"Come on, hit me, you idiot!"


  I can't take it anymore!

  She has never suffered such grievances since she was a child!

  This guy is the first! ! ! .

Chapter 202

  I have never seen such an arrogant person.

  Shokuhou Misaki felt that if he didn't give the person in front of him some color to look at.

  It really doesn't give itself any face at all.

  Take the initiative to challenge herself, she will never tolerate it!

  But the man in front of him is obviously a superhuman.

  Moreover, his abilities had been used against him before, and it still seemed to have no effect.

  This makes Shokuhou chooqi difficult.

  If it goes on like this, I really don't know what to do.

  "Forget it, I won't tell you this, take me around in the academy city!"

  Bai Ye touched his chin, and the girl in front of him seemed to be very suitable.

  Compared to Crowley, he still prefers to walk with normal girls.


  Bee-eaters do not do prayers.

  You and the person in front of you will never die!

  If you want to take him around in Academy City by yourself, don't even think about such a thing.

  "That can't be helped."

  Bai Ye sighed, seeing him like this, she felt a burst of pride in her heart.

  Although he can't find Bai Ye's flaws in his own abilities.

  But if you want to promise yourself, it is absolutely impossible.

  Just saw a mirror appear in front of Bai Ye, facing Shokuhou.

  Immediately afterwards, a person exactly like himself appeared.

  "Since you don't bring me, you can only use this clone. Speaking of which, the clone is actually similar to me."


  What do you mean?

  This is implying myself! ?


  This is already expressing itself.

  Shokuhou Caoqi was angry and surprised at the same time.

  The other party can actually copy himself out.

  Simply incredible.

  But now is not the time to think about such things.

  The replica is actually similar to the person himself, isn't he implying himself?

  How could she succumb to this person in front of her.

  "What are you doing looking at me like this, can't you just let her take me around here?"

  The innocent expression on Bai Ye's face, if it weren't for the previous paragraph, she would have really believed it.

  Even so, Shokuhou Misaki couldn't believe it.

  After a short contact, she knew very well that this guy had no morals at all.

  It is better to believe him than to believe that the sow will climb the tree.

  "I'll take you away!"

  Shokuhou Caoqi gritted his teeth, wishing he could tear the man in front of him to pieces.

  Later, she must find a chance, and then erase the memory of this man.


  It's not enough to erase the memory, and I want to make him even more disgusting.


  This is the consequence of offending her, Miss Shokuhou.

  "Don't be so reluctant. I don't think you are very happy to be so reluctant. In fact, I think you should go back earlier."



  This bastard did it on purpose.

  Must be!

  She doesn't know where Shokuhou Caoqi is, Bai Ye said that on purpose.

  If I left, there would still be a copy here.

  He had invited himself before, and changed his face in the next second, my dear, is this because he thinks he is in the way here?

  "No, I have to take you there. I am most familiar with this Academy City!"

  Shokuhou Cao Qi still doesn't believe it.

  I am going to take Bai Ye here today.

  By the way, find an opportunity to give Bai Ye a trick.

  Let him know what happens when he offends himself.

  "Don't force it!"

  "It's not reluctant at all, this is the word of justice, come with me!"

  She said this, but she didn't believe it.

  Bai Ye looked at the girl in front of him with a smile, and at the same time, he was also looking forward to it.

  When she knew that she was going to be her teacher, what kind of expression would she have?

  "where are we going?"

  "Of course I'm going to...amnestics...~"."

  Shokuhou Caoqi originally thought of such a close distance, and turned around and used the remote control to directly aim at Bai Ye.

  Even if the other party wants to take precautions, it is estimated that they will not be able to react.

  But the next second, when she looked at the white night that still didn't change, she fell into deep suspicion.

  "Would you believe me if I said I was joking?"

  Shokuhou Caoqi grabbed his hand, and his eyes were a little erratic and he didn't dare to look at Bai Ye.

  I wanted to make a sneak attack, but the sneak attack didn't succeed at all.

  She was also stared straight at by the person involved, and even her face was a little overwhelmed.

  "What do you say?"

  Bai Ye looked at Shokuhou Caoqi with a smile, knowing that she wouldn't do nothing so easily.

  But I didn't expect her to attack so quickly.

  "It seems that you are not very happy. Let's part ways. You go back first."

  "it is good!"

  Shokuhou Cao thought that the opponent's ability had been canceled, and he hurried away before it was copied.

  Just don't get caught in the mirror.

  After running away, she was actually somewhat empty in her heart, and she was simply run away by herself.

  What about that guy?

  and many more!

  You care about what that unscrupulous bastard does.

  Shokuhou Misaki hurriedly wanted to get rid of it.

  Just the next second, she felt that she should go back and have a look first.

  It's better if it doesn't show up.

  With this idea in mind, Shokuhou Caoqi carefully returned to the place where he left, only to see Bai Ye still in the same place.

  Looking at him standing, Shokuhou Caoqi felt a little smug in his heart, he didn't know where he was going without it, right?

  Who told him to offend himself?

  Just the next second, the clone that came out of the mirror made her stunned.

  None of them are copied, and the result can still come out of the mirror.

  Is it a permanent copy! ?

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