A young man's eyes flashed with surprise

"This massacre was definitely aimed at the Wudu County officials."

"And the other party must have a strong background force"

"Not only did he massacre the senior officials of Wudu County, but even the governor and county magistrate were killed by him."

"It is said that! The other party is still a blind man who came out of the government with a beautiful girl!"

"The blood has flowed all over the floor."

"This group of demons must be caught out and the nine tribes destroyed."

Many people in Wudu County were talking about it, and their eyes were full of anger.

This incident aroused fear and anger among all the people in Wudu County.

Huang Rong, the little cook who came down the stairs of the inn, had an angry look on his face. , she cried out for the blind man.

"What do you know! That was an act of justice!"

"Who says a blind man must be a bad guy?"

Huang Rong glared at the crowd and hummed.

Then she came directly in front of Cheng Xiazi and whispered

"Blind Master, if you massacred the Wudu County officials, you wouldn’t get into trouble, right?"

"Don't worry, they can't do anything to me."

Cheng Xiazi said calmly.

"Then let's leave Wudu County today. I don't want to stay in a ghost place like this. Huang

Rong curled her lips and said

"Don't worry, do you still remember why I came to Wudu County? Cheng

Xiazi asked.

Then Huang Rong rolled her eyes and said

"Of course remember, kill the bandits and receive the reward!"

The blind man nodded, and then said that he would only go to another place to receive the reward after killing the bandits in Wudu County.

"However, we can't stay in this inn, so let's go."

The blind man holding a listening wind knife turned around and left.

The bosses of the inn watched the blind man leave, with regretful looks in their eyes.

It's really a bit embarrassing for such a master to leave like this. Reluctant to part with it. After leaving as a blind man.

The next second, a group of fully armed county guards came over. The leader was a tall man with sharp eyes. After seeing his figure, many guests were frightened to pee. Got it

"It's Wu Dutou!"

"Why did Wu Songdu come here?"

The guests here were in an uproar.

The Wudu leader's name is Wu Song. He is the captain of the Wudu County Guards. He is also in charge of the safety of the entire Wudu County.

"Shopkeeper, you can see this person."

Wu Song showed a portrait, and the character in the painting was officially a blind man.

Wu Dutou shouted directly. He looked around, but he didn't see the blind man in the store.


The shopkeeper swallowed his saliva, pointed outside and said:

"The gentleman just now has left"


Wu Dutou frowned slightly.

"right. This blind man is a knife hunter. Did he commit something?"

The shopkeeper said again.

Wu Dutou glanced around and saw the warm rice bowl of a blind man on the table.

A flash of light flashed in his eyes and he said coldly:

"If he comes back, send me a message directly"

"This blind man killed the governor and the county magistrate! He is an extremely dangerous person!"

After hearing that, everyone present was stunned.

A blind man killed two senior officials in Wudu County!!!

And he also threatened to kill more powerful officials!!!

This is so courageous.

"Damn it, this blind man is dying"

"He did this because he thought he didn't die quickly enough."

"The county guards of Wudu County are very powerful. It is said that Wu Songdu commands the entire county's guards."

"Damn it, that blind man really slaughtered the Wudu County officials just now."

"The courage to kill the imperial governor is too terrifying, right?"

Everyone present said one after another

"The shopkeeper’s!!!"

Wu Song stared at the shopkeeper

"Wu Dutou, please give me your instructions."

The innkeeper wiped the sweat from his forehead and said with a respectful expression.

"Take me to where the blind man lives, I want to look for any clues about him"

Wu Song said in a deep voice

"Yes, yes, I'll do it right away."

The innkeeper bowed and retreated.

Wu Song stared at the place where the blind man disappeared, wondering what he was thinking about.……

The next day, dusk.

The blind man and the little cook Huang Rong were wandering around Wudu County, and he didn't pay attention to the news that Wu Song Wudu was looking for him everywhere. this will.

They passed by the mansion of a wealthy family. The blind man held up a portrait and frowned.

"Miss Huang Rong, if you see this man later, tell me to kill him."

Huang Rong looked up and saw that the name of the mansion was Ximen Mansion.

In Ximen Mansion lived a handsome young man wearing brocade clothes. He was another tyrant in Wudu County.

Ximen Qing!

And he He is also a famous figure in Wudu County's reward order!

Before entering the mansion, there was a loud noise at the door.

"don't want! I don’t want to marry Ximen Qing as a concubine"

"I can't tolerate you!!"

"Take me away by force!"

At this moment, in this mansion, a woman wearing a red wedding dress is struggling.

She looks like a poor woman who was forcibly taken into the Ximen Mansion.


At this time, the door was pushed open.

Two male servants dragged a young girl's legs into the door.

There was also a middle-aged housekeeper yelling and cursing.

Apparently he was preparing to sell it.

Seeing this scene , Huang Rong's eyes were about to burst, and she immediately rushed forward.

"Get out of here!!!"

Huang Rong burst out with the momentum of a warrior and scolded these two people.

"Hehe, where did this beautiful girl come from? She is quite fierce!"

The two slaves said with a smile.


Then Huang Rong waved the whip on her waist and hit the two people, knocking them to the ground.

Looking at Huang Rong who suddenly appeared, the middle-aged housekeeper said with a cold face:

"What a naughty and aggressive girl"

"In this case, I will let you serve our master tonight!!!"

Having said that, the middle-aged butler shot out and hit Huang Rong's head.

His strike was extremely fast, as fast as thunder.

It is obvious that the middle-aged butler's cultivation has reached the level of a first-class peak warrior. , he is not weak anymore.


In an instant, the middle-aged housekeeper arrived in front of Huang Rong.

At this moment, the blind uncle holding the wind-listening knife moved his ears and shouted in a deep voice


This sentence, like a thunderclap, fell into the heart of the middle-aged housekeeper.

His body trembled involuntarily and his steps stopped for half a beat.


At the same time, the blind man held a listening knife from a distance. Attacked from everywhere.

The Wind Listening Knife turned directly into a spirit snake flying blade and shrouded the middle-aged butler.


The next moment, the middle-aged butler's chest was pierced.

He looked down at his chest with wide eyes. Tingfeng Dao was in disbelief.

Then he slowly fell down.

The blind man killed the middle-aged housekeeper with one blow, but his eyes remained unmoved.

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