Don't you have a reason to back off?

  In fact, Marco also thought about it, there is basically no risk of his being exposed.

  As long as the members of the pirate group don't sell themselves, there will be no problem.

  What's more, Bai Ye beat them up before, and now they definitely won't say it.

  Then Yamato probably won't tell Bai Ye what he casually mentioned.

  So, it's definitely alright.

  I felt a lot of peace of mind all of a sudden.

  "Listen to you, you are brave?"

  Ace looked at Marco with a smile, he always felt that Marco was dying.

  But he is a phoenix, and it seems that it is okay to be walked away.

  "Just kidding, I'm super brave, okay?"

  Marco raised a finger to his proud face.

  I am super brave, this kind of pretense is really cool.

  Facing the worship of many people, Marco never thought that this kind of life could be so cool.

  Just move your mouth to make people worship.

  "But before that, I can tell you that you can't betray me!"

  "Didn't you say you are super brave?"

  Ace was stunned.

  Marco just finished saying that he is super brave, but they don't want to tell them the next second.

  So after all, isn't this scary?

  "No, do you still want to tell Bai Ye what I said?"

  "Of course not."

  They were beaten before, how could they say that.

  In fact, they, like Marko, want to see Bai Ye get beaten up once.

  "Look, that's not it!"

  Since they are all the same, there is no need to say any more.

  Just wait until tomorrow to see.

  Seeing this, Whitebeard, who was in the main seat, couldn't help but shook his head, a hint of helplessness flashed in his heart.

  It always feels like this group of people really has a feeling of shooting themselves in the foot.

  But let's see tomorrow, anyway, this matter is caused by them.

  Then you can just watch it by yourself.

  "Why are you looking at me like that?"

  Whitebeard took a sip of wine, then heaved a sigh of relief, and then saw that a group of people looked at him in a wrong way.

  They don't think they'll tell the truth, do they?

  "Dad, you shouldn't betray us, right?"

  Marco thought that White Night and Whitebeard seemed to have a good relationship.

  Therefore, after Whitebeard slipped his mouth and told Bai Ye this, he would definitely be killed.

  "What do you think?"

  After Whitebeard finished speaking, he took a sip of wine and stopped talking.

  They actually thought they would betray them.

  Do you look like a whistleblower?

  He won't care.

  Anyway, tomorrow I will just watch on the sidelines as a bystander.

  "I can rest assured that."

  Although Dad didn't say it clearly, Marko also understood the meaning of Whitebeard.

  This also made him heave a sigh of relief, and he was afraid that Whitebeard had leaked his words, and that he would be ignorant.

  Fortunately, there is no problem with this. Since there is no problem, Marco is naturally not worried.

  I relaxed in my heart and waited for Bai Ye to come and be beaten tomorrow.

  In a good mood, let Yamato and the others avenge themselves!

  Anyway, Marco felt that he probably couldn't beat Bai Ye in his life.

  If you challenge again, it is estimated that you will be beaten violently.

  "Hey...there's always an ominous feeling..."

  I don't know if it's my own delusion.

  Whitebeard always felt a little uneasy in his heart.

  Marco may be happy now, but it won't be long before he thinks he's going to cry.

  Taking back his thoughts, he poured a mouthful of spirits into his mouth and looked at the sunset above the sky.

  Whitebeard also stopped thinking about those messy things.

  Rest early today and see who will come tomorrow.


  White Night World.

  At this moment, it was night time, and the evil spirit sauce in a night suit also quietly walked out of his room.

  It was very quiet outside, and everyone was probably already asleep.

  It just so happened that Thor was resting in his room today.

  This made Evil God Sauce feel relieved for a while, and his plan could finally be implemented.

  She quietly slipped into Bai Ye's room and looked at Bai Ye who was sleeping soundly. At this moment, she smiled.

  Then he stepped forward and took out some of his own things, and was preparing to pose for a ceremony.

  Looking at the thing that was summoned by him in front of him, the evil spirit sauce smiled.

  Just the next moment, the thing suddenly disappeared, and then a space vortex in front of him directly absorbed the evil spirit sauce.

  In the pitch-black space, while she felt strange in her heart, she suddenly had a bad premonition.

  I have been discovered! ?

  its not right.

  I was still sleeping before, how could this be...

  "I guessed that you would come, but I didn't expect you to come so late!"


  The familiar voice, Evil God Sauce can't hear it, and he has been tricked.

  She didn't expect that her plan would be ended by Bai Ye before it was implemented.

  The previous magic ritual was actually her preparing to summon a kind of ink.

  This is a kind of ink in the world of the evil god that is hard to get rid of when it is written.

  She was going to paint on Bai Ye's face and show them all the next day.

  In this way, her battle plan declared victory.

  This kind of ink can only be washed off with special materials, and this time I have summoned all of them.

  This is a waste of her boss's strength, and there is a lot of ink, but there is only one bottle of this washed thing.

  But I didn't expect Bai Ye to take the lead and put himself in the space.

  "Would you believe me if I said I was here to see you?"

  Cthulhu Sauce felt that it might be too late for him to quibble about it now.

  He hadn't done anything before, so Bai Ye definitely didn't know what he was going to do.

  "Oh, really?"

  "Of course!"

  Seeing Bai Ye seems to have signs of believing in himself.

  The evil god sauce felt that he still had a chance to be rescued.

  So he nodded again and again.

  Looking at her innocent appearance, Bai Ye should believe it, right?

  "Very well, in that case, what is this?"

  The two bottles in Bai Ye's hands were taken from the evil spirit sauce.

  Now the evil god sauce is directly caught in the passive.

  I don't know how to explain it.

  According to her IQ, she didn't know how to explain it at all.

  "This... this is actually just a paint, I just summoned it for you to use!"

  "Are you so nice?"

  "Of course!!"

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