What's more, there are still many tragedies in this world. If you can change it yourself, it will be the best.

  But as a newcomer, Elsa felt that she was too inferior, and she never even took a card.

  I believe in science: [I have never drawn, but I have some points, and I will draw a card to try later. 】

  Baiyue has been messing with her own affairs recently, ever since she traded the system with Qiu Zixi.

  Instantly enlightened.

  I'm a sister control: [cough, you may not believe it when I say it, I have never drawn a card for a half-old man...]

  Tu Shan Yaya felt that it was necessary to draw a card.

  Otherwise, the old man himself would become a turtle in his skirt.

  Ninja Dance King: [Don't say it, I can't do it! ! ? 】

  Madara Uchiha felt that it seemed impossible to justify not smoking today.

  He can't even smoke!

  Card drawing master: [Ban Ye is domineering, come and come and draw one card in ten consecutive draws, I believe that you can draw something good today! 】

  After trading [-] points from Madara Uchiha, Bai Ye was very happy at this time.

  Unexpectedly, before he even said it, Madara Uchiha couldn't help it.

  Ninja Dance King: [Please stop breastfeeding me, I say that every time I draw a card, I want to hack you to death every time I finish it! 】

  Uchiha Madara feels that this product has to poison himself every time.

  But what came out was really disappointing.

  Don't do it this time! .

Chapter 194

  Eleven cards were traded.

  Madara Uchiha was also a little nervous at the moment.

  But don't pull your hips!

  It's ten draws.

  Qiu Zixi: [Mr. Ban directly draws ten times in a row, or what do you say? 】

  Forever eighteen years old: [One-time draw, I feel that this luck will definitely be good for the bodyguard. 】

  Novice Village Chief: [I haven't seen anyone draw a card for a long time, I think it's a one-time draw, so I can have good luck. 】

  Be my son: [Ban, hurry up and open my eyes, I haven't seen you open for a long time, your magical girl skin is going to be updated! 】

  Ninja Dance King: [Fuck you, what a joke~ I'll be singled out later! 】

  Dog thief!

  To mention this again.

  Uchiha Madara clenched his teeth, secretly thinking that he must beat Whitebeard in the future.

  This forced every day to say that Magical Girl has limited skins.

  Send him a limited skin for the old and the sick later.

  Wait for Grandpa!

  Draw Master: [Open the live draw, show them the good things you have drawn! 】

  Ninja Dance King: [Please stop talking! 】

  Every time I finished speaking in Bai Ye, I could feel that my luck was very bad.

  This stuff is like a crow's mouth.

  He didn't dare to continue talking to Bai Ye at all.

  Not asking for good things, Madara Uchiha just wants some normal things.

  It is best to have the power of a Tenseigan.

  I got three Tenseigans before, but none of them fit in the end.

  Can only rely on drawing cards to draw.

  So Madara Uchiha still has deep expectations for this draw this time.

  At least don't give yourself some messy garbage, Uchiha Madara is already satisfied.

  Card drawing master: [Okay, okay, your boss, you have the final say! 】

  Who told people to come and spend it here?

  Bai Ye didn't say anything at all, but he wanted to see what Madara Uchiha could draw.

  I hope there is a good one, so that it can also drive a wave of card-drawing craze in skirts.

  In the past, every time someone drew something good, someone would continue to draw.

  If you don't get good things, then your enthusiasm will naturally go down.

  live streaming!

  Uchiha Madara started the live broadcast.

  First, I took out a card to test the water.

  The remaining ten cards will be drawn directly in a ten-draw.

  This gift was opened in advance, and it was considered a gift anyway. Even if there was no good thing, Madara Uchiha could accept it.


  【Encyclopedia of flirting skills】

  Ninja Dance King: [...]

  Madara Uchiha looked at the book in front of him.

  Almost didn't vomit blood.

  What is the use of a woman!

  Fire Escape·Big Fire Ball Technique!

  The book was burned directly by a sigh of flame.

  Why do you use this for yourself!

  Wasting an intermediate card and that's it?

  Card Draw Master: [Cough, Madam Ban, you don't want to trade it to me...]

  I really don't have any money: [I have one to say, I also need a copy, which is a pity. 】

  Forever eighteen years old: [Look, the woman in the skirt pays attention to these two people, be careful in the future! 】

  Qiu Zixi: [Cough, calm down, do you still know Bai Ye's personality? 】

  The village chief of Novice Village: [Bai Ye’s daily reputation has gotten worse! 】

  Good guy.

  This directly reduces the reputation.

  As expected of him, and that book was actually what Uncle Jiu wanted.

  Uchiha Madara is too impulsive.

  Why did it burn.

  I haven't been in love yet, although I have seen the movie, I know that I will be with Aunt Zhe, and there is a female ghost haunting me.

  But he felt that it was somewhat...

  If only there was that book.

  Ninja Dance King: [Without a woman in your heart, draw a sword and be a natural god! 】

  Card drawing master: [Ban Ye, have you ever thought that if you have offspring, it will change the plot? 】

  Ninja Dance King: [...]

  It seems that there is some truth to what Bai Ye said so.

  Is it too late to regret it now?

  He definitely doesn't need a woman, he just wants to change the plot!

  Card Draw Master: [It's fine, anyway, Madam Madara is ready to be a widow king for a lifetime, it's good to be a widow king, at least you won't be bothered by women! 】

  Forever eighteen years old: [So you think we are annoying? 】

  Card Draw Master: [Please don't bring monsters into people! 】

  Forever Eighteen: [...]


  Yakumo Zi gritted her teeth and looked at the words in front of her.

  Deeply ridicule her.

  What is a monster, don't bring it on a woman, can't you be considered a female monster, and also a woman!

  This is deep discrimination.

  And what is trouble!

  Anyway, I used to spend so much with him before, I really don't recognize people!

  Yakumo Zi felt a little resentment in her heart and wanted to go back, but she couldn't find a good reason.

  You can only dive silently, waiting for the next opportunity to come back with another wave of Jedi counterattacks.

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