It's true, it hasn't been discovered for so many years.

  Who knows if this will be fake?

  "Go ahead, village chief!"

  Hearing what he said, Bai Ye felt that his mission seemed right.

  Some of the memories acquired in that place before were the battle between the White Dragon King and the Black Dragon King.

  In the end, the Falling Dragon Mountain was formed here.

  " wait for me, I'll look for the classics..."

  A trace of embarrassment flashed across the village chief's face, and then he quickly got up to look for the books he had placed on the mahjong table over there.

  If nothing else, the above content may be fabricated, but the pads are still pretty good.

  "I'll take a look."

  The village chief turned this over and found the ancient legends about the White Dragon King and the Black Dragon King.

  "Once, our place was originally the residence of the two dragon kings. Later, I don't know what happened. The two dragon kings fought, and after the death of one dragon king, the terrain of our place was formed."

  The village chief looked at it carefully, and then said it briefly.

  Then, he also handed the information in his hand to Bai Ye.

  If he is so interested, just show him it.

  Besides, that's all he knows.


  After Bai Ye found this information.

  Thor and others also came up.

  They are also very curious about dragons. She thought before whether it was the dragon of their world.

  But after thinking about it, it was absolutely impossible.

  There is no such legend on their side.

  Besides, if the dragons on their side were fighting, they would definitely know.

  "Hmm... so that's the case... because of the issue of belief, it started a fight..."

  Although the above may be speculation.

  But the feeling of Bai Ye is likely to be like this.

  Or someone sow discord.

  Otherwise, according to the above records, they have always been bounded by things and do not interfere with each other.

  Finally, one day, I suddenly started fighting.

  The battle continued for a long time, and in the end, all the surrounding terrain was directly changed.

  This was originally a bottomless pit.

  Only later the corpse of one dragon king turned into a mountain, and the other one disappeared.

  But it didn't say which one was left.

  But Bai Ye thinks about it, and it is estimated that the Black Dragon King is not dead, or is about to die.

  In the end, the Black Dragon King won, and the power of time and space remaining in the cave is estimated to be emanating from the White Dragon King.

  It has been brewing over the years, and finally the interlayer of time and space is produced.

  "It's a fairy tale."

  Saitama said with interest.

  I thought there would be some great adventure.

  But looking at this description, it seems that this can at best prove that a dragon is dead.

  After so many years, there must be no such thing as adventure.

  But think about yourself originally here to travel and not to fight.

  Saitama also felt a little comfort in his heart.

  If you think about it this way, it seems to be fine.

  "It's a fairy tale, yes, thank you for your information, old man. I'll give this back to you, and we'll go first."

  Bai Ye returned the information to the village chief.

  The village chief took it, with a hint of surprise on his face, and asked, "Don't you want to sit for a while?"

  I've just come, and I'm ready to leave. Don't you want to take a rest?

  "It's not necessary. We are here to play. We may waste time later."

  "Alright, then you have a good time."

  The village chief thought about it too, they were here to play, not to be guests at their own home.

  So he also smothered that little thought of retention in his heart.

  After the group left the village chief's house, they also embarked on a journey of climbing the mountain.

  "Is there something you want to say in Bai Ye just now?"

  Before, Lukoya had observed that Bai Ye seemed to have something to say.

  I just don't know why, and I didn't say it in the end.

  But then again, the legend here seems to be Bai Ye's heart.

  "Well, these two dragons must have some secrets, and they haven't been discovered yet."

  "Any adventure?"

  Saitama suddenly came to nature.

  He doesn't like mechanical quests, but if there's an adventure, he can get involved.

  "Yes, but I don't know where it is yet, let's walk."

  Bai Ye still doesn't know what to do.

  Simply follow the original plan and come here to prepare for the tour first.

  "Okay, let's go to the outdoor barbecue on the top of the mountain."

  A group of people walked mightily towards the top of the Falling Dragon Mountain.

  The original plan was to have a BBQ on it and relax.

  Following a few people, Yoshida Yuko and Tomoe felt like they were dying of exhaustion.

  Are these people monsters?

  No need to rest at all?

  And the Sadako who was shrouded in the black mist, she could walk under the sun even as a ghost.

  But it is true that after developing the black fog, Sadako can go to the sun during the day, as long as she is in the dark.


  Bai Ye touched his chin, feeling that the two of them couldn't stand it anymore.

  One has his own power sealed, and the other is not good at sports at all.

  "Why don't you just go up the mountain."

  After thinking about it, the purpose of coming here is not to climb mountains, but to eat barbecue.

  Since someone can't hold on anymore, they simply don't climb.

  Use space power to transfer all people to the top of the mountain.

  "Huh, if I don't use this ability earlier, I'll be exhausted!"

  Fujiang was speechless, he was tired just now and didn't want it, and Bai Ye had to go by himself.

  What is there to do with this ability.

  What's more, if you have unblocked your own power, how can there be such a thing.

  "Yo, why don't I send you down?"

  "Sorry, I was wrong!"

  One's own ability must also depend on Bai Ye's unblocking.

  When it is time to admit counsel, Fujiang will never be tough.

  That's it, she feels that she is nothing at all cowardly.

  "Let's get started."

  I threw away all the barbecue materials I bought before from the Shenwei space.

  Thor took it one by one, and the group also got busy for the barbecue.

  Standing on the top of the mountain and looking into the distance.

  Bai Ye Yue feels that the pattern below seems to be...

  "What are you thinking about?"

  Shendalee went to Bai Ye and asked curiously.

  He stroked his hair and looked at Bai Ye's face, an abnormal blush flashed across Shendai Li Shi's face.

  Since she came to this world, she has been completely relieved.

  No longer a ghoul, I also have many friends here.

  She feels very happy, but people are greedy.

  She also hopes now that if she can get a little love from him, maybe this is the best.

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