【Ding!Change the plot successfully, reward: [-] points + one intermediate draw card. 】

  Pretty much has changed.

  There was a glimmer of satisfaction in Bai Ye's eyes.

  In the past few days, almost everything before the new world has been done.

  As for looking for Moria, that has no coordinates, and Bai Ye doesn't want to search aimlessly.

  Unless you can find a flare.

  Besides, he promised Yamato and Xiao Zi to go back.

  Therefore, he has no plans to look for it for the time being.

  "It's a pity, there's one less!"

  A trace of pity flashed across Yakumo Zi's face.

  This time I came here to get a lot of points.

  It's just that I can't find Moria, the hiding and movable sailboat, I can definitely find it if I have time on the vast sea.

  But unfortunately there is no time.

  "Then what are you going to do?"

  "Let's go to Wano country, how about you?"

  Bai Ye turned to look at several people and asked.

  They already have a place to go. As for them, they can do whatever they want. Anyway, they still have three days to play slowly.

  "By the way, give us some gold, and Xixi and I will go shopping."

  "Okay, I'll give it to you later."

  Bai Ye didn't refuse, gold was optional.

  And Nami on the side shrank, why didn't the gold think of giving it to herself.

  "I follow the boss!"

  "Brother Bai Ye, let me follow you to Wano Country."

  Grey Wolf and Miao Miao chose to go to Wano Country together.

  After that, everyone turned their attention to Madara Uchiha.

  "What are you looking at me for!? I'm going to challenge the powerhouses in this world!"

  Madara Uchiha came to this world, of course, to fight.

  There is no need to worry about Whitebeard. After the next upgrade, the chat skirt will have an additional function of fighting in the space inside the skirt.

  Anyone who is a skirt member can enter and fight.

  Therefore, Madara Uchiha is ready to leave this opportunity to the next level of skirts to open.

  At this time, since he has come to the world of pirates, Madara Uchiha thought of challenging other masters.

  I went to the Holy Land in Baiye before, but this time I will go to the Navy Headquarters!

  "Okay, then we'll part with each other first, and I'll take you to where you want to go."

  Send a group of people to where they want to go.

  Bai Ye took Robin and others away and returned to Wano Country.

  After setting up Anilu and others.

  Looking at Xiao Zi and Yamato who were looking at him with vigour and vigour in front of him, a trace of embarrassment flashed across Bai Ye's face.


  They have seen all the good things these days.

  This woman is the devil's son Nico Robin and the little thief cat Nami.

  It's abominable, go out and flirt with girls again!

  "Let me explain first, I have absolutely nothing to do with it!"

  Nami quickly spread her hands and said.

  It doesn't matter to me here at all, this look is a bit penetrating.

  Nami herself is relatively timid, so how can she not be afraid.

  "No more gold?"

  "you can not do that!!"

  Nami was crying.

  This guy knows how to use this to blackmail himself.

  She Nami will never compromise!

  three days later.

  Bai Ye took a look at the newspaper in his hand, Uchiha Madara attacked the Navy headquarters, causing unpredictable losses there, and Uchiha Madara left safely.

  This matter was nailed to the pillar of shame in an instant.

  At the same time, it also refreshed the understanding of Akatsuki once again.

  Terrifying combat power!

  He waved his hand and said goodbye to Xiao Zi and others.

  The moment Bai Ye disappeared, everyone felt a loss in their hearts. Nami couldn't help scratching her hair at this time, but thinking about her hair that was already up, she put it down subconsciously.

  I'm really not used to it.

  The four of them all had their hair up, and Whitebeard couldn't help shaking his head when he saw this, and then he didn't care about that much.

  He just turned to look at Anilu and said, "You and Marco stay here."

  "Humph! I won't listen to your orders, old man. I stay here entirely because of Big Brother Bai Ye!"

  Anilu was completely overwhelmed.

  However, even so, he only listened to Bai Ye.

  He was arranged by Bai Ye to stay here, and for the sake of safety, Whitebeard also asked Marco to stay here.

  By the way, teach Anilu and others to be domineering.

  He is going to leave and return to the territory that originally belonged to him, where he recently left because of his own departure.

  There seems to be something a little out of place.

  Gotta go back and take care of it.

  There are Marco and Anilu, and he also has a large space teleportation array that Bai Ye made for him.

  You can go from Wano Country to your own territory, and you can quickly go to Wano Country from your own territory.

  As long as you are on guard against the infiltration of the World Government.

  "Gu la la la la la, you are really arrogant, kid!"


  He Anilu has always been so arrogant.

  I have never served other people before, and now I only serve one person!


  real world.

  As soon as Bai Ye returned to his house, he saw that the very mourned Evil God Sauce immediately seemed to be resurrected the moment he saw him.

  Then he rushed over quickly, hugged Bai Ye directly, and cried, "You are finally back!"

  At first, he could explain that he was playing by himself.

  But then everyone realized that it wasn't playing at all.

  Evil God Sauce shot himself in the foot, but he couldn't help it. Bai Ye was not at home, so he couldn't remove the mark.

  That thing is still there in the night.

  Now that Bai Ye is back, how can the evil spirit sauce not be excited?

  "Why, I haven't seen me in the past few days, so you miss me like that? Here's why I didn't see you like this before?"

  Look at the mark on Evil God Sauce's face.

  Bai Ye didn't know what the evil spirit sauce was thinking.

  Good guy.

  Exactly as I thought.

  Cthulhu Sauce is probably very uncomfortable these days.

  I still want to fix myself, so I can't lose rice by stealing chickens.

  Give her a lesson for a few days.

  "I'm wrong in Bai Ye. Give it to me!"

  Compared to those, the evil god sauce felt that this kind of insult was the most unacceptable to her.

  Every day I look at their strange eyes, no matter how thick my skin is.

  At this moment, the evil god sauce also wants to choose death.

  Just die directly.

  "Are you wrong? What's wrong? Tell me!"

  A smile flashed across Bai Ye's mouth.

  He was curious, what the evil spirit sauce could say.

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