Thor pursed his lips. He was looking forward to it at first, but it became more and more hopeless later.

  If Bai Ye didn't come back, he would become an abandoned dragon.

  "This is an accident, let's go in. I happened to have something a few days ago."

  He had things to do in other worlds in those days.

  Thinking about it, I suddenly feel sorry for Thor.

  He was handsome over there, and Thor was still waiting for him here.

  "Hmm, Lord Bai Ye, come in quickly."

  It is not a solution for the two to stand outside the door all the time.

  Thor quickly pulled Bai Ye in.

  At this moment, the evil spirit sauce, who was exercising her body, immediately stood up after seeing Bai Ye come in, and then stepped forward, provocatively said: "After these few days of exercise, I feel that my abdominal muscles have come out, and I will punch him. Try it out!"

  I want to try how much I can carry.

  In the past few days, she can already see her abdominal muscles faintly.

  Her abs armor was successful.

  If Bai Ye's punch is okay, she will do it right away.

  You can go back today.

  In the past few days that Bai Ye left, she couldn't wait!

  "it's here?"

  I've never seen such a cheap request.

  As soon as I got back, I was going to punch her myself.

  The sky is clear, the rain has stopped, and the little evil spirit thinks he can do it again?

  "Of course, I have been training with high intensity these days, and even my abdominal muscles have come out!"

  In the few days that Bai Ye was away, she had been exercising her abdominal muscles very seriously.

  Improve your ability to resist beatings first, which can also indirectly increase the power of some of your own little evil god's flying kicks.

  "Lord Bai Ye, Cthulhu-chan has been exercising at home these past few days~". "

  Connor saw it all.

  Although I don't know why Cthulhu-chan has to exercise like this.

  But Conna, who was very boring, kept this scene in her heart all the time.

  "Okay, since you said so, I don't seem to give you face if I don't punch you."

  He shook his fist.

  The little evil god in front of him also took a breath.

  She concentrated all her strength on her belly.

  Abdominal muscles have been faintly highlighted.

  Looking at Bai Ye's fist, she cheered herself up.


  You can definitely do it yourself!


  The sound of the fist hitting the stomach was a little crisp.

  There was a smile on the corner of the little evil spirit's mouth, and then he spit out the breath that he had been holding before, and then the man fell directly.

  "It seems that your cultivation is not at home yet!"

  Bai Ye sighed, and she fell down before she could do her best.

  "What about Lord Bai Ye?"

  Looking at the little evil god who has lost consciousness with foaming at the mouth.

  Wouldn't this punch kill her?

  "It's okay, just let her rest for a while."

  The physique of the evil spirit sauce is still good, even if it is chopped into meat sauce, it can be repaired.

  So Bai Ye didn't worry about him at all.

  At this moment, he is still concerned about what he has just harvested from the world of One Piece.

  One supremely fast knife, three great knives and six good knives.

  These weapons, he swallowed the book of the creator without looking at them.

  He doesn't really need this kind of weapon, it'll be fine if someone needs to copy it later.

  The key is these more than [-] Devil Fruits.

  All were taken out of the divine power space.

  There are all kinds of fruits.

  Just don't know what properties are.

  "These are the ones the master gave me before..."

  A look of surprise flashed across Sadako's face.

  I thought these things were rare.

  I didn't expect the owner to get so much again.

  "Have you eaten before?"

  "Well, my dark power comes from eating this fruit."

  Sadako answered Snow Maiden's question.

  A large part of her power is only because Bai Ye ate this for herself.

  "Could it be that Lord Bai Ye left these days to find these?"

  Then he picked up a fruit, and Thor looked at it carefully in front of his eyes.

  This texture is really weird.

  As for Conna on the side, she just picked up a fruit and prepared to eat it.

  But in the next second, Bai Ye took it over.

  "You can't eat this, you will be afraid of the sea if you eat it!"

  Although I don't know if the seawater in this world will contain sea floor stone elements.

  But obviously Kang Na doesn't need to eat this kind of food. It's not necessary to give herself an extra weakness.

  "This one is afraid of sea water? Master, will you give me food?"

  Sadako cried.

  This is an experiment!

  "Aren't you a ghost? Why is your body not afraid of water?"


  Sadako suddenly reacted, and what Bai Ye said seemed to make sense.

  You are a ghost.

  How can you be afraid of this.

  "Then I still won't eat it."

  Originally Kona just wanted to taste it.

  When Bai Ye said this, she instantly didn't want to eat.

  As for whether he is afraid of the sea water in this world, Bai Ye has not tested it, and naturally it is not very clear.

  But Conna doesn't need Devil Fruits, and he certainly doesn't want Conna to eat it.

  "Swallow it all!"

  The Book of the Creator honestly swallowed all these fruits.

  He probably knew what the Devil Fruit was.

  In total, there are twelve ordinary animals, four superhumans, four ancient animals, two natural animals, and one phantom beast.

  It seems that even Tianlong people don't have a lot of inventory.

  Or maybe he was looking for the wrong place. Next time, if he goes to Pirate World, he can go to loot once.

  As long as the sheep are alive, there is wool to pluck.

  Not to mention the animal department, it is purely a matter of guesswork.

  On the contrary, the giraffe fruit and bubble fruit that were to be given to CP9 before are all here.

  There are also various cat-shaped variants and many dog-shaped variants.

  The superhumans are: Air Fruit, Fungus Fruit, Music Fruit, and Bubble Fruit.

  Four ancient species: the ancient species of saber-toothed tiger form, the ancient species of dragon form, the ancient species of Titan python form, the ancient species of King Kong form.

  Bai Ye was very satisfied with the fruits of these four ancient species.

  It can also be sold to others later.

  Each of them was a hegemony in ancient times!

  The natural devil fruit is the cloud fruit and the water fruit, the human fruit of the phantom beast species, the phantom beast and the fallen angel form.

  Seems like that one sold to Morgana quite well.

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