I've never seen someone so stingy.

  He even said the benefits are good.

  Good guy, is it embarrassing to say such a thing?

  "What's your expression like?"


  Ba-chi girl's eyes were a little erratic, and when she thought that she was forcibly signed a contract, Ba-chi girl felt uncomfortable for a while.

  In the future, not only will I lose my freedom, but I have to be careful when speaking.

  How miserable!

  "Let me tell you, you used to live in the rough, right? If you don't have a regular job with food and housing, you will be homeless. You still look a little disgusted with my good treatment?"

  Bai Ye felt that he must have never enjoyed food and shelter.

  That's why it looks a little disdainful.

  When she tastes the benefits of food and shelter, she will be grateful to herself and stay there forever!

  After all, it is not without such an example at home.

  "Come on, I'll take you back first."

  A strange look flashed across Bai Ye's face.

  It seems that every time I go out, I can bring some people back.

  Did you just go out to pick up people?

  【Ding!Mission completed, reward: [-] points + one intermediate raffle ticket. 】

  After returning home, Bai Ye looked at his reward with satisfaction.

  This task went through the scene on its own, not only did it gain an eight-foot girl, but also points and lottery tickets.

  It seems that I will go out more in the future and bring more people back.

  "Who is this?"

  Evil God Sauce looked at the eight-footed girl who was taller than her.

  Suddenly, he looked at Bai Ye strangely.

  Could it be that the taste of this product has changed recently.

  Do you like this type of woman?

  "Bachi girl, you will be partners in the future."

  Bai Ye gave a brief introduction, then pointed to the evil god sauce, and said: "She is called evil god sauce, she is a... devil..."

  "Hey, what do you mean by this pause!?"

  The evil god sauce was not happy for a while.

  Bai Ye said, and then suddenly paused, what does this mean.

  Do you doubt that you are not an evil god?

  You know, she is the highest evil god, yet she still doubts herself.

  Then you have to prove it yourself!

  Just from tonight!

  She has decided!

  Make your own little evil god sneak attack plan tonight.

  Be sure to teach Bai Ye a lesson.

  Due to the contract he signed before, he couldn't do anything with Bai Ye anymore.

  But as for the sneak attack, you don't need to do it directly, she is a scheming evil god sauce.

  If you have to do it yourself, you are such a shameless evil god.

  Today, I will let Bai Ye know what cruelty is.

  Evil God Sauce's signature evil smile appeared on her face at this time.

  Looking at the white night is also a bit confused.

  Good guy, this guy can't hide things on his face at all.

  This kind of laugh, it is estimated that something happened.

  He was really looking forward to what new tricks Cthulhu Sauce could come up with.

  "Laugh, let's see if you can laugh at that time."

  Bai Ye also has a bad idea in his heart at this time, and he will take a good look at it later.

  Cthulhu Sauce didn't even laugh anymore.

  After seeing this scene, the eight-foot girl on the side suddenly had an illusion in her heart.

  These two people have a feeling that they are playing a conspiracy.

  At this moment, Thor, Kona Lukoya and the others opened the door and prepared to come back for a rest.

  Looking at the giant in the room, he subconsciously froze for a moment.

  What's the matter... When did a giant come to the house?

  And Bai Ye and Evil God sauce are both here.

  Therefore, all eyes naturally converged on Bai Ye.

  You don't have to think about it to know, it must have been brought back by Bai Ye.Long.

Chapter 175

  "Eight-footed girl, the one brought back from this mission is a strange girl."

  Bai Ye really couldn't think of how to describe the eight-foot girl.

  But she has a lot of strength.

  It's okay to be called a monster girl in the future.


  Weird woman! ?

  The more she heard it, the more strange it became, and the eight-foot girl felt that it was not as good as her current name.

  Man, this guy is a genius for naming names!

  "Oh, it's a newcomer again!"

  I reacted all of a sudden, and it is estimated that I was deceived as before.

  Every time in the white night, I will flicker, and then I will bring it over to work after signing the contract.

  "That's right, you have to take care of the new couple in the future. I'll give you something later, which will be needed for part-time work."

  That thing was taken to Grey Wolf to be repaired.

  So I can't get it back now.

  You have to wait for it to be done over there before you can bind the device.

  "By the way, what am I doing part-time job?"

  Although the eight-foot girl is here, she is actually a little curious in her heart.

  If you work here, what do you mainly do?

  She has never worked in her life.

  I didn't think I would do such a thing at first, but one day someone signed a contract and was forcibly brought over to work.

  This was something she didn't expect.

  "It's just doing the task, in short, you will know about that thing later."

  There are tutorials for beginners in it, even people with IQ problems can know what's in it.

  In short, he has no intention of explaining it now.

  Then she'll understand what's going on.

  "ok, I get it."

   Once the contract is signed, she will follow the contract.

  What's more, the current goals of the two are the same, they are both killing the Shuten boy, and she also needs Bai Ye's help to find the three artifacts.

  At present, there are already eight-foot Qionggou jade, and there are two others that are not in his hands.

  Those two know where they are, but with their own strength, it is absolutely impossible to get them.

  Before, he was completely crushed by Bai Ye, and although he was a little frustrated, at the same time, there was a glimmer of hope in the eight-foot girl's heart.

  Perhaps joining Bai Ye here is not a completely bad thing.

  At least, he has the existence of three artifacts.

  As long as you get this in your hands, it's not a big problem.

  "Well, you can rest today."

  Now, everyone is basically just doing a task.

  Most of the simple and tedious tasks are published directly.

  Let other people do it. With this quest platform, there are many loose people or powerful people who choose to come to this platform to accept some quests.

  This is to beat the autumn wind.

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