Whitebeard and White Night are the same, so if that's the case, it probably won't be a simple dress.

  must have a special meaning.

  "Goo la la la la, Kaido, you bastard, can't stand up anymore?"

  Looking at Kaido, who had been lying on the ground after being knocked flying by himself, Whitebeard laughed.

  It doesn't look like the Kaido I know!

  It's just that Kaido is the most confused right now.

  He used to fight with Whitebeard, and he basically couldn't use domineering. In fact, Kaido knew the condition of Whitebeard's body very well.

  But the previous punch contained a tyrannical arrogance that almost didn't kill him with one punch.

  "It can't go on like this!"

  Kaido knew very well that if he continued like this, he would definitely be defeated by Whitebeard.

  The three plagues were now controlled by one person, which greatly disrupted Kaido's plans.

  Transform into a dragon man form, this is the most powerful state of the animal system, a half-orc!

  In the human-beast state, Kaido's strength, agility, speed and other aspects have been improved.

  With a blitz jump, Kaido jumped straight into the air.

  Goal... White Night!


  Whitebeard reacted at this time, but he couldn't keep up with the speed. He was a warrior, and speed was not his strength at all.

  Kaido is different, especially in the human-beast state, the speed is faster than Whitebeard, I don't know how many grades.

  Kaido's idea is simple.

  The first thing to solve is Bai Ye, so that you can concentrate on dealing with Whitebeard.

  "This is the third world, Yinnaluo..."

  A look of shock flashed in Yamato's eyes.

  She has seen.

  Jumping into the air, spinning your iron rod, wrapping the domineering domineering around the iron rod, attacking downwards, hammering the enemy to the ground, overflowing with black "lightning", the attack wave generated can shatter the ground.

  Basically, she had seen people who were hit by this trick, and very few were still alive.

  And the range is very wide, plus Kaido's speed is basically inescapable!

  Can only resist!

  "Kaido...do you want to dance too?"

  Bai Ye threw his hand and punched Kaido's mace!

  "What!? He actually caught my body..."

  What a monster! !

  Kaido never thought that someone could actually catch him with his body, without even feeling the domineering, who is this guy?

  Ninja Dance King: Thank you, it has been connoted!

  Meow: Madara, do you want to dance too?

  Ninja Dance King: Think, when will you open the door for me, I will show you a dance!

  Meow Meow: Wrong...

  I didn't learn anything else from Bai Ye, Miao Miao learned very well from pretending to be forceful and hilarious.

  Qiu Zixi: Another day of Miao Miao's death!

  Forever eighteen years old: Miaomiao has never died, I dare to say that.

  Where is Bengyu: It is understandable to be young and frivolous.

  Keisha is Bitchi: he's so brave!

  Qiu Zixi: By the way, have you noticed that the skirt seems to be upgraded again!

  It's been a while since the last upgrade.

  After being active for a while, this one is about to be upgraded again.

  That is to say, not only newcomers, but also point rewards, and perhaps new functions will appear.

  Ninja Dance King: Newcomer, just to see if there is anyone who can fight!

  Forever Eighteen: Skirt Status -1

  I'm sister control: woo woo, finally there is a new person, next time I will be an old man!

  "Old man with a white beard, don't do anything with these people, let me come!"

  Since Kaido has already started, of course he has to dance with him.

  However, after taking a look at Yamato, I felt a little troubled.

  Isn't it bad to kill my husband...

  Why don't you just soak his daughter?

  "Fighting with me and getting distracted!?"

  Kaido seized the opportunity of Bai Ye's mind wandering, and then swung his mace directly down.

  Bang! !

  Avoid trembling violently, and Kaido is slightly relieved at this time.

  It's a big taboo to be distracted when fighting!

  "Bai Yejun!"

  Xiao Zi looked nervously at the scene in front of her, and she felt a little nervous in her heart.

  It won't go down this time...

  "It's okay, he's still alive."

  Yamato pointed to the black charcoal snake.

  If Bai Ye dies alive and loses consciousness, his abilities will definitely be unlocked.

  But the black charcoal snake was still locked in there at this time, apparently still alive.

  "Not bad Kaido, I was almost hit by you."

  Bai Ye's voice entered Kaido's ears.

  Kaido hurriedly followed the voice and looked over at this moment, he was on top of his mace, Bai Ye was standing above, then raised his fist and twisted it, saying: "You give me a second, this is fair, An ordinary punch!"

  Ordinary punch! ?

  What the hell is that name. ,

  Looking at the soft fist in front of him.

  Kaido directly propped up his armed aura and covered his entire body.

  This guy doesn't think that a fist without domineering coverage can hurt himself.


  The fist hit, Kaido grinned, and when he was about to say something, he felt that his internal organs seemed to be destroyed.

  Direct damage to the inside of yourself! ?

  Immediately afterwards, Kaido felt a huge force knocking him out.

  Boom boom boom.

  It stopped after hitting dozens of meters in a row.

  "Yes, you can hold my ordinary punch and stand up. In terms of resisting beatings, I would like to call you Kaido the strongest!!"

  The sound spread all over the world, and even Kaido in the distance almost fainted when he heard this...  

  In terms of resistance to beatings, he Kaido is called the strongest! ?

  Ninja Dance King: Don't you have your own lines?

  Qiu Zixi: Haha, Madam Ban feels very embarrassed!

  Forever eighteen years old: In terms of plagiarism, I, Yakumo Zi, would like to call you the strongest!

  Newbie Village Mayor: Ban's famous scenes were all taken away by Brother Bai Ye.

  Kaisha is Bichi: Haha, the Xiao organization has been stolen!

  I am sister control: after all, the most unscrupulous person in the skirt, everyone knows.

  It's been plagiarized again and again.

  Madara Uchiha was about to cry.

  His famous sayings and aphorisms were all turned up by Bai Ye and fried a wave of cold rice.

  "Kai... Kaido was beaten down like this?"

  Doflamingo stared blankly at the live broadcast.

  He had always believed that Kaido would never lose.

  And now Bai Ye is in the Hundred Beast Pirates directly like no one's realm, one punch is no matter whether you are Kaido or three disasters flying six cells, it is all one punch.

  Soon the Beast Pirates were directly killed by Bai Ye and lost their ability to resist.

  "It's not enough to fight. By the way, how many lives do you have for that big snake over there? How about killing me twice?"

  Bai Ye's transfer goal was to catch the black charcoal snake a little off guard.

  He thought he could escape!

  "Give him to me Bai Ye!"

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