over the banquet.

  The soldiers and people of the empire gathered together.

  Looking at the scene in front of her, Najeshtan was also a little emotional.

  Maybe she did it this time.

  I touched my mechanical arm, my arm was broken by Esdes.

  It's just so emotional now.

  What they wanted to accomplish before was done by Estes.

  And now they are working together again.

  Going around in circles, it seems that he has done nothing.

  "I think it's pretty good."

  Brand took a gulp of wine.

  Liwa, who was on the side, also took a sip of wine at this time, and said with a smile: "Yeah, I didn't expect that in the end, I would even drink with you bastard."

  He is Brand's former boss, a former imperial general with both wisdom and courage.

  He was framed and arrested for refusing to pay bribes, and was rescued by Esdes, who has since sworn allegiance to her.

  As a matter of fact, he and Brand have similar personalities.

  In the original book, the two of them died together.

  In this world, the forces that they are loyal to must fight each other to the death.

  Even how close it used to be.

  Esdes and Najeshtan are good friends, Akatsuki and Kuroko are sisters, and Liva and Brand are their bosses and subordinates.

  They used to be fine.

  Until the position changed, it was transformed into each fighting for their own forces.

  When the war is completely over, and after they regroup, their feelings will naturally be the same as before.

  "Yeah, I didn't expect to be drinking with you bastard!"

  Brand sighed.

  I thought it might be a life-and-death decision in the future.

  You can still sit and drink here now.

  Simply fantastic.

  For Liva, Brand has always respected him, if not because of their different positions.

  Brand had always thought that Liwa was a good boss, and they would definitely become good friends.

  "Sister, you must stay away from that man!"

  Banquet fringe.

  Hei Tong was pulling Chi Tong and whispering something.

  Her companion's consciousness was a little distorted, and she would rather kill her companion to make a corpse doll than lose her bond with her.

  For her sister, she couldn't let it go.

  Originally, I wanted to kill Chi Tong and make her into a doll of the Eight Houses.

  In this way, my sister can stay by my side all the time.

  But now, both of the sisters are back in the Empire.

  Therefore, she naturally does not need to use the eight rooms.

  "Well, he's actually a good guy."

  Chi Tong slowly explained while eating the meat.

  In fact, it can be seen before that Bai Ye didn't do much, otherwise they would all die.

  And the empire under them.

  Soldiers and civilians are doing well.

  It's only now, but it's better than that boss.

  She felt that Bai Ye was actually a good person, but he just had some flowers in his mind.

  But the means he uses are also normal, not persecuting like others.

  After becoming a killer, she has seen too much filth in the imperial capital.

  In her opinion, Bai Ye is indeed a good person.

  "Sister, why don't we talk about our business..."

  Seeing that the situation was not good, Hei Tong immediately changed the subject and said...  

  My sister suddenly praised other boys.


  Never heard of it myself.

  Black pupil is also sour.

  When can my sister praise herself.


  That man is here to rob his sister, he must not be allowed to succeed!

  "It's really good, the current empire."

  Najeshtan sighed with emotion.

  This scene in front of me once appeared in my fantasy.

  Unexpectedly, she could actually see it with her own eyes.

  "What are you going to do next, Estes?"

  Najeshtan turned to look at Esdes.

  She was looking at Bai Ye's side at this time.

  Bai Ye was drinking with Leone, and her teeth were itchy.

  If I had known that this lion girl would not be released, she would be imprisoned for the rest of her life.

  "I didn't think so!"

  "You like that man?"

  Najehitan followed Esdes' gaze to look at Bai Ye's position.

  I have some emotions in my heart.

  Was it the man who changed Esdes?

  Before, she had been wondering why Esdes was suddenly changed.

  Now she knows.

  It was all because of this man.

  I really didn't expect that Esdes, who was so strong before, actually had the side of a little woman in front of this man.

  "I don't care about you!"

  Esdes' words didn't make Najeshtan lose, but made her interested.

  I'm not as good as Esdes in terms of strength, can't I talk about this?

  Even if the two have never been in love, he must be stronger than Estes in this respect.

  "No man will like your temper!"

  "What did you say?"

  Estes was furious.

  What's wrong with your temper?

  How can no man like it?

  "Men like the type of Xiaoniaoyiren. Generally speaking, there are very few boys who like you, so I don't know if it is Bai Ye."

  Generally speaking, boys like women who they can control.

  Rather than liking those who are very strong.


  Sometimes you have to be soft.

  "I don't need you to teach me!"

  Estes immediately got up and left after saying that.

  The conversation between the two broke up.

  Lubbock, who was on the side, saw Esdes leave, and immediately came up and asked, "Leader, are we staying here now?"

  "Isn't it good? At least it looks good for now, and I want to make the empire better!"

  Najeshtam took a sip of wine.

  Isn't that what they became the revolutionary army for?

  Now things are perfectly resolved.

  Naturally, they can stay, or they can go back to their hometown.

  Najeshtam wanted to dedicate her power to the new empire while she was alive.

  "That's right..."

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