Najeshtan looked at Esdes angrily. Does this woman know what she is talking about?

  I want to work with them!

  This is absolutely impossible.

  She belonged to the Empire, and now she is a member of the Revolutionary Army.

  "You know very well that the empire has decayed, and when the so-called revolutionary army becomes king, isn't it actually the emergence of another empire? You are just repeating the same mistakes."

  "As a revolutionary army killer, because of his notoriety, he could only die in a dark alley full of debris until his death."

  "And now, do you really think you can overthrow the empire?"

  Esdes' words pierced straight into Najeshtan's heart like a sharp knife.


  The current revolutionary army wants to overthrow the empire is simply a fantasy.

  Moreover, she is not sure whether the revolutionary army will become the next empire after conquering the empire.

  Dragonslayers will eventually become dragons.

  "So what? Your so-called cooperation doesn't mean you want to overthrow the empire, right?"

  Najeshtam didn't answer immediately.

  Instead, he was curious about what Esdes wanted to do.

  Wouldn't she want to overthrow the empire and take control of it herself?

  Combined with what Esdes did before.

  Seems like this is really possible!

  Is she really! ?

  If Esdes had this heart, Najeshtan's hope of conquering the empire would at least increase by more than half.

  Because facing the empire with Esdes, and the empire without her, are two different empires.

  The person that the Revolutionary Army is afraid of has always been the BT of Esdes.

  But now her heart is no longer with the Empire.

  This is undoubtedly good news.

  "No! Join me, overthrow the empire with me, and build a regime where everyone is equal!"


  Najeshtam thought she must be crazy.

  This woman, Esdes, actually asked them to join.

  And also to establish a government where everyone is equal?


  This is the Estes she knew! ?

  "Do you think I'll believe it?"

  "It doesn't matter, I'm just here to tell you about it this time, how do you want to join?"

  "Aren't you afraid of being known by the empire?"

  Najeshtan's eyes narrowed slightly.

  She already had the heart of resistance, and Najeshtan didn't believe it, she felt that the empire would know.

  She once served in the empire, and Najehitan also knew that there was a supreme emperor and general Budd in the empire.

  Both of these are still a mystery.

  The Supreme Emperor has only heard of it, but no one has seen it.

  In addition, General Bude will never appear when the empire will not be destroyed and the regime will not be mortally threatened.

  In other words, on the bright side, there is only the terrifying combat power of Esdes.

  But even if only Esdes had a fighting power, it directly made people not dare to do anything to the empire.

  Now that Esdes has a second heart, it's clear that this time he can take advantage of this opportunity...

  "Why should I be afraid, I just want to overthrow the empire."

  A sneer flashed across Esdes' mouth.

  I might have been afraid before, but now Esdes is not afraid at all.

  With rock berry fruit + devil essence, he also hit T virus + G virus and super soldier serum.

  In this world, she is the ceiling of combat effectiveness.

  Even a severed arm can be repaired quickly.

  As long as the brain and heart are not damaged.

  She will not die.

  There are points for overthrowing the empire, and points for recruiting night raids.

  Why don't you do this yourself?

  After you have solved all the affairs on the empire's side, there is still a country on the side that you can conquer.

  "Why do you do this? I don't remember you being like this before!"

  Najeshtan really didn't understand what Esdes' purpose was.

  The two of them had known each other for a while, and the Esdess they knew would definitely not be like this.

  "If you insist on saying this, it should be that I met someone who changed me. I will ask you one last time, to join or not to join!"

  When Estes said the end, he didn't want to continue talking nonsense.

  Her purpose is over.

  Just waiting for Najeshtan to give her an answer.

  "one person......"

  Najeshtan never thought that Esdes would be changed by one person.

  who is it! ?

  How are they related! ?

  These Najeshtans are unknown.

  Facing Esdes' eyes at this moment, she took a deep breath, shook her head, and said, "I won't join, we will have our own way to complete the revolution at night!"


  After speaking, Esdes turned around and left directly.

  Najeshtan was stunned.

  She was actually ready for the next battle.

  As a result, Estes turned around and left after knowing his answer.

  It didn't stop at all.

  what does she mean?

  Call me Lady Queen: @Drawing Master, I have already decided that I will overturn the empire tomorrow, do you want to come over?

  Card Draw Master: Well, I don't care, then you can open the door for me directly!

  Ninja Dance King: I'm coming too!

  After what happened last time, Madara Uchiha was very greedy.

  This time, I have to go over and get some points.

  Anyway, go to other worlds, as long as you help to complete it together, everyone will have points.

  【Ding!At present, the skirt chat level can only accommodate five people during non-task time! 】

  Qiu Zixi: ......

  There is this limitation! ?

  [There were three people before, and then two people were added after the upgrade once, and it will be added every time after that. 】

  Chat Skirt explained.

  At present, only five people can pass, and the next upgrade can pass eight.

  Then every time you upgrade, there will be one more person than before.

  Card drawing master: Then you can pass three people. In other words, the three of us have pacified the empire and destroyed all the night raids and the revolutionary army. In addition, it is best to collect some emperor tools.

  Bai Ye couldn't wait.

  This non-mission, Esdes invited himself to go there, just to give points.

  Everyone has discovered that as long as they go and change together, everyone will have points.

  In this case, it is equivalent to picking up the wool of the chat skirt.

  There is no limit to the chat skirt, but it is limited in terms of the number of people.

  Qiu Zixi: How about taking me with you?Woohoo, I'm so miserable!

  Call me Lady Queen: You can watch it later.

  Esdes didn't think much about it, anyway, as long as Bai Ye came over, they could divide the remaining four positions by themselves.

  She doesn't care.


  Cut the sister world.

  After the round with Ye Raid and others, the crowd gathered around Najeshitan, stepped forward and quickly asked, "." Chief, what is the matter with Estes looking for you? "

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