If I remember correctly, in the world of Zhan Chitong, it seems that she was selected.

  I'm a sister control: [Woooooooo, my points are gone! 】

  Originally, Tu Shan Yaya felt that it was more difficult to earn points in this world.

  As a result, it has not yet been selected.

  She was really distressed.

  Prairie Inventor: [Cough, I didn't expect that I was selected, but I haven't told my wife yet, saying that if I stay in this world, will time stand still in my world? 】

  Grey Wolf was stunned.

  He clicked casually, and then was summoned.

  Although I had casually mentioned something to Red Wolf before, I might have to leave for a while.

  But that was just a casual mention, he didn't say it before he left.

  If Red Wolf didn't remember it by then, he wouldn't think he was missing.

  Where is Bengyu: [It won't stand still, some European emperors are really enviable. 】

  Just click and be selected.


  If only there was a fruit of luck.

  The noble son of the demon world: [The world of One Piece has been longing for for a long time, but unfortunately I can't go there now. 】

  Card Draw Master: [What's the matter?Looking for something again? 】

  The noble son of the demon world: [Prepare to remove the demon village...]

  After Sesshomaru knew the plot, he was naturally ready to settle his own affairs first.

  Now it is estimated that the demon village has not been destroyed, so I changed the plot in the past, so that Naraku can change it without realizing it.

  Card Draw Master: [Okay, this is pretty good too. 】

  After Bai Ye finished speaking, he returned to reality.

  Because he saw Xiao Zi and Yamato who came with a mace...

Chapter 179

  has a problem!

  Bai Ye felt that the two people in front of him didn't seem normal.

  If I remember correctly.

  When he left, Bai Ye seemed to have said that he would not come back for a while.

  In other words, they all seem to know-?

  "Hey, some people's shunt debt - ah!"

  Seeing this situation, Yakumo Zi was somewhat gloating on the side.

  I didn't expect to see such a big play just when I came here.

  "Sister Zi is so sour."

  Qiu Zixi hugged Yakumo Zi with a smile, this was the first time the two of them met.

  I have to say, Yakumo Zi looks even better than the description.

  But she didn't want to talk about this. It seemed that there was a bit of a sour taste in her previous words.

  "Don't talk nonsense!"

  Yakumo Zibai gave Qiu Zixi a look, how could she talk nonsense.

  It's just that Qiu Zixi didn't say much, but the Yakumo Zi who was looking at that eye also felt a little strange.

  "Before that, let's take a look at Bai Ye."

  Madara Uchiha pointed to the two people in front and Bai Ye who was about to slip away quietly.

  Now, like Yakumo Zi in his heart, he is somewhat gloating about misfortune.

  His own women's clothing was created by Bai Ye, and now seeing this situation, he felt a burst of relief in his heart.

  "No! As a loyal younger brother of the boss, I want to protect the boss!"

  After Miaomiao finished speaking, a look of determination flashed across her face in the next second.

  As a younger brother, I must go up when the boss needs help!

  How can I watch from behind?

  "You're going to die with that stick... no... you'll definitely die..."

  Grey Wolf touched his chin, and a thought flashed in his eyes.

  According to Yamato's strength, shouldn't Miaomiao be directly killed by a thunderous gossip?

  It is not like itself, it has an immortal body.

  No matter how badly it was hurt, it would get better in the end, at most it was just a pain.

  The pain he suffered in the anime can be said to be a lot.

  If it was another world, it is estimated that they may have already died.

  But their world seems to have no death at all.

  "will die!!!"

  Miaomiao's mind instantly thought of the appearance of being beaten into meat.

  Then he pointed to Bai Ye, a hint of uncertainty flashed in his eyes and asked, "What about the boss?"

  "Brother Bai Ye is definitely fine, their relationship seems to be pretty good again."

  Grey Wolf continued to analyze.

  He felt that Bai Ye would be beaten at most, and Miaomiao would most likely be beaten to death.

  And if Miaomiao is going to save Bai Ye, no matter how you look at it, it seems to be causing trouble.

  Does Bai Ye's strength still need Miaomiao to save him?

  "You seem to be right!"

  Miaomiao after the analysis of Big Wolf.

  He felt that when he went up, he was causing trouble.

  Or don't go up, and say you may be killed.

  The boss will definitely forgive himself!

  "Damn! This unscrupulous meow!"

  There was a cold sweat on Bai Ye's face, and he subconsciously wanted to leave, but the next second he couldn't understand why he wanted to leave?

  Since he dares to come, he can cover it!

  Besides, the mace is Yamato's weapon, so what are you afraid of?

  She holds her own weapon, so it seems to be fine.

  "Yawa and Xiaozi didn't expect you to wait for me here!"

  "Do you have another woman?"

  No nonsense coming up.

  The two directly asked the question that had been buried in their hearts.

  I thought about it for a long time yesterday, and I was about to ask him directly what happened when Bai Ye came.

  The white beard on the side also looked a little erratic at this time. Knowing the truth, he felt that it was a bit inauthentic, but betraying his son seemed not to be authentic.

  Behind him, Marco was also a little nervous at this time.

  Success or failure depends on this step.

  His palms were sweating a lot at this time.

  He had never been so nervous.

  "What are you talking about, how can I have other women here!"

  Bai Ye said helplessly.

  When he came up and asked himself this sentence, he didn't respond for a while.

  Could it be that other worlds have been discovered?

  Beginner Village Chief: [Good guy, you don't even blink your eyes when you lie. 】

  I really don't have any money: [No, no, Ninth Uncle, you are mistaken, what he said is in this world, he really only has two in this world, right? 】

  Qiu Zixi: [The loophole!This is definitely a bug! 】

  Call me Lady Queen: [Humph!It was these two women who came to question Bai Ye from the very beginning! 】

  I'm a sister control: [It seems that they are earlier than you, saying that there are several men in this, you still like it so much...]

  I really have no money: [To be honest, attractive men are just like that, if I were a woman, I would also like it, just kidding! 】

  The noble son of the demon world: [If I remember correctly, your world seems to have many parallel worlds, right? You seem to have a female version? 】

  Card Draw Master: [Please don't come to disgust me! 】

  Even the female version of Iron Man, Bai Ye is absolutely unacceptable.

  Iron Lady, Natasha Stark.

  In this cosmic version of Earth 3490, Iron Man is a woman whose real name is Natasha Stark.

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