From here, it doesn't seem to be in Alabasta anymore.

  "Okay, let's go now."

  It just so happened that Madara Uchiha was dancing.

  Bai Ye has nothing to do, so he just brought Nico Robin to the underground imperial tomb in Alabasta.

  A space transfer can be done, and it doesn't take much time to go back and forth.

  A huge stone monument stands in front of you.

  Robin wanted to get up, but she couldn't get up at all when she was being carried.

  "That's okay, can we hug you later?"

  Nico Robin patted her forehead and was completely defeated by Bai Ye.


  Is following the white night really the best choice?

  "it is good."

  Put Robin down and let her read the historical text, while Bai Ye is curious to read the words above that he can't understand.

  That's it, can you really record that much news?

  Robin looked at it from above, there is some information about the history of Alabasta, and it also records Hades.

  He glanced at Bai Ye subconsciously, and then returned to normal.

  "It's Hades, I don't like an island in one move with this weapon."

  "You can't even see an island with one shot?"

  Nico Robin wondered.

  This is called the most ferocious warship in history.

  "When I went to the Holy Land before, if it wasn't blocked by the people below, the Holy Land would have been completely destroyed by my one move, but even that was half broken, so Hades is useless to me at all! "


  Before, I thought Bai Ye was trying his best, but you told me that you would just do whatever you want?

  She felt like her worldview had been refreshed.

  "Let's be honest with you, these things are terrifying to you, but in fact, I think they are all rubbish. Even a general is just a trick in front of me."

  The ceiling of this world is Whitebeard and others.

  He is now a star-burst combat power, and it is not too simple to destroy the world of pirates.

  I was just playing here before.

  "I've always been very strange, you seem to have suddenly appeared, using all kinds of strange abilities..."

  Robin gave Bai Ye a deep look.

  She is not a fool. In fact, when she was investigating the intelligence, she knew that Bai Ye and the others were definitely not easy.

  This does not belong to the power of Devil Fruits at all, they have all kinds of abilities, they are just like monsters.

  And they didn't appear in the previous information, as if they suddenly appeared.

  No one is a fool.

  At this moment, many people have their own guesses about their origins.

  "Curious? Shall we find a place to chat slowly?"

  "I don't dare to be alone with Mr. Bai Ye. Otherwise, if a person is drunk and ready to do something, I'm not very dangerous then?"

  A strange smile flashed across Nico Robin's mouth.

  When she fainted before, she felt like she was going to die.

  But I didn't expect Yakumo Zi and the others to come back.

  "I was going to take you to rest before, so I can't leave you drunk there, right?"


  All are excuses!

  Nico Robin didn't know that when Bai Ye said this, he probably wouldn't believe it himself.

  "Now that you've seen it, let's go."

  Holding Nico Robin and sniffing the fragrance on her body, Bai Ye thought about it and kissed her on the face. Facing Robin's surprised gaze, the two moved directly to Gaya Island.

  At this moment, it is all over here.

  next stop.

  Sky Island!Long.

Chapter 185

  "I feel like you're a little weird, saying that Robin is awake?"

  Qiu Zixi gave Bai Ye a strange look.

  But then again, Robin, who was dizzy before, actually woke up.

  "Well, you are Mr. Bai Ye's partners, right?"

  Looking from left to right, it was someone Robin had seen on the intelligence before.

  The rest were people who had just emerged for a while, and she knew Whitebeard.

  This is called the most powerful man in the world.

  "You just left?"

  Yakumo Zi turned to look at Bai Ye, who had been paying attention to Bai Ye before.

  When it disappeared, Yakumo Zi felt it.

  "Are you still gone?"

  A strange look flashed in Qiu Zixi's eyes.

  They fought here before, these two people won't leave and fight, right?

  "Well, Robin will take her to read the text of Alabasta when she wakes up. She promised her before."

  Bai Ye promised Robin before that he would take her to see the historical text of his will.

  Now that she's awake, I'll take her there to take a look.

  "You are really kind."

  Yakumo Zi looked at the two carefully, but didn't see anything unusual.

  One is thick-skinned and the other is good at acting.

  How could it be possible to see something from the two faces.

  Robin was really surprised, after all, she didn't expect Bai Ye to suddenly attack.

  But after the reaction, there are not so many ideas.

  "Let's go, go to the empty island and say there is still a lot of gold on it, do you want it?"

  "No, what's the use of this thing."

  The group shook their heads, gold didn't work for them at all.

  Even Whitebeard, who is a pirate, is actually not very eager for treasure at all.

  But they didn't need it. After Nami next to her heard that there was gold, her entire eyes turned into the shape of money.

  Is the rumor of the scent of gold true?

  If you really have a lot of gold, then you will be rich.

  "That, brother Bai Ye, I remember that you seem to have a space ability, you can put everything down and take it away, right?"


  Bai Ye gave Nami a strange look.

  He didn't remember before that Nami called him Bai Ye's brother.

  Wouldn't it be because of the gold?

  According to Nami's character, it seems that this is really possible.

  "Yo, it's still brother Bai Ye!"

  "It's a little sour."

  Qiu Zixi covered her nose, and I smiled at Yakumo Zi.

  I always feel that Yakumo Zi is a little bit against Bai Ye now.

  This is really what I told her, don't you want to see them fall into Bai Ye's clutches?

  Obviously not that simple...

  "Brother Bai Ye, the gold is also put there. Since you all don't want it, then I will accept it with reluctance!"

  Thinking of the legend of Golden Land, Nami couldn't help but swallow her saliva.

  A flash of desire flashed in his eyes, if he took all the gold, he would become one of the richest people in the world in one fell swoop.

  You must know that if the legend of the Golden Township was true, it must have the gold that made the whole world go crazy.

  She was moved.

  "No need, you don't have to be so reluctant!"

  Bai Ye looked at Nami with a smile, but she didn't see any reluctance at all.

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