He was used to doing it anyway.

After all, if you meet ordinary people.

He didn't even think about taking action.

What can be gained by killing him?

"You blind man is so weird!!!"

"I get excited when I hear about warriors."

The little cook muttered.

Then she continued to follow the blind man towards the direction of the bandits.

In three moves, the man responsible for guarding the perimeter had been eliminated by the blind man.

At this time, a group of people wearing brocade clothes and holding hands The bandits with weapons rushed towards the blind man and the little cook.

The leader was an early acquired master, holding a long spear in his hand.

"Blind man, you are doomed, if you dare to ruin my good deeds"

"I have to skin you two today!!!"

This early acquired robber stared at the blind man and snorted coldly.

"Are you sure we are dead?"

At this time, the little cook said

"Hey, a little girl is quite courageous. She still dares to yell at me?"

The early acquired robber sneered.

His eyes glanced at Huang Rong:

"Unexpectedly, there is a peerless beauty hidden here, and now I have made a profit."


Immediately, the blind man pulled out the sword from his waist and struck at the opponent.

In an instant, the early-stage bandits were split in half.

Seeing the blind man wielding the wind knife to kill these bandits.

Little The cook Huang Rong showed a nymphomaniac expression.

She jumped off the horse and rushed towards Blind Man Cheng.


The little cook's whole body hit Cheng Blind Man's arms.

Blind Man Cheng's arms directly hugged Huang Rong His slender waist.

His eyes were slightly closed, his breathing was heavy, and a strong smell of male hormones filled his nasal cavity.

It made her a little intoxicated, and she almost forgot where she was now.

"Ouch, blind man, your hands are so heavy"

"Let go!!!"

Soon, the blind man felt that he was holding a soft thing.

He couldn't help but let go of his hands, then turned around and said with a slightly red face.

"you follow me"

"Don't wander around."

The blind man looked at this charming little cook who looked like a fairy and explained.

"Well, blind man, you are so handsome!!!"

The little cook looked at the blind man with a look of infatuation.

This made the blind man even more embarrassed.

"Let's go!!!"

Then the blind man and the little cook left the place.

"The little girl movie is quite sexy!!!"

"There is a chance."

On the other side, a young and handsome boy looked at Huang Rong's graceful figure, licked his tongue, and said sinisterly.

He followed Cheng Xiazi and Huang Rong directly.

As for the fate of these killed bandits and bandits, All the corpses were taken away by Cheng Xiazi and the little cook.

The two of them continued on their way.

While Cheng Xiazi and the others were on their way to Deyang City, he killed two more groups of bandits and gained more than 600 experience points.


He became a blind man and sat on a boulder, and opened his personal template, which contained information about his becoming a blind man.

Name: Cheng Blind Man

Level: Early Grandmaster

Experience: (600/3200)

Internal Strength: Nine Heavens Dragon Elephant Skill!

Martial Arts - Loulan Slash...

After reading his personal attributes, the blind man stood up slowly and said

"It is still ten miles away from Deyang County."

"You should be able to enter Deyang before tonight."

Suddenly, he found that Huang Rong, who had gone to drain the water, was missing, so he started searching everywhere.

"Miss Huang Rong!"

"Miss Huang Rong!"


Just after walking out of the range of a few dozen meters, his mind telepathy discovered many venomous snake figures climbing on the ground surrounding him. at the same time.

There are still shouts mixed with the wind in my ears

"Blind man! Help!"

"You bastard, you bastard, let me go."

At this moment, a panicked cry for help sounded.

It was obvious that someone was calling for help.

Whoosh~ Whoosh~

At this moment, a poisonous snake shot out and attacked the blind man.

The blind man quickly drew his sword to block it.


As a result, the blind man stepped on the ground, causing the earth to explode.

With the help of his strength, he leaped up and landed a few meters away.

Standing on a big tree was a man wearing a white robe and a bamboo hat. A man in white.

This man exudes cold and terrifying murderous intent, as if he is a bloodthirsty killer.


"I can meet such a cute girl like you in the wild."

"Beauty, come with me."

There were eight beautiful women beside the man in white. His tone when he spoke to Huang Rong was full of aggression.

Huang Rong glanced at him, then noticed the poisonous snake formation on the ground and shouted.

"you!! You bastard is a slut in the world!!"

"Ouyang Ke!"

This man is Ouyang Ke from the Ouyang clan of the Ouyang family in the arena.

His father is a top master in the arena!

The big poisonous monster Ouyang Feng!

"Boy, you know how powerful I am!!!"

Ouyang Ke looked down at Huang Rong condescendingly, his eyes flashing with a cold and breathtaking light.

"Now that you know how powerful I am, why don’t you kneel down and beg for mercy!!!"

Ouyang Keleng said

"I advise you to get out immediately!!!"

"The blind man’s knife is very powerful! Huang

Rong said coldly.

"court death!!!"

A flash of anger flashed in Ouyang Ke's eyes, and he said with a handful of Xiao Zi in his hand.

"Awesome, right? I will let the army of poisonous snakes bite him to death!"

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