"Okay, Najeshtan, I know what you want to say, but we are a revolutionary army, and there will be no better for Esdes in the Empire!"

  The boss waved his hand and interrupted Najeshtan directly.

  He wasn't here to hear what Najeshtan had to say.

  Immediately afterwards, Najeshtan didn't speak.

  He also continued: "While the imperial capital is chaotic and weak, we will attack and kill Esdes and her henchmen in one fell swoop!"

  From the boss's point of view, he rebelled with Esdes today.

  Must be her henchman.

  As for what was said in the intelligence, he felt it was unlikely.

  Where is such invincible power!

  And now the empire is in chaos, just when their revolutionary army moves.

  After the war before, Esdes and the others must have not recovered.

  This time they attacked in the past, they must be able to seize the opportunity to overthrow the empire in one fell swoop!

  "Let's go now~"? "

  Najeshtan felt strange for a while, and she felt that the boss in front of her was so unfamiliar.

  Compared with the previous boss, why does he now give him a very unfamiliar feeling?

  "That's right, taking advantage of the night and the time when they haven't reacted, I've already mobilized the army, and I'll go now!"

  He was going to make a big transfer recently.

  As a result, this happened in the capital.

  The boss felt that the opportunity had come, so he hurriedly called the army and came here to personally notify Ye Xi to take action.


  Najeshtan was silent for a while, but finally agreed.

  As a killer, as a soldier, obedience is the most important thing!

  Looking at the backs of the group of people leaving.

  The boss also breathed a sigh of relief at this moment.

  I finally have to achieve my dream.

  When the Revolutionary Army was just established, the BOSS was also a hot-blooded teenager.

  All along, there have been various dissatisfaction with the empire.

  Hence the idea of ​​overthrowing the empire.

  With the growing power of their own, including their own power is growing.

  The desire for power in the boss's heart is getting more and more serious.

  He can't wait to sit on the throne that only one person can sit on.

  I was thinking about planning for a while.

  But Esdes' action this time directly brought forward his plan.

  In his view, Esdes' rebellion was all about giving himself a chance.

  Now Esdes has basically killed all the masters in the empire.

  And also killed the little emperor.

  In his opinion, Esdes is very strong, but as long as there is a night attack, even if all of them are wiped out and Esdes die together, then he will win.

  After the boss arranged to set up the night attack, he had already thought that this group of people who were not visible would never let them appear on the bright side, even if he succeeded in his revolution.

  The best outcome is to let them go separately.

  "very soon......"

  The boss sighed inwardly.

  Waiting for his throne, he is about to ascend it.

  "Let's go! Assemble the troops!"

  After the boss finished speaking, the group left directly to prepare to mobilize the troops.

  imperial capital.

  With supreme power, Esdes quickly took the imperial capital into his own hands.

  For the people of the imperial capital, they just changed a ruler.

  As for the nobles, they were directly bloodbathed by Esdes.

  No one in the entire emperor was against Esdes, and the army was completely mastered.

  The current imperial capital basically belongs to the one-word hall of Esdes.

  What does she say, then what is here!

  "What are you going to do in the future? Be the emperor yourself?"

  Bai Ye asked curiously.

  The imperial capital has been mastered, and the next step is the night raid and the surrounding towns.

  But these are probably not too difficult for Esdes.

  Instead, he was curious, what is Esdes going to do next?

  "if not?"

  Estes asked rhetorically.

  This was beaten by myself, so why don't I give it to others?

  It's fine if you haven't done it yourself before.

  But he has already started and won, and this is his own.

  "But what if you stay and I will give you the throne?"


  Bai Ye was speechless.

  This isn't bullshit.

  What are you doing here by yourself?

  Forever eighteen years old: woo woo woo, it's so sour and sour, you can be an emperor at once, just stay in Bai Ye, look at how sincere Esdes is!

  Sister Shinobu: I feel that you are really sour...

  Mayor of Novice Village: Can't you stay here for a long time?

  Qiu Zixi: Can't tell, Esdes has his own ideas.

  "Don't talk nonsense, I have to go back later, I think you are quite suitable, Lady Queen... and your ID is very similar..."

  It was directly associated with the ID, and Bai Ye thought that it was no wonder Her Lady Queen. It turned out that he became the queen after that!

  "Why don't we stay, we can make a world of our own, and then we're having some babies!"

  "Don't, Esdes, you know, I'm not a person who is greedy for beauty!"


  After listening to Bai Ye's words, everyone was speechless for a while.

  If he is not a person who is greedy for beauty.

  Are there still people in this world who are greedy for beauty?

  He's putting gold on his face again.

  "Lord Esdes, outside... There are a lot of people outside..."

  The three beasts hurried back from the outside.

  They were inspecting the situation in the imperial capital before.

  See if there are still fish that slip through the net.

  And just now, someone reported to them that a large number of people came here.

  The target is the Imperial City.

  He guessed that it might be someone from the Revolutionary Army.

  The imperial capital has undergone great changes, and it is impossible for the revolutionary army to not know what is going on here.

  If so, they will definitely come.

  "It's just right, it's all over!!"

  There are so many people near the imperial capital, and there is only one faction that dares a large group of people to come here at night.

  I didn't expect that I didn't take the initiative to find them, but they came to the door themselves.

  "It seems that the matter can be solved in one day today."

  Bai Ye sighed with emotion.

  Originally, I was thinking of finding the night raider again tomorrow.

  These people have to be delivered one by one.

  Sheila was like that, and so was the Revolutionary Army.

  "." You can just stay inside the city gate, and leave the rest to us! "

  "Lord Esdes, we are willing to go out and fight!"

  With just a few of them, Liwa and the three were afraid that their fists would be invincible to four.

  "No, you can just stand guard at the city gate, let's go."

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