If you invite yourself over, you must pay a price.

  "Good or bad..."

  Everyone sighed in their hearts for a while, but they didn't expect that Bai Ye would actually use this kind of trick in order to pull people, which is really bad.

  But...well done!

  "Master Bai Ye, will you go after breakfast?"

  "Of course, otherwise I'll go there, and I didn't say that I want to pack breakfast for me!"

  After breakfast, of course.

  Otherwise, the ghost knows if there is any there.

  "Well, then I'll do it."

  Thor happily came to the refrigerator, opened the refrigerator and started looking for the ingredients for today's breakfast.

  Every day I want to do what a maid should do for Bai Ye.

  After a delicious breakfast.

  Bai Ye first called Aleister Crowley, the general chairman of Academy City, and it will be over soon.

  I asked for the address, and I will go there later, and I don't need Aleister Crowley to pick me up.

  He wanted to go shopping in Academy City first.

  According to the address he gave, using space teleportation, Bai Ye came to Academy City.

  Standing high in the sky and looking down.

  I have to say that the technology here is really developed, and it is even worse than the outside where you are.

  Academy City is surrounded by high walls, and is closely guarded by the guards, and there are artificial satellites monitoring the inside and outside at all times.

  Using the folding of space, plus he moved directly from space.

  Naturally, these defensive forces could not find him.

  Walking aimlessly in the academy.

  He found himself really stupid.

  I actually thought of coming here to find a superpower to preach.

  As a result, it is not encountered at all now.

  I should have gone directly to Aleister Crowley before I knew it.

  "It's really big!"

  "This is your first time here?"

  A man around him gave Bai Ye a strange look.

  Judging from the expression on Bai Ye's face, he probably came here for the first time.

  At this moment, he couldn't help but feel a little proud.

  I have been here for so long, and I can finally catch a newcomer and talk about things I don't know, so as to satisfy my vanity.

  "I told you, you'd better be careful here, after all, this is Academy City. Of course, if you ask me, I will tell you mercifully!"

  Idiot this guy is...

  Bai Ye stroked his forehead, feeling a little pain in his head.

  How can I meet an idiot myself.

  "Although I know I'm coming to you now, I still can't wait to meet you, Mr. Bai Ye..."

  A gentle voice behind them interrupted the two, and they turned to look, Aleister Crowley was standing behind them.

  I looked at Bai Ye with a smile, and it is really not as good as seeing it, it is really good.

  "That...you are..."

  The person who was a little complacent in front of Bai Ye before was shocked at this moment.

  As someone from Academy City, how could you not know Aleister Crowley?

  "I still want to go."

  "You want me to take Mr. Bai Ye around. After all, this place is really big. If you go alone, it's easy to get lost."

  Aleister Crowley was very polite, although he knew that rushing to Bai Ye might not be happy.

  But who said he was already looking forward to it.

  The person who personally invited over here is this.

  "Forget it, let's just talk about things directly."

  Without that mood, he actually didn't want to go shopping with Aleister Crowley.

  This guy can be both male and female, and he doesn't want to go with this guy.

  After the two left, the passer-by suddenly felt like an idiot at this moment, and he wanted to put on airs, but the good guy was the one that the chairman personally met.

  Overarching Council.

  The two are sitting face to face...  

  While Bai Ye was observing Crowley, the other party was also looking at Bai Ye.

  Neither of them seemed in a hurry to speak.


  Crowley smiled to show his friendliness, and said: "Mr. Bai Ye is really amazing. After sneaking in, I didn't even find it, if it wasn't because of space fluctuations..."

  As the chairman of the board, he constantly monitors the entire Academy City. If it weren't for this subtle spatial fluctuation, he felt that he would not have been able to discover Bai Ye.

  The opponent's strength has reached a new level in his heart.

  I have to say that Bai Ye didn't pay attention to it. He didn't come here to do damage.

  So there is no need to hide it.

  "Being able to spot fluctuations in space, the chairman is not an ordinary person."

  "Would you like to join the general council of our Academy City?"

  "Need not!"

  Bai Ye shook his head and refused, he didn't want to join this.

  "This is an organization with great power, does Mr. Bai Ye really not think about it?"

  Crowley looked at Bai Ye with a smile.

  It feels like he refuses so quickly, maybe he doesn't quite understand how much power this organization has.

  Immediately afterwards, he slowly explained briefly the power of the overarching council.

  The Academy City Council is the highest authority in charge of the judicial, legislative, executive, military, and diplomatic powers of the Academy City.

  It consists of 1 chairman and 12 directors.

  Overall management and rule over the city, enjoying aristocratic privileges.

  "So what, even with so many rights, not yet..."

  Forget it.

  The first time I came, Bai Ye still didn't talk about those things.

  Most of the directors are despicable characters who will do anything for personal gain, and they are intriguing with each other.

  The dark and cruel world of Anbu is built in the academy city.

  But there are also a few who really care about the interests of their students.

  Three directors were killed by the winds ahead in the events of September 9.

  But Aleister said there was more to be added.

  Including the two directors killed on October 10, a total of five directors were killed.

  What if there is a right?

  It is not easy to be killed, and this organization is actually a bit corrupt.

  Why should you join in here?

  Joining the Steering Council also means that you have a lot of responsibilities.

  He wouldn't put himself into it, the purpose of coming here is impossible for Bai Ye to forget.

  He came to dig people, not to bind himself to Academy City.

  "Looking at Mr. Bai Ye's appearance, he seems to know a little bit about our overall council?"

  "After all, it's the famous Academy City. I believe there are not many people in this world who don't understand it at all, right?"

  On the bright side, Academy City is a big force.

  Just like his current office, there are many powerful people here, but they are not famous, and here is both famous and powerful.

  It is estimated that few people do not know Academy City.

  There are superpowers in the scientific world, and magic in the religious world.

  Reality and unreality.

  On one side is the academy city with super-advanced technology and full of machines, and on the other side is the magical world full of bibles and alchemy.

  "I invited Mr. Bai Ye to cooperate. You, who have great power, and Academy City, which has resources, will benefit both parties if they cooperate."

  There is no conflict of interest at all in a firm based on the interests of Academy City and White Night.

  They wouldn't go to a firm of the type like Bai Ye's.

  And Bai Ye probably won't make them like this, so there is no conflict of interest.

  If the two forces can unite, they can also suppress religious magic.

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