You can't win anyway, so it's not impossible for the opponent to grab it directly?

  Or leave a way out for each other, and the other party takes their spells, which means that they owe a favor, and they will have to pay it back in the future.

  Thinking of this, he also gave the spell to Bai Ye, but before he could say anything in the next second, Bai Ye disappeared.


  I don't even owe any favors!

  Big loss! ! !

  【Ding!Change the plot successfully, reward: [-] points + one intermediate draw card. 】

  A smile flashed on the corner of Bai Ye's mouth. In the following years, Bai Ye taught Feng Baobao while taking her to challenge the famous places and people in the country.

  After that, I went to foreign countries for various challenges.

  Time flies by... long.

Chapter 165

  With the horn of the times.

  Bai Ye and Feng Baobao have witnessed many things.

  Time flies, and I thought that since all of them are here, I will directly open up the world of the plot.

  Just today.

  The familiar system prompt sounded in his ears.

  【Ding!The host time is about to end, please prepare the host, the countdown: 30 minutes. 】

  It's not infinite time.

  Bai Ye had always thought that he could stay here forever.

  In the end, he still has to leave.

  Looking at Feng Baobao who was resting at this time.

  Bai Ye walked to the bed and stroked her hair.

  I wanted to continue to be with her.

  But at this time, the story is about to start.

  Just because of his change, the world has changed a lot.

  Compared with before, Feng Baobao is still very reckless, but it is normal.

  The strength and the original are simply worlds apart.

  Under the training of Bai Ye, it was higher than I don't know how many grades.

  "Go baby."

  He sighed and finally left.

  Over the years, I have swiped more than [-] points and dozens of cards in this world.

  If you don't leave later, you can still brush, but it's a pity.

  Finally, after touching Feng Baobao's hair and leaving a letter, Bai Ye also left here.

  shortly after he left.

  Feng Baobao seemed to feel something, and suddenly sat up from the bed.

  Then he looked around and looked around, Feng Baobao hurriedly shouted, "Brother, are you there?"

  If it was before, at least there would be some movement.

  But this time, there was no response.

  Feng Baobao panicked, got up quickly and looked around the villa.

  In the end, the figure of Bai Ye was not found.

  She quickly took out her mobile phone and wanted to make a call, but the phone was also placed on the coffee table in the living room.

  Picking up the phone, there is a photo of her and Bai Ye on it.

  Both of them also set this mobile phone wallpaper as a group photo.

  People are not there, and the phone is at home.

  This could not help aggravating Feng Baobao's panic.

  Have you been abandoned by Bai Ye?

  Having lived for decades, Feng Baobao has long been accustomed to the existence of Bai Ye.

  She now knows a lot more than she used to.

  She also knew that when she first met Bai Ye, if he hadn't rescued her.

  Then something must have happened to her.

  And later also taught herself to learn to speak, and also taught her life skills and so on.

  He took her to see the whole world and helped her practice.

  Feng Baobao has all kinds of things now, and it is completely inseparable from Bai Ye.

  Suddenly one day, the person who depended on him seemed to have left, how could Feng Baobao not panic.

  It's like he's draining his strength all over his body.

  She slumped on the sofa, and she thought with some panic in her heart: "My brother may have forgotten to bring his mobile phone when he went out..."

  However, even if he comforted himself like this, Feng Baobao was still panicked, and this emotion was becoming more and more difficult to control.

  Back in the room and leaning on the head of the bed, Feng Baobao stared at the ceiling weakly.

  At a glance, Jinghong seemed to see the envelope on the side of the pillow.


  She can be sure that there is absolutely no such thing before she falls asleep.

  Did he come here before Bai Ye?

  Thinking of this, Feng Baobao couldn't help but get excited.

  Because it is entirely possible.

  Picking up the envelope on the bedside, Feng Baobao quickly opened it to take a look.

  The front is a normal account of things about his life experience.

  In other words, she is the daughter of a man called rootless?

  Over the years, Feng Baobao has not asked.

  After that, all of them were fooled by Bai Ye.

  This time Feng Baobao did not expect that he would know in this form.

  But just like this, it directly aggravated Feng Baobao's inner unease.

  If you look at it this way, why did Bai Ye give himself the envelope about his life experience at this time?

  Thinking of this, Feng Baobao became more and more uneasy at the moment.

  Hastily then looked down.

  [Baby, when I saw this letter, I thought I had already left. You should be able to take care of yourself now, so you have to take care of yourself in the future, but there is still a chance to meet, haha, don’t be too much. Worry. 】

  The final ending.

  After Feng Baobao looked at the contents of the letter, he couldn't control his tears.

  This was the first time she cried.

  If you know the background of your parents, it is the day when Bai Ye left.

  She prefers not to know.

  Because this kind of thing is not what she wants.

  After living with Bai Ye for so many years, she has long been less obsessed with her parents.

  As long as he is with his brother, that is enough.

  But one day, her brother also left, and she really became a loner in this world.

  At this moment, Feng Baobao also swears in his heart that he must find Bai Ye.

  And he asked him why he didn't take him with him when he left.

  Do you think that you will not leave with him?

  As long as he said, no matter where he went, even if he went to hell, he would go there with him!

  "I must find you, brother, and I must punch you hard!!"

  Feng Baobao waved his little fist fiercely.

  I also comfort myself in my heart, maybe Bai Ye is just leaving temporarily.

  Maybe he will come back later, so he doesn't need to worry so much.

  But even so, she actually knew that unless it was a long time or she couldn't come back, she would not leave this envelope.

  Don't let her find it, or she will definitely beat this person to death.

  He actually abandoned himself here!


  And this moment.

  Bai Ye, who had left the world under one person, did not realize that he was already being targeted by Feng Baobao.

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