a high and mighty attitude.

There was a release from his body. Show a strong coercion

"Meet the Sheriff!!!"

The guard commander looked at the middle-aged man and quickly bowed and shouted.

At this time, the blind man stood there, staring at the county guard with a green light in his pupils. There was a playful arc at the corner of his mouth, obviously he knew the county guard.

"Sir, this man committed murder in Wang Yong's house and also killed my subordinates."

"I'm about to kill it."

The guard commander looked at the county guard and said respectfully.

"who are you? Why did you kill my son-in-law?"

The county guard looked at the blind man and said in a deep voice.

His eyes were full of anger.

"I'm called a blind man!!!"

The blind man said indifferently

"Becoming blind?"

Hearing what Cheng Blind said, the county guard looked slightly stunned.

"asshole!! It was you who killed my son!"

"Today, you killed my son-in-law again!"

"Really looking for death!"

The county guard looked at the blind man and shouted with a cold expression.

With one palm, he gathered the terrifying fire of true energy and blasted towards the blind man.

His combat power reached the level of an innate martial artist.

With one palm, he blasted out with terrifying energy. The power of destruction.

This county guard is obviously blind with hatred.


Looking at the county guard attacking.

Cheng Blind snorted coldly, and he swept out with a sword.

The monstrous cold light bloomed out, like thousands of cold snow falling.

At this moment, everyone felt the suffocating chill.

This cold light ripped through Split the void and directly destroyed the Sheriff's palm.

Then this move fell on the Sheriff's body.


In an instant, blood splattered from the Sheriff's mouth.

He had a lot of chest. A wound deep enough to show the bone.

The knife almost penetrated his chest.

"You... what is your strength?"

The county guard looked at the blind man with an ugly expression and shouted.


The blind man shouted with a cold expression.

He used another move.

Boom - the sword fell and knocked the governor's figure flying out on the spot, and then he shouted wildly

"Stop him!"

"Protect your lord!!!"

The palace guards reacted and shouted one after another.

They stood directly in front of the county guard.


The blind man's eyes were cold, and he spat out with a biting coldness.

He waved the long knife in his hand again and slashed out.

The terrifying light of the knife bloomed.

It was like a sun coming into the world, dazzling!!!

At this time, the face of the guard commander A change.

He rushed over, punched out, and directly collided with the blind man's sword.

Boom - a harsh explosion sounded.

Terrifying energy ripples swept out.

The body of the guard leader retreated violently After a few steps, he spurted out a mouthful of blood.

Although he also had the strength of an innate martial artist, there was still a big gap compared to Cheng Xiazi, a powerful terrestrial immortal.


Cheng Xiazi hit the guard commander severely with one blow.

He did not hesitate at all and continued to rush towards the county guard.


Suddenly, a sharp sword emerged from the void, flashing with a captivating cold light. , directly attacked the blind man.


The sharp sword was grabbed by the blind man, and then crushed into powder.

Then several more sharp blades appeared out of thin air and strangled him fiercely.

Each of these sharp blades Each item possesses power comparable to the innate level of

"Who is taking action!"

"get out!"


The enemies hiding in the darkness appeared.

There were five of them, all hidden in the darkness. They exuded a cold aura, like ghosts.

And they were Ouyang who had previously tried to kill Ouyang who became a blind man. Feng's subordinates.

They had been lurking around here waiting for an opportunity.

I thought that the blind man didn't know.

Unexpectedly, they were noticed by the other party as soon as they appeared.

The strength of these five killers has stepped into the half-step innate, or even innate realm..

They cooperate with each other tacitly and join forces.

Even if they are at the peak of their innate ability, they will have to drink hatred.

"Snare people? ?"

Cheng Xiazi looked at the five people and said calmly.

But the other party did not reply, but activated the weapon to kill them.

"You messed with the wrong people! Die!"

One of Ouyang Feng's killers looked at Cheng Blind and shouted coldly.

In an instant, the five killers combined together and burst out with even more terrifying power and blasted towards Cheng Blind.

The killing formation unleashed by the five of them They are extremely powerful.

The combined strength of these five people is comparable to the strong men of the Great Perfection in the Xiantian Realm.

Moreover, these five people are also good at cooperating.

Even warriors of the same level may not be able to defeat them.

"Good idea! But how can I allow you and Xiaoxiao to act wild in front of me!!!"

At this moment, Cheng Xiazi stared at the five people with wide eyes.

He shouted word by word.

In an instant, Cheng Xiazi's body surged with an extremely terrifying power.

Then a terrifying sword intent Sweeping out.

The sword intent turned into endless sword light and enveloped the five killers.

Making them completely unable to escape!!!

They fell directly into this terrifying sea of sword intent.

Then the sky full of sword light capsized towards them. And go.

Puff puff puff puff!!!

In the blink of an eye, these five Xiantian realm experts died tragically under the sword light in the sky.

Their five bodies exploded directly and turned into pieces.

Seeing this scene.

The people watching around looked shocked.

They looked extremely shocked.

This scene was too shocking.

Five dignified masters in the innate realm died like this.

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