I tentatively took a small sip.

  It really works!

  Much better than before.

  When Feng Baobao saw this, he ate quickly.

  He seemed to be exuding contented happiness all over his body.

  "You little girl is really easy to satisfy!"

  Bai Ye smiled and shook his head. Now, for Feng Baobao, maybe as long as she can eat enough, she will have no other troubles.

  "But now I feel a kind of happiness that my brother told me before...it should be happiness..."

  Feng Baobao's face was expressionless, but his mouth was happy.

  She didn't know how to express it.

  But according to the things that Bai Ye gave him before.

  There is an emotion about happiness.

  Not knowing how to describe it, she had no choice but to express her feelings.

  "If you're happy, you have to laugh. The baby's smile is probably very beautiful."

  "But I won't."

  Feng Baobao shook her head. She was also anxious in her heart and wanted to laugh, but she couldn't.

  I am afraid that my brother will be unhappy because of this.

  Did you do this wrong?

  "Don't force yourself, baby, take your time, let's eat now."

  Bai Ye smiled dotingly, Feng Baobao's anxious appearance fell into Bai Ye's eyes, and he actually felt somewhat helpless in his heart.

  This girl is really pure like a blank sheet of paper.

  Because of what I said before, since I was in a hurry to become like this.

  Bai Ye didn't know what to say.

  In short, don't talk too much, and teach this girl slowly.

  He sighed inwardly. In Feng Baobao's original work, for some reasons, he can be taught to become a normal person gradually.

  But in the end, she turned into an abnormal Baoer sister.

  Now that he's here, let's make her a little bit more normal.

  "Isn't my brother angry?"

  "Why should I be angry?"

  Bai Ye looked at Feng Baobao amusingly, and reached out to touch her hair, but his hand hung in the air and retracted.

  His hands are also full of oil, and touching her hair will directly cause her hair to be all oily.

  Feng Baobao didn't understand.

  She didn't quite know why Bai Ye suddenly stretched out his hand and then retracted it.

  "Does my brother hate me?"

  According to the memory given earlier.

  It seems a bit like, are you being hated?

  "No, it's just that I have oil stains on my hands."

  He stretched out his hand and put it in front of Feng Baobao to show her.

  How could I hate her.

  But Feng Baobao didn't say anything at the moment, just took Bai Ye's hand and put it on his hair: "I don't mind, didn't my brother say before that he is special?"

  She may not mind these things.

  Besides, she wouldn't mind even if there was oil on her hands, because he was a brother.

  And next, Feng Baobao's operation made him look dumbfounded.

  She put her hand covered with oil and seasoning on Bai Ye's head and touched it.

  "Brother, is it like this?"


  What is this doing! ?

  Bai Ye was also a little bit crying.

  I have never taught her that.

  Do it all of a sudden.

  However, thinking that she doesn't understand anything now, Bai Ye thinks that he will teach her slowly later.

  These things, can not be scold, children, you have to have a little patience.

  "How does the baby feel?"

  "I don't know, I feel...no feeling..."

  Feng Baobao shook his head, but he didn't feel anything special in his heart.

  It doesn't matter if you touch Bai Ye's hair yourself or Bai Ye touches her own hair.

  It doesn't seem to be any different from usual.

  "This is a form of expressing intimacy between brothers and sisters or lovers, or it can be sisters and brothers, in short, it's the kind between relatives."

  In fact, this is not much special feeling.

  But it's just an expression between relatives or lovers.

  "So are we siblings?"

  Feng Baobao asked ignorantly.

  Since he is called Bai Ye's brother, then he should be his sister, right?

  Before that, it was an expression of intimacy, that is, the expression between brothers and sisters. If you think so, it should be correct, right?

  "Yes, if you call me brother, you are brother and sister."

  Since Feng Baobao called her brother, she was naturally her sister.

  "Is the relationship determined by the name? If I call my brother my husband, is my brother my husband or the same as before?"

  Feng Baobao was also a little confused.

  If you are now only a name to determine the relationship.

  After that, if it is changed to another one, it will not be called brother in the future, will they not be brothers and sisters if they are called by their first names?

  "Uh... this relationship is not how you see it..."

  At this time, Bai Ye was also unable to laugh or cry.

  Is this what Feng Baobao understood?

  Although there is some truth in it.

  But really speaking, the relationship is not calculated by Feng Baobao.

  Although it is a kind of call, it is only necessary to determine the relationship.

  Bai Ye and Feng Baobao briefly explained the composition of the relationship, and why there is a relationship between humans after the existence of such a thing.

  By the way, I mentioned a parent.

  If he remembered correctly, Feng Baobao should be a rootless daughter.

  After listening to him.

  Feng Baobao was even more puzzled at this time.

  "Then do I have parents?"

  "Yes! It's just that I haven't found it yet. Except for a monkey that jumped out of a stone, we humans are basically born from our parents."

  Humans are basically unlikely to jump out.

  Feng Baobao naturally has parents.

  "Then who are my parents?"

  Feng Baobao asked curiously.

  Since someone has given birth to himself, who will his parents be?

  She didn't know, but Bai Ye, who had been teaching herself before, had a hunch in her heart that he might know.

  "We'll talk about this later, let's eat first."

  Bai Ye didn't say anything about it immediately.

  In his opinion, it is better to wait and say, but it is not very meaningful to say it now. .

Chapter 164

  Before leaving, or after Feng Baobao understands some interpersonal relationships.

  Bai Ye decided to tell Feng Baobao about this.


  Although Feng Baobao wanted to know.

  But since Bai Ye said so, she didn't rush to ask.

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