Xu Feng fell to the ground and vomited blood, his face was pale, and he suffered serious internal injuries.

Obviously he is no longer a match for the blind man.

"You actually hide such terrifying strength!!!"

Xu Feng stared at the blind man with a gloomy expression, his eyes filled with deep hatred.

"This is also my first time using this knife technique!!!"

"The result is pretty powerful!!!"

The blind man said, gently stroking the Tingfeng Knife in his hand.

"The sky-cutting one-sword style!!"

"Kill me!"

Suddenly, the blind man shouted with a solemn face.

He swung the Tingfeng knife in his hand and slashed out.

The sky was filled with thunder, and the endless spiritual energy of heaven and earth swept out crazily.

Boom, boom...

With the light of this sword Swinging out.

Above the void, countless thunderbolts intertwined and gathered together, forming a giant thunder knife composed of thunderbolts. It suppressed Xu Feng directly.

It seemed to swallow up Xu Feng's entire body.

This This is the terrifying thing about this Heaven-cutting one-sword style.

The sword that is cut out is comparable to the bombardment of thousands of thunders.

This is simply frightening to everyone.

"Qingcheng Sect’s secret technique—Golden Bell Shield!!!"

Xu Feng shouted with a solemn expression.

He activated his Dantian acupoints, bursting out all the essence of his body and injecting it into the golden bell shield.

This is the top defensive technique of his Qingcheng sect, which is said to be able to resist the innate The all-out attack of the strong man in the Great Perfection.

Just wanting to use this golden bell shield requires a lot of energy, which costs a lot.

But now in order to save his life, Xu Feng doesn't care about this anymore.


The blind man shouted word by word while holding the Listening to the Wind Sword.

The terrifying blade of the Heaven-cutting Yida style and the golden bell jar were fiercely bombarded together.

Boom... a deafening explosion sounded.

The whole earth was shaking.

The land within a hundred meters radius exploded.

Shocking ripples of energy spread out.


In an instant, the golden bell shield displayed by Xu Feng was destroyed by Cheng Xiangzi with a single blow.

He spurted out a mouthful of blood and looked sluggish.

Xu Feng fell to the ground, covered in blood.

A piece of his chest was sunken directly, and the bones were exposed.

All his internal organs were wiped out by this knife.

At this time, Xu Feng Feng's pupils were wide open, with a look of unwillingness on his face, and his expression was painful and twisted.

"You...who are you?"

Xu Feng raised his head with difficulty and looked at Cheng Blind Man and asked hoarsely.


Cheng Blind Man walked directly in front of Xu Feng.

He held the Tingfeng Knife in his hand and slashed it across

"Remember this name!"

"The blind man catches the knife!"

"Become blind!"

The blind man said with an indifferent expression.


Xu Feng's head rolled to the ground.

This innate master of the Qingcheng sect who was arrogant, bullied others, and regarded ordinary people as ants finally died.

And his death was extremely miserable, and his death was very desolate.

【Congratulations to the host for killing a mid-level innate master】

【Earn 1200 experience and get a storage ring】

【Congratulations to the host for killing over a hundred enemies and earning the title of Killer!】

【The title of killing allows the host to possess substantial murderous intent. 】

At this time, the system sound sounded.

The blind man's eyes opened.

A monstrous killing energy surged directly from his body, like a demon god coming to the world.

This murderous aura condensed into substance, as if it had materialized, giving people a suffocating feeling. then.

He clicked on his personal information panel.

Name: Cheng Xiazi

Level: Middle Stage Martial Arts Grandmaster

Experience: 3500/6400

Internal Strength: Nine Heavens Dragon Elephant Kung

Fu Martial Arts:"Slashing the Sky with a Sword Style", Lingbo Weistep, Black Jade Hand

Title: Killing!

Items: Drunk Immortal Brew, Storage Ring, Iron sword, listening to the wind knife……


"Can the killing title increase murderous intent?"

Seeing the effect of the title of killing, the blind man's eyes lit up.

He was a little excited.

After all, things that can increase murderous aura are very rare.

And murderous aura is the key to a warrior's combat effectiveness.

Especially during the battle, the increased murderous aura has a greater effect. big

"kill! kill! kill!!!"

"As long as I kill enough, my murderous intention will become stronger and stronger!"

"It can even become like a real god of murder, killing people invisible!!!"

The blind man murmured to himself.

Then he packed up and left here.

And the Qingcheng sect was wiped out.

The news of the annihilation of the Qingcheng sect quickly spread throughout Deyang counties, and also Word quickly spread throughout the martial arts world!!!

Qingcheng Sect, one of the three major martial arts sects in Qingcheng County.

Although not the strongest, it controls the art of Taoism.

In addition, Qingcheng Mountain is located in the center of Deyang County area.

The Qingcheng Sect is also extremely powerful.

Except for the county governor's office, this Qingcheng Sect basically doesn't take anyone seriously.

Now that the Qingcheng Sect was suddenly wiped out, it naturally caused the entire county to be excited.

And even so. The major families and sects in Deyang County are also speculating on who did it.

Who dared to destroy the Qingcheng Faction.

This is really unbelievable.

Of course, more people think that the Qingcheng Faction has angered someone. Only the hidden big families or the hidden sects suffered this disaster.


Qingcheng faction at the foot of the mountain.

The blind man walked down the mountain holding a bloody listening to the wind knife. As soon as he came down the mountain, he saw the little cook Huang Rong who had been waiting for a long time.

"How about it? Huang

Rong said.

"already solved. Cheng

Xiazi said with a smile.

"You killed someone!!! How many were killed?"

The little cook looked shocked.

Huang Rong felt too strong killing intent in him.

"Well, it’s time for the Qingcheng Sect to change its leader."

"also possible"

"The Qingcheng sect should be destroyed."

Cheng Xiazi said coldly.


At this time, the little cook noticed the wind-listening knife next to Cheng Xiazi.

Her eyes flashed with brilliance.

"This knife seems to be stained with a lot of blood"

"Oh my god, blind man, you won’t kill everyone in the Qingcheng faction, right?"

The little cook said


The blind man replied

"How did you do it?"

The little cook said doubtfully to the blind man.

"One knife is enough."

After saying that, the blind man took Jiang Menshen's head and walked towards the government office of Deyang County.

Since he killed the person who offered the reward, he must go to collect the reward.

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