The space in front of him distorted for a while, and then Bai Ye, Qiu Zixi, Morgana, and Aqua appeared from the Shenwei space.

  Originally, Aqua went with Madara Uchiha.

  As a result, the mentally retarded goddess followed, and the mentally retarded goddess got lost.

  Fortunately, I met Bai Ye and others on the road and brought him and her together.

  After inquiring about the position of the minister.

  Bai Ye directly used the ability of space to come here.

  "who are you!?"

  The minister stepped back and put his hand behind him, and then he quickly stretched out his hand, trying to use his emperor to seal the few people in front of him.

  His emperor is a ring, as long as he uses the emperor, he can seal other people's emperors.

  After using the ability, Minister Ernest directly raised the gun in his hand and aimed at a few people and hit him.

  But all the bullets were directly stuck in the air.

  "Why is this!?"

  My own armour is broken...  

  Obviously no one could do it before!

  "Because of your ignorance, you thought that your emperor's tool could seal all the emperor's tools, but you ignored one thing!"


  Ernest was stunned.

  His emperor is clearly like this, why does it fail, he just wants to know the answer at the moment.

  "Because your emperor's tool can indeed seal the emperor's tool, but the ability I use is not the emperor's tool, so angry!?"


  Before he could speak, he felt that his body had been squeezed into a piece, and the surroundings seemed to be shrinking continuously.

  Gradually, the bones began to collapse, and then the flesh on the body began to crowd into a ball, and it became difficult to breathe.

  Knowing that the final space merged, Ornest completely disappeared from this world.

  "Well, your move is really cruel, but it's really powerful."

  Morgana's eyes lit up when she saw this move.

  My dear, this trick to torture the opponent is simply inexplicable. It directly compresses a person into a speck of space dust. This kind of pain is unbearable.

  "Let's go."

  The Shenwei space was transferred and left, and the minister's palace disappeared into the imperial capital along with a space collapse.

  【Ding!Successfully changed the plot, reward: [-] points. 】

  "Not bad, it seems that I can't play anymore."

  In the palace, a sneer flashed across Uchiha Madara's mouth.

  The person in front of him is barely okay, but his opponent is Madara Uchiha! .

Chapter 132

  "Almost enough."

  Madara Uchiha waved his hand, the three gouyu in his eyes twirled wildly, and picked up the short sword beside him, a beautiful sword flower.


  Throwing the knife in his hand to the ground.

  Uchiha Madara walked directly towards the interior of the palace without looking back.

  "So strong..."

  A flash of shock flashed in General Bud's eyes, his feet seemed to lose strength, and he fell to the ground directly, and the vitality in his eyes gradually disappeared.

  He lowered his head and waited until Bai Ye and others came here.

  Looking at Bud in front of him.

  "It seems that he has already entered, but doesn't he want this emperor?"

  After all, this is not a useful thing.

  Bai Ye touched his chin and shoved it away.

  Hands are fast, hands are slow!

  Forever eighteen years old: Look at this speed, the aunts who go to grab special dishes are probably not as fast as you, right?

  Meow Meow: It seems that this Teigu didn't even get it, so if you're confused, at least you'll get some points!

  Be my son: This guy likes to be cool, and he will probably regret it later.

  Points anyway.

  Anyway, Bai Ye will definitely take this away when he sees it.

  Don't throw away the things you don't want in vain, and you can copy and sell them all to others.

  At that time, I will collect all the Teigu in this world.

  Start wholesale in chat skirts.

  "Is that the Supreme Emperor?"

  Inside the palace.

  At this moment, a huge mecha appeared in front of them.

  The supreme throne of the protector of the country!

  It was also the strongest emperor at the beginning. It was the origin of the emperor and the apex of all emperors. It was called the supreme emperor.

  Legend has it that it has abilities comparable to that of the gods.

  Only those with the blood of the emperor can use it.

  The secret technique is the eradication mode, which combines the characteristics of alchemy and Teigu, and the appearance becomes a dragon.

  The user will be corroded by the Teigu and become bloodthirsty.

  The destructive power and number of weapons have increased greatly, and the hardness of the armor has also increased to a higher level.

  In the anime, if it weren't for the protagonist's halo and the constant explosion of seeds.

  With the existence of this emperor, the little emperor would not be defeated at all.


  Too bad it's not the main character.

  "Yes, let's go and have a look."

  Use the ability to move to high places.

  At this moment, the little emperor has completed his transformation.

  Under the situation that he was threatened, Madara Uchiha deliberately did it.

  Therefore, her body also lasted until the time when the Supreme Emperor was turned on.

  "Let me see how strong your Teigu is compared to Susanoo!"

  When Uchiha Madara first came here, he wanted to use Susanoo to play with this supreme emperor.

  This also represents high-end capabilities in both worlds.

  Supreme Emperor and Susanoo!

  "This is... Madara Uchiha's complete body, Susanoo!"

  The true form of Susanoo needs to exercise its pupil strength to the extreme and have a huge amount of chakra to use it.

  Its size exceeds the mountain peak, showing the posture of the god of war.

  Its fighting power is enough to rival the tailed beast.

  Wings transformed from the armor on its back and equipped with double swords allow it to soar in the sky.

  Complete body Susanoo can use the ninjutsu that the caster is good at, and his long sword can easily split mountains and meteorites.

  "Damn it, it looks a lot more domineering than in the anime!"

  Qiu Zixi said with emotion.

  If she has this ability, although she is not invincible in her world, she is also a little powerful, right?

  Be my son: Goo la la la la, Madara Uchiha is pretending again.

  Forever eighteen years old: Bai Ye has a good atmosphere, and now basically everyone in the skirt likes to pretend.

  Card Draw Master: Let me state first, I definitely don't like to pretend!

  Meow: The boss is not pretending, the boss is an invisible temperament!

  The village chief of Novice Village: As long as I have a whim, I will take your life with my skills?

  Fairy Queen: After I finished watching Hokage, I felt that the Uchiha clan was pretending to be forced and then being beaten in the whole plot.

  I really don't have any money: keep your voice down so that Madam Ban will not hear you.

  Ninja Dance King:  …

  Especially not blind.

  How could it be impossible to see their chat history.

  Good guy, started teasing their family again.

  But then again, they laughed wildly and pretended to be the four heroes, but they never lost!

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