Qiu Zixi: [Please don't show off, who can do that with your card in your skirt? 】

  Forever eighteen years old: [The old thief in the white night thinks about emptying our points every day, and now he is still saying that business is difficult? 】

  I really don't have any money: [It's been so many days, I just sold a fire unicorn, you old thief don't know how many cards have been sold, and I also bought a lot! 】

  Ninja Dance King: [What are the points?Isn't that one for Bai Ye after a while in our pockets? 】

  Be my son: [Anyway, I have sold everything I can to draw cards, and now I have no points left, I am ready to leave the new world to fight the autumn wind. 】

  Card Draw Master: [Whitebeard is ready to act? 】

  Be my son: [Of course, otherwise, would I have to stay in the new world all the time, so I don't have a cent. 】

  Whitebeard was a little helpless.

  If it were the past, he would never leave the new world.

  It's just that in the current situation, I also need to leave the new world to earn points.

  Everyone is making points to become stronger, so it's not like they are still shrinking in the new world, right?

  Card Draw Master: [Did that fly out to sea? 】

  If it has already gone to sea, it seems that there are not many plots that can be changed.

  Be my son: [I haven't gone to sea yet, so I can change slowly, do you want to come over? 】

  Whitebeard suddenly remembered that if Bai Ye had the power of space, he could go to the world quickly.

  And if there is a problem behind you, you can also use the ability of space to come back.

  This ability is such a bug.

  This time, Whitebeard didn't want to bring his sons there.

  Because his territory still needs to be guarded, he won't be stolen from his house after a trip, right?

  But the little pirates are not afraid. Kaido and aunt must keep an eye on them. If they attack and leave by themselves, their sons may not be able to hold back.

  Therefore, at this time, a person who has the space ability and can quickly bring himself back home is needed.

  And in his thoughts, isn't it Bai Ye?

  Card Draw Master: [Come on, it just so happens that I've been fine recently. 】

  He has a lot of time now, and the task has already been done by the people on the website.

  So he doesn't really need to do the task all the time.

  Just like Saitama said, now they are all heroes who are motivated by interest, not heroes who do tasks every day.

  So it is relatively free now.

  And Shiroya also told Thor, Saitama and the others.

  If you often leave yourself, you will travel through time and space to other worlds.

  Therefore, as long as they disappear by themselves, they basically know what happened.

  And before I leave, I will say it myself.

  Qiu Zixi: [Wow!Whitebeard, can we go? ? ]

  Looking at it this way, Qiu Zixi suddenly realized that she seemed to have points.

  If you can follow along.

  Everyone can earn points for changing the plot.

  Forever eighteen years old: [I don't know why, but I suddenly want to meet Bai Ye! 】

  Card Draw Master: [Wow, is this the face of a woman? 】

  Bai Ye feels that this is not to see myself, right?

  I just want points.

  This product has always been black, and basically nothing good has been drawn.

  But people are addicted to black.

  As long as there are points, Yakumo Zi definitely can't control his hands to buy, buy, buy.

  So for points, it doesn't matter from the beginning, and now as long as there is a chance, I will make some myself.

  Ninja Dance King: [White-bearded old man, I hit it off with you, let's go and see it this time! 】

  I really have no money: [I want to go too, cough...]

  Call me Lady Queen: [Add me! 】

  Kaisha is Bitchi: [This competition is as fierce as ever! 】

  Newbie Village Chief: [I haven't been to other worlds, so I'll join one too? 】

  All of a sudden, a group of people got together.

  Whitebeard didn't think much about it, he suddenly burst out laughing.

  Marco and others on the side also felt a little strange at this time.

  "Dad what happened?"

  "I don't know... By the way, I haven't seen Bai Ye recently, so he shouldn't come, right?"

  "Anyway, I don't want to see it anymore. The BT didn't let me go last time he hit me, and now the wound is still aching..."

  Marco really doesn't want to see Bai Ye now.

  I was beaten by him before and it still hurts now.

  He is a phoenix, this injury should have been healed before.

  As a result, after so long, it still hurts, and I don't want to see it again.

  They said it was their uncle, but in the end they didn't give any sympathy at all.

  "Gu la la la la, you are going to be disappointed, you can see it soon."

  Whitebeard laughed.

  There can only be six people here.

  In addition to Bai Ye, five can come, which means that among the people who will come tomorrow, he does not know who they are.

  Bai Ye must bring it with him, after all, the ability of time and space is convenient no matter what.

  Follow the line of the protagonist before, if there is no white night, I don't know how long it will take.

  He can directly take their group through time and space, as long as the coordinates are given to him.

  Then it changes in various places, starting from Orange Village and going all the way to the Chambord Islands.

  As for the new world, Whitebeard doesn't need it, because it still needs some stability, not to mention the fact that the new world's own forces are here.

  Mainly the first half of the Great Route.

  "No way!!!"

  The expressions of Marko and the others changed instantly.

  I don't want to see the white night.

  The last time I was beaten was unclear, and since that time I saw Bai Ye beat Kaido on the live broadcast.

  They felt that they were somewhat arrogant before.

  "Are you saying that Bai Ye will come?"

  Yamato boarded the ship with Xiao Zi, originally wanting to come over and ask White Beard about Bai Ye.

  I didn't expect him to come here this time.

  "Well, it should be over tomorrow!"

  Whitebeard nodded, and Yamato would often come over to ask himself about Baiye and where Baiye was.

  Two loves that cross the world, Whitebeard feels that there is really a white night.

  Every time I have to explain it, fortunately, Bai Ye will come tomorrow.


  Xiao Zi's eyes lit up, not to mention how happy she was at this moment.

  I can finally see Bai Ye. It's been so long, I don't even know how to come to me.


  "Cough, daddy, I'm not feeling well recently, I'm going to go back first..."

  At this moment, the Whitebeard Pirates are still here in Wano Country.

  After hearing that Bai Ye was coming, Marko didn't even think about it, and immediately prepared to run away.

  I don't want to see Bai Ye again.

  The memory of him being beaten is still fresh.

  "I just need your help to guard it. I will be away from the new world for a while recently. If there is anything, I will use a special phone bug to contact me."

  Whitebeard thought for a while, and decided that it would be no problem to let one of them go back.

  If you are not here recently, the territory still needs to be carefully guarded.

  "Dad, are you ready to go!?"

  The Whitebeard Pirates were shocked.

  I didn't expect that Whitebeard was going to leave, so why not bring them?

  Thinking of this, they also quickly said: "Dad, let's go with us too!"

  If his father leaves, he will face the encirclement and suppression of the world government.

  How about that!

  A four emperor and a four emperor regiment, this is not a concept at all.

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