If they also follow along, it seems a little bad for what they are going to do next.

  After all, they seem to be all skirt members here.

  "Cough, I just mentioned it casually when I asked it yesterday."

  Whitebeard's eyes were a little erratic, but he was indeed the one who mentioned it yesterday, and then answered it himself.

  You can't hide it from the fact that you know it.

  And let Bai Ye decide.

  "Well, maybe next time, this time we have something to do, but don't worry, I will definitely come to you often."

  Bai Ye thought about it for a while, and felt that this time it was okay, this time it was business.

  Of course he couldn't take people with him.


  A trace of loss flashed across Xiao Zi Da and their faces.

  I originally thought that I could go with them, but I didn't expect that Bai Ye didn't seem to have any intention of taking them with them.

  How can this not be lost?

  But the next second, after Bai Ye whispered a few words in their ears, both of their faces turned red.

  Really not ashamed at all!

  "Then you have to remember!"

  Xiao Zi looked at the people around her, opened her mouth, swallowed her previous words, and reorganized a set of language.

  At present, she does not want to be seen more in this situation.

  That's it, Bai Ye must remember what he said, otherwise he will never forgive him!

  Looking at the backs of the two leaving, Qiu Zixi couldn't help but ask curiously, "What did you tell them, so obedient?"

  This is very strange, what did he say, so obedient...for a long time.

Chapter 180

  "At this time, I have to say something about the charm of a man."

  A smile flashed across Bai Ye's mouth.

  How can I tell my secret?

  A look of helplessness flashed in the eyes of the few people on the side, who didn't know that Bai Ye was talking nonsense.

  What kind of man's charm is just nonsense.

  They were looking forward to it before, but after the whispering in Bai Ye, the two just left.

  Looking at it this way, it is obviously not a charm, but there must be a big problem in the previous words.

  "Do you think we'll believe you if you say that?"

  Yakumo Zi muttered silently.

  It's really shameless to this point.

  I admire you!

  "What if you don't believe it?"

  Bai Ye looked at Yakumo Zi with a smile, and when he looked at him like this, Yakumo Zi felt something was wrong at this time.

  If this person's eyes really have to be replaced with those of the past, she must dig them out.

  However, the anger is not so severe now.

  What's more, he is not necessarily Bai Ye's opponent, and the rules of chatting skirts are more restrictive, and they cannot make hands with each other.

  Faced with a shameless person like Bai Ye, Yakumo Zi really has nothing to do.

  So, she set her eyes on Miaomiao.

  Seeing her like this, Miaomiao felt that her whole cat was bad.

  What's the matter, do you have to fight the things that the boss has caused?

  Looking weakly at Bai Ye, Miaomiao felt that she could only rely on Bai Ye now.

  Later, if Yakumo Zi starts, although there are skirt rules, it's okay to beat herself.

  "What do you see me doing? You have to bear what you did just now!"

  "Boss, I was wrong!"

  Miaomiao admitted her mistakes again and again, and if it wasn't for Big Big Wolf, she would have gone up a long time ago.

  But he just believed Big Wolf and said that he would have no problem, so he believed it himself.

  How can it be ignored now?

  Miaomiao is so cute, does the boss have the heart to watch him be beaten?

  "Look, your boss doesn't protect you anymore. Now let me think about whether to eat braised pork or barbecue?"

  Yakumo Zi touched her chin, a thought flashed in her eyes.

  Looking at her appearance, it seems that she really has plans to eat Miaomiao.

  Miaomiao was immediately scared out of a cold sweat.

  Don't be so scary.

  "I can use ninjutsu to help with the barbecue!"

  Uchiha Madara's words made Miaomiao sweat.

  Looking at Bai Ye aggrievedly, if he doesn't care about himself again, it is estimated that he will have to discuss how to eat.

  "Cat's meat is not tasty, it's sour."

  "You have eaten?"

  Yakumo Zi glanced at Bai Ye strangely, why is he so skilled? Could it be that he has not been able to eat it before?

  "Of course I haven't eaten it, I just heard about it."

  Bai Ye will not eat for those who are messed up.

  He still prefers to eat normal food.

  "Yes, the boss is right, cat meat is really not tasty at all."

  Like grabbing a life-saving straw, Miaomiao quickly emphasized it.

  Sure enough, the boss is the best for himself.

  Even in this situation, he is still willing to help himself, and he will never trust other people's words in the future.

  The boss needs help, it's the first to come on!

  I am incumbent!

  "But Miao Miao has evolved, maybe it will be delicious?"

  Bai Ye's next sentence directly sent Miaomiao from heaven into hell.


  Miaomiao, who was full of tears, was looking at Bai Ye with tears in her eyes.

  Is he the devil?

  There is still such a sentence. I just said that I will follow my lead in the future, but Bai Ye said in the next second that after I mutated, it might be delicious.

  It's really not delicious!

  Can't eat it.

  "Wolf meat shouldn't be delicious..."

  Grey Wolf shrank subconsciously, then took two steps back.

  I always feel a little weird here.

  Can they think about their feelings when they discuss eating Meow Meow?

  It feels that other worlds are really too dangerous. If it is eaten by itself, it may not be able to go back.

  What should Xiao Huihui and his wife do?

  "Forget it, no joke, let's take action with Whitebeard."

  When Bai Ye saw Miao Miao, he was almost frightened, and it was useless to frighten him any longer, so he just started the purpose of their coming here.

  They only have five days.

  Leave in five days.

  Therefore, it cannot be wasted here, not to mention Bai Ye has his own affairs.

  It's not like saying that you have to make fun of meow meow here all the time.

  He really wanted to go up before, and Bai Ye saw it in his eyes. It was enough to talk about it, there was no need to take it so seriously.

  "Well, I have prepared the map, and I don't know the coordinates very well, but probably we can just follow this transmission."

  Whitebeard handed over the map he collected to White Night.

  As for the coordinates, he couldn't understand it, it was usually seen by navigators.

  According to this coordinate, you can slowly find these and change them.

  The first is Orange Village, which is Nami's hometown of Cocoyashi Village.

  In such a weak place, if it was changed to the old one, Whitebeard would definitely not go, but there is no way, there is an important character in the original work, and if you change the plot in the past, you will be rewarded with points.

  Don't leave the points, that's a fool, right?

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