So absorbed?

  Be my son: Goo la la la la, Tyrant Bear wants to hit someone!

  Ninja Dance King: In terms of plagiarizing lines, Madara Uchiha would like to call you the strongest!

  Forever eighteen years old: You really don't say it, every time this guy says something that is someone else's, he doesn't feel any sense of disobedience when he takes it out.

  Sister Shinobi: Is this the power to force the king?

  Meow Meow: Boss, please teach me the art of pretending to be coercive, just like the kind of domineering!

  I really have no money: No wonder I found that my ability to pick up girls has declined recently. It turns out that I can't pretend!

  The noble son of the demon world: These are all false.

  Qiu Zixi: If I remember correctly, it seems that some people have learned something before, right?

  This is actually false.

  Sesshomaru seemed to be pretending before.

  This is learning the white night.

  Since the white night brought the bad atmosphere.

  Now she found that the people in this skirt seemed to like to pretend.

  Card Draw Master: She didn't answer me, so she could only send her to the Shenwei space to calm down.

  Bai Ye sighed.

  Originally, if she had a place she wanted to go, as long as she told herself, he would definitely send her there.

  Who calls himself a gentleman?

  "How about you, miss?"


  Chi Tong's eyes narrowed slightly, and the next second, he slashed directly with the knife.

  If Leonae could hit it before, then he could too!

  A knife stabbed at Bai Ye's heart, as long as it was stabbed, it could instantly kill him.

  "It turns out that you want to go to my heart, then I will send you in."

  Bai Ye rushed forward directly, and then his body passed through the middle of Murasame.


  His people also passed through his body, like a projection.

  "Be careful with Chi Tong!"

  A voice shouted from behind, it was Najeshtan!

  Chi Tong was distracted for a while because he passed through it before.

  Bai Ye's hand has already caught her: "Miss Chitong, you are not a qualified assassin when you are distracted in battle!"

  After speaking, Chi Tong was sucked into the Shenwei space directly.

  "I envy this ability!"

  Qiu Zixi also felt sour when she saw it on the tower.

  If only I had the ability.

  "The ability of OB soil is still good."

  It has to be done, the Shenwei Sharinyan will be a real bug after it is combined.

  After that, Kaguya was injured.

  That's just a kaleidoscope.

  "Damn, take a shot at me!"

  Maine aimed the romantic fort at Bai Ye. In her eyes, Bai Ye was actually a flaw.


  One shot.

  With a burst of energy, she doesn't believe that she can't hit!

  "Let's go to the Shenwei space with them and stay there!"

  After speaking, Bai Ye directly absorbed Maine into it.

  Maine didn't react at this time, and looked at Leona, who was smiling awkwardly, and Chi Tong, who was expressionless.

  "We are..."

  "It's obviously his ability, anyway, we just tried and couldn't get out..."

  Leona's face was embarrassed.

  He was the first to be caught.

  No matter how you think about it, it has a typical meaning.

  Immediately afterwards, all of the night raiders were thrown in.

  In another way, the night raiders are reunited!

  At this moment, the picture outside was cut out, and they could see and hear, but they couldn't hear the sound.

  "The person who attacked at night is also dead, and the person who is in your way has disappeared."

  Bai Ye looked at the BOSS with a smile.

  This group of soldiers are all crazy to worship the BOSS, only the night attack has its own ideas.

  It is estimated that the BOSS has already thought about it, and it will be dealt with sooner or later after the night attack.

  Because they can't see the light, and it's not good for rule.

  "Hehe, as a killer, he is ready to sacrifice himself!"

  "You're really heartless. Shouldn't they suffer for you?"

  "They can't even kill you, what's the use of them?"

  A look of grimness flashed across the boss's face.

  Your plan is so perfect.

  The result was...

  "What!? This is... BOSS!?"

  In the Shenwei space, everyone who saw this scene in the night attack was stunned at the moment.

  They were born and died, and this is what they got in exchange? .

Chapter 135

  "It's really ruthless to say that if you abandon it, you will abandon it. Aren't you afraid that your subordinates will not listen to you when they hear this?"

  A look of surprise flashed in Bai Ye's eyes.

  Originally, what he said was just to let him express his true purpose.

  I didn't expect this person to sell Ye Xiu directly?

  Think about it too.

  Bai Ye absorbed a group of people, and now they are enemies. In the heart of the boss, he must think that Ye Raid is dead.

  A group of dead people is naturally worthless.

  "It's right to die for the sake of the revolution!"

  After the BOSS finished speaking, the entire revolutionary army instantly caused a burst of echoes.

  It seems to have been - severely brainwashed.

  There is no way for these people to accept it.


  The previous empire led to the emergence of this group of people, plus a person who can bewitched - brainwashed.

  It seems understandable that things have turned out this way.

  "If you deserve to die for the revolution, then let's all die."

  White Night controls the lightning above the sky.

  A huge thunderball quickly fell from the sky.

  The revolutionary army, which was still very enthusiastic before, has now fallen silent.

  Accompanied by a sonic boom and a heat wave.

  The revolutionary army at the gate of the city also disappeared, and only Bai Ye still stood there and counted the Teigu on the ground.

  It seems that these things are really durable.

  Collect all of these, and you will have a role in the future.

  "That's it... it's over?"

  Liva understood now.

  Why does Esdes like this man.

  If you were a woman, who wouldn't like such a cool man?

  "Isn't it all solved by using this trick earlier?"

  Morgana thought about it, he really liked to play before.

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