"Let's go."

  Bai Ye didn't care about the girl in front of him, they didn't come here for this matter.

  The purpose of rescuing Cocoa West Village is to score points.

  After the group came to the Evil Dragon Park, Aaron, who was basking in the sun, was stunned for a moment. Seeing this group of humans, he dared to find himself.

  However, I don't seem to have seen it before, is it from somewhere else?

  A cruel smile flashed on the corner of Aaron's mouth, and it seemed that he could charge more for protection.

  Just the next second, after seeing two of them, Aaron panicked instantly.

  Although he has been nesting in the East China Sea, he has been watching the bounty.

  The most vicious criminals and the strongest men in the world!

  Why did they come here.

  Before he could speak, a burst of energy instantly destroyed the entire Evil Dragon Park, and even the murlocs inside were killed together.

  The villagers of Cocoyashi Village, who were watching outside, were staring blankly at all this.

  Aaron, who had enslaved them for so long, was simply killed.

  "It's easy, let's go."

  Bai Ye touched his chin, then took out the chart and looked at it. The next important plot point is estimated to be Colonel Mouse and Monka.

  Including the following Keya plots, which generally involve important characters in the plot, if you change the points, you will get more points.

  "Please wait!"

  Nami gritted her teeth and looked at all the things in front of her. She seemed to have made up her mind. She looked at them solemnly and said, "May I leave with you?"


  Bai Ye and the others looked at each other, but they didn't plan to bring the oil bottle.

  I really have no money: [Actually, you can take it with you. Think about it, isn’t it an opportunity to change the plot by taking away the members of the Straw Hat Pirates? 】

  The village chief of Novice Village: [Isn't this a bare commander? 】

  Sister Shinobu: [The world itself has changed, it seems to be no problem to take it away, and there are points,]

  Call me Lady Queen: [If it's me, I'll take it too, not to mention that you can't read the coordinates, isn't this person very powerful? 】

  Kaisha is Bichi: [Indeed, if you don't understand the coordinates, you might as well bring someone who knows the coordinates, so the transmission can be more accurate, and there are points for changing the plot, why not do it? 】

  The words of the person in the skirt also gave Bai Ye and others, who had already made a decision, a new idea in their hearts.

  Maybe it really can be taken away.

  "Wait a minute, we'll discuss it."

  After Bai Ye finished speaking, several people formed a circle and discussed each other.

  Nami was also very nervous at this time. She didn't know whether the group of people in front of her were good or bad, but as they said, there are also bad people in the navy.

  Since they came from the new world, they must be able to sail the whole world with them.

  It is Nami's dream to draw a map of the world, but without strength, this is absolutely impossible.

  She also knows that her strength is very weak in the East China Sea, not to mention other sea areas.

  The group of people in front of them have helped him, although it may be for his own purposes, but this is also an indirect help.

  "How about it?"

  "Why don't you take it, anyway, you can throw it to Wano country later."

  Whitebeard suggested.

  Just take it, and then throw it in Wano Country and let her be there.

  Anyway, that side now belongs to its own territory.

  "We're fine."

  A few of them came here to earn points, and it would be no problem if they had this opportunity.

  After everyone decided for a while, they decided on the matter and took Nami with them.

  "Okay, then you can follow us. It just so happens that I have a nautical chart here. You can help me determine the place."

  Bai Ye handed the nautical chart to Nami, which he couldn't understand, but after Nami got it, her eyes instantly lit up.

  Isn't this a nautical chart of the East China Sea?

  Tell Bai Ye how to get there one by one.

  Immediately afterwards, after a space shuttle, Nami finally knew what speed was for a master.

  She, who was in Cocoa West Village just now, has now arrived at the naval branch.

  Colonel Mouse happily lit the money, but the next moment he couldn't smile.

  In less than a day, the entire East China Sea was directly swept away.

  And the world is boiling.

  Because Whitebeard and Baiye appeared in the East China Sea at the same time, and there are other members, who are also dressed in the same black and red cloud as before.

  Xiao organization! ! !

  "When did that bastard with Whitebeard pass by!!"

  Sengoku looked at the information in his hand like gnashing his teeth.

  According to the information from the new world, Whitebeard should still be in Wano, why did it appear in the East China Sea?

  And it's still with the white night that disappeared for a while, and there are others.

  Putting the photo in front of everyone, except for Nami, everyone else was wearing the same clothes.

  "Could it be false information?"

  Huang Yuan took a sip of tea, but he was not as excited as Warring States.

  After all, the information may also be false, and these are all uncertain.

  "Impossible, this was given to us by the traitor we planted inside, and that white night has the power of space, which means..."

  In fact, the Warring States can be certain in his heart.

  It is because of Bai Ye's ability that they can go anywhere at will.

  "It's really scary, as expected of a monster with a reward of [-] billion!"

  There was a bit of teasing in Kizaru's tone, and Akainu frowned at the same time, then looked at the Warring States and asked, "How about we go to encircle and suppress it together!?"

  If the three generals and Garp are dispatched at the same time, no one can escape, right?

  "No, the other party has space ability!"

  Crane shook his head and directly denied Akainu's idea.

  Before the other party's spatial ability was found to be cracked, it was impossible for them to catch them in the past.

  "It is now necessary to know what their purpose is...".

Chapter 182


  Sengoku feels a little pain in his head,

  At present, this organization has suddenly appeared, and besides Bai Ye and Baibeard, several more people have appeared.

  Strength doesn't know what's going on.

  The fighting strength of Bai Ye and Whitebeard is already known.

  It's basically kicking Kaido to fight.

  In such a terrifying organization, the strongest men in the world have joined it.

  The Warring States period feels that the water in this world is really a little deep.

  Even the world government that has existed for [-] years does not know about this organization.

  Is it so terrifying, if it doesn't come out, it's really amazing when it comes out.

  Now this situation is really surprising people's jaw.

  "We must know their purpose now, otherwise it will be like being led by the nose, and such a terrifying organization, I have a hunch that it may be more annoying than revolutionaries!"

  It is the Tianlong people that the revolutionary army really fears, not the navy.

  For the forces of terror at sea, the Navy is most concerned about this.

  For example, the Four Emperors, Qiwuhai, and Supernova, including powerful combat power.

  They just need to take care of these things.

  Don't overdo it, balance is above all else.

  "Wait for the investigation over there, let's not act without authorization."

  Now the Warring States period has not found an absolute opportunity, or until it is clearly understood, will definitely not do it.

  After all, in the current situation, who knows what the outcome of their actions will be.

  The plans made by the Warring States never acted rashly.

  "If it goes on like this, it feels like their purpose is to do something on the sea."

  There was some laziness in Qingzhi's tone.

  I always feel that the purpose of this group of people is definitely not that simple.

  What's more, Whitebeard can actually leave the new world and follow them to act together.

  Obviously this is not a good sign.

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