You can eat as much as you want.

  Prairie Inventor: Really?Not so good......

  Big Wolf's heart warmed, but he also felt that he wanted something from other people for no reason. Even if Bai Ye wanted to give it to himself, he didn't feel very good.

  Card Draw Master: It's okay, I don't have any shortage of mutton here. What's your invention? Give me some friendship price then!

  Qiu Zixi: Haha, I knew Bai Ye must have this idea!

  Always [-]: You have to always believe that a profiteer will not do this kind of thing for no reason.

  Ninja Dance King: As expected of you, Bai Ye!

  Kaisha is Bichi: I have to say that many of the inventions of Big Wolf are very powerful!

  In fact, no matter what world it is, what Big Wolf invented is absolutely amazing.

  Jetcraft, snowmen, doomsday escape pods, seismometers, vacuum cleaners, stink bombs, piranhas, and wall penetration, too many.

  Hundreds of episodes and one invention.

  Including biology, chemistry, mechanical manufacturing, medicine, music, physics.

  He can also use various spells to pass through walls, hypnotize, and various skills. He is simply an all-rounder.

  Prairie Inventor: As long as there are raw materials and time to invent these, it is not difficult!

  Although it is not very good to catch sheep by yourself.

  But in the aspect of invention, he is definitely a master of one-on-one.

  Card Draw Master: That's ok, you can invent it and put it in your skirt to sell points. Points can be used to draw cards and buy things. The key is that you can draw a lot of good things by drawing cards!

  Call Me Queen: White Night is back in his sales pitch.

  Sister Shinobi: He can't wait to get everyone's points so that not a single drop is left!

  Be my son: yes, you can put it on the shelves in your own product window, such as the one in Baiye, you can upload anything you don’t need.

  Ninja Dance King: Charged for advertising?I even advertised for Bai Ye, why don't I play it too?

  Card Draw Master: Whitebeard is free to play, I don't mind if you want to advertise!

  Beginner Village Chief: Welcome newcomers!

  Card Draw Master:  …

  Qiu Zixi: Uncle Jiu, is your reflex arc too long?

  Newbie Village Chief: There have been a lot of things going on recently, and it’s not like you don’t know. Since the last incident in Renjia Town, many people have come to me now, and I have to make adjustments to Qiusheng and the others!

  Jiu Shu sighed.

  In fact, he really has no time at all recently.

  Originally, although my Yizhuang had business in the past, there would not be many.

  I also ended up being free. I could earn points by doing a few things every day. As a result, there are a lot of things now.

  Card Draw Master: This is not good. Don't you have a lot of points to earn by then?

  Newbie Village Mayor: Bai Ye, I feel like you are thinking about my points again. You only ransacked them last time.

  Forever Eighteen: It's not a feeling, that's what he had in mind.

  Novice Village Mayor: Cough, in fact, recently I finally found out why the subsequent plots can be connected, and all the surrounding towns have come to me recently.

  Card Draw Master: Isn't it already slaughtered?

  Two people from towns were killed by Feng Shui before.

  Are there any towns around?

  Mayor of Novice Village: There are also Jiuquan Town and the town of Mr. Linghuan, and a few more towns. In short, I feel a headache right now.

  There are several towns around.

  Before the Feng Shui master killed two, there were so many near him.

  Card Draw Master: That's ok, there are several who have points, and they envy Ninth Uncle!

  Newbie Village Mayor: Don't envy me, don't the last points go into your pocket?

  A wry smile flashed across Jiu Shu's face.

  If you have points in your own hands, you will be addicted to your hand, and it should go where it should go in the next second.

  Who doesn't know in the whole dress, the big dog Bai Ye's obsession with points.

  In short, this can be considered as what they need, they need to draw cards, and Bai Ye is to earn points for the cards, everyone is good.

  Card drawing master: Saying you want mutton @Grassland Inventor

  Prairie Inventor: This... If you can, please, I will definitely repay you in the future!

  The moment Gray Wolf hesitated, a gust of winter wind blew on him.

  A piercing chill swept through his body in an instant.

  He couldn't tolerate any further hesitation, as long as he stayed outside for a while, he would freeze to death outside.

  For the sake of his own life, Big Wolf felt that it was better.

  I'll repay Big Big Wolf later.

  Card Draw Master: Alright, I'll trade it for you.

  Bai Ye is gambling. In the original plot of Big Big Wolf, after meeting Pleasant Goat, he has never eaten mutton.

  If that's the case, the mutton he gave to Big Wolf must be a change in the plot.

  Crossing the world does not know whether this influence will have points.

  Compared with directly changing the future, that only knows, but does not make changes, so Qiu Zixi only has the points explained.

  Bai Ye directly gave him something that Big Wolf never had.

  This is essentially his intervention to change the plot.

  Bought a whole sheep, and Bai Ye directly traded it to Big Wolf.

  Grey Wolf, who was in the cold wind, felt the deep love of his skirt friends at the moment!

  So this is the chat skirt?

  Why haven't I joined before?

  Opening the sack, there was a whole sheep inside, bigger than any whole sheep he had ever seen on the Qingqing Grassland.

  So impressed!

  Prairie Inventor: @Drawing Master, thank you so much, if you need anything I can help in the future, you must come to me!

  Gray Wolf has not eaten mutton for a long time.

  This whole one has mixed feelings in his heart at this moment.

  Card draw master: It's okay, everyone is a skirt friend, you need to draw cards to find me in the future!

  Forever eighteen years old: reluctant to let go of all sheep without wolves!

  Qiu Zixi: I have learned it. Where can I get the card?

  Ninja Dance King: What a business genius!

  Card Draw Master: By the way, didn't you say you wanted to draw cards before, why didn't you speak?

  If Bai Ye remembers correctly, they said it before.

  If you join a newcomer this time, you have to come to yourself to draw a card.

  Why this newcomer has joined in.

  Why haven't they come to draw cards for themselves?

  What about trust between people?

  Qiu Zixi: Cough, please put on the mat first!

  Ninja Dance King: This...I want to see other people's cards first...

  Be My Son: Has anyone been the first warrior?

  No one has drawn cards these days.

  So they have some hesitations about probability.

  Let others take a look at it first, and if you can, smoke it yourself today.

  "Good guy, are you playing like this now?"

  Bai Ye sighed in his heart.

  This group of people is still learning, and now they all know how to wait and see.


  Grey Wolf opened the door of Wolf Castle, and shouted in excitement: "Wife, I'm back!"

  There was no sound, Big Wolf thought for a while, this time it should be on fire upstairs.

  Now, in this situation, he finally dared to speak up.

  Not even a sheep can't feed them!

  "Why are you back, husband?"

  It just went out not long ago.

  As a result, the gray wolf came back.

  what happened?

  The sack he's carrying behind his back, can't it...

  This familiar and unfamiliar smell, the red wolf asked with a slightly trembling voice: "Husband, is there a sheep in the bag behind you?"


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