I don't know if I can go back to Baiye.

  Anyway, he won't return the magic, maybe the evil spirit sauce will stay here for the rest of his life.

  Since she was summoned by herself, she barely counts half of it as her own.

  It was also necessary for him to keep the evil spirit sauce.

  Her fighting power is actually very strong.

  "Yeah, Cthulhu-chan can stay and play with Kang Na, haven't you all been doing well recently?"

  Thor also hurriedly stopped when he saw this.

  It's not bad to see the evil spirit sauce and Kang Na get along well these days.

  She also likes to play with Kona.

  Since she likes to play, and there are still many places she hasn't played, why not stay and play for a while, if she feels bored and then think about going back, it's not impossible.


  The evil spirit sauce originally wanted to refuse, but in fact, some of them were persuaded by Bai Ye.

  You can stay and play for a while.

  It's really boring to go back anyway.

  Staying here, in fact, except for the world that does not belong to oneself, the evil spirit sauce feels that everything is actually quite good. '

  Thor takes care of her at home, and she can hang out with Kona during normal times.

  Since there are all kinds of strange things in this world, although she will be seen twice when she walks on the street, it will not cause much commotion.

  Thor also bought her new clothes these days, and the clothes he gave her before Bai Ye retired honorably.

  She feels very good about the new clothes, especially the various styles, even Thor's maid clothes, and she can cover her tail, although you can still see a little bit of it.

  But at least if you don't look carefully, you still can't see it.

  "Don't think about it so much, eat quickly, and think about it slowly after eating."

  Seeing the hesitation of the evil spirit sauce, Bai Ye didn't want her to decide whether to stay here immediately.

  She can think about it herself.

  "Thor, is there anything in the office during the last few days I've been away?"

  How long have you stayed there, the time here has passed for a few days.

  Originally, Bai Ye thought that he would only have two days at most, but in the end, he also seriously overrun.

  "It's not a big deal. Recently, the reputation of the firm has increased, so we have a lot of tasks. I feel that our manpower seems to be insufficient. Recently, some people also want to join us, but you are not here, so Saitama and I both refused."

  If Bai Ye was not here, they would not have made a decision.

  It was only temporarily rejected.

  And these days, the amount of tasks is simply overwhelming.

  Usually very few people come here.

  There are also many people who find here to post tasks.

  Because before Bai Ye and Saitama solved the matter of the evil spirit space.

  The firm that directly made them interested has greatly increased a wave of fame.

  Indirectly led to more tasks, even the evil god sauce was taken care of by Thor.

  Participated in several missions.

  Including gorillas, Sadako Yukino Kuriyama Mirai and others.

  They all took part in it.

  "Well, it looks like it's time to expand our firm."

  After hearing what Thor said.

  Bai Ye suddenly felt that if they dragged on like this, their office would definitely have a lot of tasks in the future, but no one would do it.

  Everyone's time is limited.

  Besides, they are still on weekends.

  After dinner.

  Bai Ye, Thor, Saitama, Kang Na, Sadako, Gorilla, Yuki, Kuriyama Miku, and the evil spirit sauce temporarily counted by Bai Ye.

  A group of people are sitting around at the moment.

  Regarding the affairs of the office, Bai Ye also took it out directly and prepared to discuss it.

  "Recently, our lack of personnel and the amount of tasks seem to have some huge relationship. Do we recruit a little manpower?"

  "It's supposed to recruit some, it just needs to be suitable..."

  Saitama has no time to play games and rest recently.

  The tasks are simply too many to explode.

  However, although he wants to rest, he thinks that it is better to be short of candidates than to waste.

  After all, this office was established with him by Bai Ye.

  At first, there were only him, Bai Ye, and Thor.

  After gradually reaching this scale, although it is not very large, it has a special meaning for Saitama.

  "It's true, there is no goal at present, but before that, let's give you some things to become stronger."

  Bai Ye thought for a while.

  Since they are all involved in the task, including the gorilla is not just a simple guard.

  So in terms of strength, it must be improved.

  Take out three bottles of T virus and G virus and put them in front of Yuki, Kuriyama Miku, and the gorilla.

  "This is something that can strengthen the body. It probably has no effect on the few of us, but the three of you should be useful."

  This thing is actually not very useful to Bai Ye and the others.

  But the three of them can be used.

  Immediately after that, he gave the Yunyun fruit to Xue Nu, and then gave the ancient King Kong fruit to the gorilla.

  It's a good fit, but it's a pity that I didn't get Frozen Fruit and Snow Snow Fruit.

  But Yunyun Fruit can also control snow, thunder, rain, etc.

  So the effects are pretty much the same.

  "And me?"

  The evil spirit sauce pointed to herself.

  She needs to be stronger!

  As long as he becomes stronger, doesn't it mean that he can defeat Bai Ye?


  Bai Ye was a little hesitant, and giving this product to the evil god sauce is not equal to sending warmth.

  The Snow Girl and the Gorilla signed a contract with them, so the two of them would not betray them.

  As for the character of Kuriyama Miku, as long as he identifies himself, he will always follow.

  Now that she works for herself, naturally Bai Ye will not lose her benefits.

  Coupled with the relationship of her ability, if there is T virus and G virus, it can better improve the working efficiency.

  Before recruiting people, Bai Ye felt that it was necessary to improve the combat effectiveness of his own people.

  Sadako, Thor, Kona, and Saitama are currently not suitable for their promotion at all.

  So we can only temporarily improve the other three.

  "What's wrong with me? I did several tasks for you before! You said it was Thor!"

  Cthulhu Sauce cried.

  This guy doesn't believe in himself at all.

  She had done several tasks for Bai Ye before without any payment.

  Heartless people!

  "I have an ancient fruit in the form of a titan python, but... it should be pretty ugly..."

  "That's fine!"

  Compared to being ugly, she would rather not.

  However, he has such a good thing, why don't he work for Bai Ye first?

  As soon as this idea appeared, some couldn't stop it.

  "Boss, you are so kind to me!!"

  "Don't cry..."

  Why did the gorilla cry.

  Since he signed a contract with himself, wouldn't he still treat him badly?

  "Thank you, Lord Bai Ye."

  Snow Maiden bowed.

  Although she has always been Buddhist when it comes to strength.

  But since she did the task, she actually had some fears that she would meet someone stronger than herself.

  Isn't this waiting to die?

  "Brother Bai Ye, how do you use this?"

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