"Zodiac crab is not a rare ingredient....."

Alice stretched out her hand and nodded her chin, she really knew a lot about yellow crabs, so when she heard Xiaolan's inquiry, she directly explained: "This is a kind of sea crab distributed in the North Sea, as well as in the North Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea. "

"This sea crab is stout and very suitable for cooking, you see, its body surface is reddish-brown, the carapace is round, the pincers are black, it is very recognizable!"

"There are a lot of yellow crabs in the Northeast Atlantic, and they can grow old at will, from Norway in the north to North Africa in the south. The crab's habitat is to be brought down to a depth of 100 times in shallow water. "

Alice grew up in Northern Europe and was not too familiar with yellow crabs.

"Oh..."Xiaolan and the girls suddenly realized, there are too many of them who don't understand, but one thing they understand, the yellow crab is a local specialty crab, and the island country is imported, but it is not rare. "

"What does the crab king mean?" Yuan Zi asked curiously, "I heard something from the audience, it seems that this yellow crab that Erina took out is very powerful?"

"It's amazing..."

It was not Alice who answered the garden, but Kobayashi Gentian, she stretched out her tongue and swallowed her lips, and looked at the yellow crab crab king that Scarlet Sand handed to Erina, and explained: "There are many ordinary yellow crabs, not rare, and they are more expensive in the island country because of imports. "

"But the crab king is different. "

"The size of the king crab is three times that of the average yellow crab, it is the existence of one in ten thousand, it depends on luck to meet, money alone can not buy, the meat is very delicious. "

"Not only that, the yellow crab itself is nothing, but the crab king is the best in the whole seafood category, and it is the best ingredient that every chef craves to cook. "

"It's also the food that every foodie craves. "

As he spoke, Kobayashi Gentian looked at the home port of the Crab King even more red, and unconsciously showed his cute little canine teeth.

"It's a rare and delicious ingredient..."

Alice licked her tongue after that, she had lived in Northern Europe for a long time, followed her mother, and had the privilege of tasting a dish made with yellow crab king meat, which was absolutely delicious.

Like these ingredients, it is a waste to cook them with a chef who is not a star.

"Well, we don't know much about what ingredients cherish..."Haruko Akagi interjected, "If you want to buy this ingredient, how much will it cost?"

Of course, Haruko Akagi is not a person who cares about money, but she and Xiaolan are not professional chefs, and they do not have a correct understanding of the preciousness of the so-called ingredients.

However, there is a so-called price for precious things, and if you understand this, you can get a general idea.

"The price..."Akane Kubo Momo lifted the bear in front of him and said, "This thing has a price, but three months ago, a fisherman caught the Yellow Crab King and put it up for auction, and the transaction price was about 30 million." "

"Thirty million!?"

Yuan Zi and Xue Nai didn't think there was anything, although 30 million island coins was a lot, it wasn't too much, but Haruko Akagi, Nanako and Xiaolan were shocked.

Thirty million, equivalent to two million federal dollars, is enough to buy a good apartment, and it is also a lot of money for them.

However, they are wrong to think so....

Akane Kubo added a unit at the end: "It's federal coins!"


"Federated Coins!?"

At this moment, even Yuan Zi and Xue Nai, Bai Fumei, were shocked, and they were as rich as them, and they didn't try to eat crabs worth 30 million.

That's crazy, right!?

This bite goes down, it's a luxury villa!


This thing, if you sell them, you may not even be able to afford a crab leg.

It's simply..

Sure enough, they are not people of the same level, and their friends have not done it~~

In fact, what Xiaolan Sannu didn't know was that this kind of top-notch ingredient was generally only cooked by chefs above the three-star level, and they could earn one-tenth of the value of the ingredient by cooking such an ingredient.

Chefs, they are not weak in making money...

Of course, with Nagi Kiriga's power, it is not difficult for Erina to get this ingredient, and there is no need to pay such a high price, Nagi Kiri family has their own fishing ground, and occasionally replenishes the top ingredients and sends them back.

This time, it was also Erina's luck.

Moreover, cooking such top-notch ingredients is a greater training for the chef's heart and strength, which is why Erina did not hesitate to come up with this ingredient to compete.

"I actually took out the best ingredients, the Zodiac Crab King, Erina-sama is very serious!"

"Erina-sama doesn't want to lose the game, so naturally I'll do my best!"

"It's the first time I've seen the Yellow Crab King grow so big!"

"It's amazing, just looking at this size, I have an urge to go up and take a bite of meat. "

The students who watched the competition were once again excited, and Erina was really generous in coming up with such precious ingredients.

Yellow crab crab king, that is a rare aristocratic ingredient in the world that can be eaten.

In fact, not to mention these ordinary students, even the five people who were judges couldn't help but swallow their saliva.

In some dishes, the ingredients alone are mouth-watering.

Of course, those who will salivate must have enjoyed this kind of food.

"Senzaemon, it's a big deal!" Wang Baihe restrained his mood and glanced at Nagi Senzaemon beside him with a flat expression.

He didn't believe that Erina used such good ingredients, and this commander-in-chief and grandfather would not know.

"Yuanyue's guest lecturer is not so good. Nagi Senzaemon also replied calmly: "Actually, you can also help Xiao Sheng." "

"I think. Wang Baihe shook his head and said with a smile: "However, he doesn't want to!"

He said, no!

Well, in fact, Higashino Sheng is absolute, the game is guaranteed to win, there are good ingredients, why doesn't he keep it for himself?

Is it stupid?

While everyone was shocked by the ingredients that Erina had brought out, more people looked in the direction of Higashino Sheng, and they were curious about what kind of ingredients this person would come up with and how precious they would be.

With Higashino Sheng's background and his current worth, no one thinks that he can't get the same level of ingredients as the Zodiac Crab King.

At this time, Megumi Tasoko, who had the same idea as these audiences, walked to the side and opened the lid.

Then, she froze...

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