"It's okay, you have to believe that even if you lose now, you will lose face."

  "You know what I'm thinking?"

  Uchiha Madara froze for a moment.

  Can Bai Ye guess what he was thinking about?

  Is it the heart?

  But this is absolutely impossible, he is not a weak chicken, how could he be seen through so easily.

  "Of course, the expression on your face betrayed everything, and women's clothing is just a piece of clothing, but being beaten like this is the most unacceptable thing for a strong man like you, right?"

  Bai Ye's words deeply stabbed Uchiha Madara's heart.

  Exactly what he said.

  I can't accept this failure myself.

  Being directly killed by someone, although the value of women's clothing will not be very high, but you can definitely be stronger by a grade.

  What's more, if you wear women's clothes inside, you shouldn't be found out, right?

  "wait for me a while!"

  After that, Madara Uchiha ran away.

  Then stay in the white night giggling in place.

  It seems that Madara Uchiha has been moved by what he said.

  Otherwise, there would be no such idea.


  You can see Madara Uchiha in women's clothing later.

  Before, they had to live and die, but now they have improved their combat effectiveness, so it's just a matter of time.

  Sure enough, improving strength in Madara Uchiha's heart is the kingly way.

  Qiu Zixi: [Master Ban is going to wear women's clothes, right? 】

  Forever eighteen years old: [So unscrupulous, didn't you say you can't wear it before? 】

  Be my son: [Gu la la la la la, Madara can understand! 】

  I really don't have any money: [I don't think wearing women's clothes is really good. Anyway, it can improve your combat effectiveness. If you don't improve it, you won't improve! 】

  Miaomiao: [It's not you who are wearing it, of course you won't feel anything. 】

  The village chief of Novice Village: [Cough, I may not be able to accept it. 】

  Uncle Jiu felt that he must not be able to accept this kind of thing.

  In a moment Uchiha Madara came.

  Just the same as before.

  But vaguely, it seems that some pink fabrics can still be seen.

  "What are you looking at, hurry up and fight!"

  A trace of unnaturalness flashed across Uchiha Madara's face.

  But when he saw Bai Ye's face that couldn't hold back his smile, he hurriedly shouted: "What! What are you laughing at!"

  Obviously, he has already stuffed everything that can be stuffed in it.

  In the end he was still laughing here.

  Get angry with him later!


  He even laughed when he finished talking!

  Madara Uchiha swears that he has never wanted to hit someone more than this time.

  "I don't laugh anymore, I just... just remembered a happy thing."

  "whats the matter?"

  Madara Uchiha asked subconsciously.

  "I remember my old sow gave birth, so I'm kind of happy!"


  Isn't that just bluffing.

  What is it that your own old sow gave birth.

  When has this guy ever raised a sow!

  "This time I must hack you to death!"

  Uchiha Madara said angrily.

  Open Susanoo directly.

  Just after the opening, everyone in the audience was shocked.

  Magical Girl Susanoo or Magical Girl Uchiha Madara?

  No wonder Madara Uchiha was reluctant to wear this when he was beaten to death.

  It turned out to be a pink Magical Girl series.

  Good guy, Bai Ye called him a good guy, but he probably wouldn't even wear it!

  Qiu Zixi: [I rely on...I feel that Mr. Ban is so pink. Tender! 】

  Forever eighteen years old: [Cough, hurry up and save the screenshots as the black history of Mr. Ban in the future! 】

  Be my son: [Gu la la la la la, is this the women's clothing of the Uchiha clan? i got i got it! 】

  I really have no money: 【I saw such a big giant in pink clothes for the first time...】

  Meow: [I swear, I will never forget it in this life. 】

  Sister Shinobi: [Who wouldn't be confused when they encounter this? 】

  The executioner drew his sword: [I guess Madara wants to die? 】

  Card Draw Master: [Seriously, I'm shocked...]

  Bai Ye never expected that he would see such an explosive picture all of a sudden.

  The Magical Girl version of Susanoo.

  If people in Naruto World see this, it is estimated that they will be shocked, right?

  "do not fight!"

  "do not!"

  Madara Uchiha shut down Susanoo directly, and then ran away.

  Who has the mind to fight.

  Madara Uchiha is already autistic.

  Especially forgot about this.

  When Susanoo is turned on, there will be a special Magical Girl expanded version.

  it's good now.

  Originally, Madara Uchiha was going to wear it inside, so she couldn't even see the fight.

  All are seen now.

  That's a haircut.

  I'm going back myself!

  "Let's go, if you go, it will be spread in the skirt, anyway, it's all worn, it's better for us to finish the fight, I want to fight with the magical girl Susanoo!"

  I don't know if it's my own delusion.

  Bai Ye felt that after he finished saying these words.

  Uchiha Madara's speed seems to be faster.


  Bai Ye thinks that what he should need more now is calm.

  Think about it too, who wouldn't have a mental breakdown in the face of this kind of thing?

  "Is that the end?"

  Seeing that Bai Ye was back, the group was also a little stunned at this time.

  I thought I could see the next battle, but the battle ended just like that.

  "Otherwise, if it were you, I would have collapsed your mentality, right?"

  Bai Ye said helplessly.

  But it was also broadcast live by Qiu Zixi.

  Now everyone in the skirt already knows the title of Magical Girl Uchiha Madara.

  Instead, he would probably run.

  Then it won't appear in the skirt chat for a while.

  No one can resist this.

  "It's also..."

  Qiu Zixi agreed.

  At the same time, there is also some embarrassment. I live this live broadcast, and I am afraid that Banye will hate him to death in the future.

  I knew it wouldn't be live.

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