I also bubble people from my own world, but it’s better to bubble in the white night, and directly bubble people from other worlds.

  I have to say, he is willing to bow down!

  Card Draw Master: How could it be, I am helping her solve the most troublesome thing, not to mention my ability is not suitable for fighting in the imperial capital, I am more suitable for going to places like the wilderness to be free!

  How can you say that about yourself!

  He can send four in the white night, he must not have such an idea.

  Qiu Zixi: Cough, I act with him, I have no room to play in the imperial capital...  

  Miaomiao: It's a perfect match, a cowardly and dying skirt owner, and a greedy... ahem, the wise boss!

  Qiu Zixi: Meow, you never died, did you?

  It seems that it is necessary to recall to Miaomiao what the Dafa of silence is.

  When did you get shy!

  She just felt that her ability was the same as Bai Ye, and she was not suitable for fighting in the imperial capital.

  Besides, they are still in danger if they follow Morgana!

  She is not powerless!

  Card Draw Master: It doesn't matter, just follow me, then we will act separately, anyway, the relationship between the team, these two points can be obtained, take a rest today, and act tomorrow!

  Bai Ye looked at the time, although it was still early, but before carrying out the task, there must be some planning.

  Forever eighteen years old: Then you go, let's watch the world of Esdes on live.

  It's okay anyway.

  Yakumo Zi is very boring every day. Since they have a task, they can watch the live broadcast for themselves.

  Just in time to pass the time.

  "Who are you driving?"

  Everyone invariably set their eyes on Bai Ye directly.

  This guy's acting talent is very good, and they don't want to be watched all the time.

  Let Bai Ye live broadcast seems to be the best choice.

  "Hey hey hey, your eyes are somewhat unscrupulous..."

  Bai Ye said helplessly.

  The eyes of this group of people are so unscrupulous.

  Do you really think you like live streaming?

  When the live broadcast started, Bai Ye waved his hand at the screen and said, "Swipe up the gifts for the old irons!"


  Is this still someone who doesn't like live broadcasts?

  This process is so skillful that it hurts.

  Forever eighteen years old: Look, if you don't live broadcast the entire skirt with this business ability, there is probably no one suitable for live broadcast, right?

  Be my son: You can just live stream full-time, I feel pretty good!

  I'm sister control: Lao Tie also wants to give you gifts, but Lao Tie is poor, why don't you support Lao Tie first, and then give you gifts when Lao Tie has points?

  [The Inventor of the Prairie gave the anchor a [-]. 】

  Card Draw Master: I rely on it, domineering, Brother Wolf!

  Prairie Inventor: Ahem, I haven't thanked you for what happened before.

  Grey Wolf felt that the six hundred and sixty-six points were not a lot.

  The last time I brought a sheep back by myself, it turned out to be a very comfortable life these days.

  Don't go out hunting in the winter, it's such a beautiful day.

  The life of the wife and children on the hot kang head, every day is to drink a glass of red wine to do inventions, and then eat some mutton.

  Isn't this life more beautiful than it used to be?

  Card Draw Master: It's okay, tell me if you want to eat sheep in the future, my wolf brother, don't be polite to me!

  Forever [-] years old: Damn it, how do you feel that you have some talent as an anchor!

  I really have no money: Brother Wolf can come to me if he wants to eat sheep, and we can exchange and invent things in the future!

  Since Tony watched Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf, his sense of Big Big Wolf changed instantly.

  Invention ability MAX + immortal body.

  Is this one of the strongest in the skirt?

  In so many episodes alone, I have been injured and disabled many times, but in the end, I can still magically heal.

  Prairie Inventor: It's easy to talk, if you don't know anything about the invention, you can ask me!

  Grey Wolf felt nothing.

  In fact, compared to catching sheep, if he has no worries about food and clothing, the big gray wolf still prefers to invent.

  I have an invention room myself, and I make inventions every day.

  In the past, Red Wolf also said that what he invented was all rubbish, but now it is different.

  This thing is not broken copper and iron.

  And after the sheep ate, Big Wolf felt that his family status had skyrocketed.

  Forever eighteen years old: In other words, this is the first time I have seen the imperial capital of Esdes and their world. Although I have seen it in the anime, but from here, I really feel a sense of decay coming from the surface.

  Along with Bai Ye's camera, everyone also looked at the imperial capital. At this moment, the appearance looked bright and bright, but it gave them a different appearance, a feeling of purgatory in the world behind their backs.

  This is the Imperial City!

  Just as people will decay, countries will one day go to ruin.

  Even the imperial capital that has prospered for thousands of years is nothing more than a corrupt hell on earth, with ghosts and ghosts in human skins, arrogant and domineering everywhere!

  "Who is that?"

  Esdes and others just left, and the city gate guards are also a little puzzled.

  It was the first time I saw the general come back with a stranger.

  Is it someone who was recruited by Esdes?

  Judging from the way a few people are talking and laughing, it seems that the relationship is pretty good.

  "Don't say that here!"

  Glancing at him, it wasn't something they cared about.

  Once it was known by Lord Esdes that they were talking about her.

  must be punished.

  The other guard also seemed to be frightened at the moment, and quickly shut up.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????

  "Well, I didn't expect your majesty to stop here."

  Bai Ye looked at Esdes with a smile.

  I heard all the words of the two guards before.

  You can't even talk about it, it seems that Esdes' majesty is really big enough!

  "Aren't you like this in your world?"

  Estes felt that as a general or a powerful person, he should be like this.

  To be admired, but also to be feared!

  This is the strong.

  "I'm not, but except Qiu Zixi's strength is not enough, and Aqua is mentally retarded... Goddess of wisdom, the other two are similar to you."

  Bai Ye is really not feared in his own world.

  He doesn't really like that others are afraid of him.

  On the contrary, I feel that there are some things that are not good.

  "Hey! You are discriminating against me from Chi Guoguo!"

  Qiu Zixi is not satisfied!

  Isn't that discriminating against yourself?

  What do you mean her strength is not enough!

  Your strength is pretty good.

  "By the way, I haven't asked you yet, how is your world? Is it amazing? Are there many things that can be triggered?"

  Bai Ye never asked Qiu Zixi what the world was like.

  She never seemed to have said it, or even after he joined the skirt chat.

  I don't know if there is anything good in Qiu Zixi's world.

...... 0

  "There's nothing to trigger in my world, it's a world where spiritual energy is revived. Anyway, there are all kinds of monsters and monsters. We humans mainly live in an area or urban area. The wild is the world of other monsters."

  Then, Qiu Zixi briefly described their world.

  All kinds of monsters, such as the prehistoric animals of the earth, and all kinds of myths have appeared.

  Including demons and other evil creatures have everything.

  It's a hodgepodge.

  And according to her description, Bai Ye estimated that it was about fifty times the size of the earth where she used to be.

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