"What are you afraid of, if you know the plot, it will change. Think about how badly Wang Luffi was beaten here. Your son's brother, let's educate him and educate Kaido!"

  Bai Ye's words made him a little moved.

  You really know the plot.

  In this case, it is considered a change. In this case, why not do it yourself?

  It happened that Oden's hatred, and when he went to war before, he wanted to attack him, and things happened a long time ago.

  There can be more or less a conclusion.

  Qiu Zixi: My name is Pirate, Wang Lufei!

  Forever eighteen years old: These protagonists are all open, like the prince and the second pillar of the world.

  Where is Bengyu: You don't think the spot is not open, do you?

  Ninja Dance King: Are you talking about me again?

  Meow Meow: I feel that the boss must not be so kind!

  Sister Ren: Of course he's not so kind anymore. Why don't he do things with points?

  Card Draw Master: Cough, I am helping Wang Luffy, why is it for points!

  He has good intentions, how can he say it is for points!

  Although points are very important and he likes it very much, he is not such a person!

  Call me the Queen: It seems that you can help him by not fighting Kaido, right?

  Kaisha is Bichi: Kaido is actually half of his teacher, and he also gave him the usage of overlord.

  The Executioner Draws the Sword: The fake teacher Rayleigh, the real teacher Aaron Crockerdale Ani Lumingo Aunt Ka Er Kaido.

  Card Draw Master: [Kaido: Wang Luffi, you have to learn today, and if you don't learn, you have to learn it for me! 】


  Whitebeard gritted his teeth, if he didn't come before, it would be fine, if this is really Wano country.

  Then don't care so much, just do it!

  There are points anyway.

  And Kaido used to like to come to his place to make trouble, and today he can just retaliate.

  He's not what he used to be!

  He used to have a drip, so he couldn't leave the territory, but now he doesn't need to rely on this.

  "Good job, old man, I said I saw you right, now let's go over and take a look!"

  Seeing that White Beard agreed, Bai Ye finally felt relieved.

  After all, in the opponent's world, it doesn't seem very good to do it directly.

  Although it's okay to indirectly move some black hands, but after all, the live broadcast is on, and so many people are watching, I still have to follow the other party's opinion.

  "Why do I feel like you are cheating on me?"

  "How could it be! We are good brothers, how can there be less points for you!"


  Suddenly Whitebeard felt like he was from another world.

  Is it an illusion?

  "Anyway, sneak in first and talk about it!"

  After the two sneaked in.

  Outside, the eyes are full of barren, but the flower capital inside is unusually prosperous.

  After they came here.

  Whitebeard suddenly felt a little sad.

  Really wait for yourself to see the scene here, what you see from the outside and what you see here.

  A pair of luxuries possessed by rulers and nobles.

  The civilians outside can only wait to die.

  "Cough, let's drink some wine and calm down!"

  Seeing Whitebeard like this, Bai Ye sighed.

  He didn't feel anything, after all, he was not from this world.

  But in fact, you can also feel how chaotic the entire Wano country is under the rule of Orochi.

  "Who, give us some special wine here!"

  "Okay, so the two of you aren't from here, right?"

  "Can you see that?"

  Bai Ye was curious.

  Don't you look so different?

  I feel like this disguise is pretty good.

  "In fact, the people here are all dressed in the same way, and I believe that everyone can tell by looking at the clothes of the guests."

  People in Wano country are very recognizable.

  Plus it's been closed.

  In fact, the people in this place know a little bit about it.

  As long as these outsiders enter this interior, they can basically see it at first glance.

  But then again... how did they get in?

  Wano Country is not something you can enter if you want.

  The policies implemented by Kaido and Orochi have actually cut off outsiders.

  In itself, if it is outside, it is still inside the flower capital.

  Are you really not afraid of being caught and tortured?

  "The guests should leave early after eating. Wano Country is not the place where you come, or at least change your clothes..."."

  The boss reminded in a low voice.

  I have said everything I should have said, and if they are caught later, it will only be their life.

  "Don't worry boss, we will pay attention later, serve us first!"


  The boss hurried to get ready.

  After serving the wine first, Whitebeard picked it up and started drinking. ,

  It looked somewhat unhappy.

  "Speaking of which, what are you so unhappy about? Don't you already know it? We'll make a bigger fight later. How about driving them away?"

  "It's not good, everyone is dead, what am I going to do here?"

  "It's like you shelter Fishman Island. When are you going to take me to Fishman Island?"

  After Bai Ye finished speaking, he instantly felt that there was something wrong with Baibeard's eyes when he looked at him.

  Qiu Zixi: Be good, the mermaid is going to suffer.

  Forever eighteen years old: I knew that Bai Ye's first thought in the past was probably picking up girls, right?

  Sister Nin: My sister is green again?Wait...why should I say that again?

  Meow Meow: The boss is mighty and robbed Princess White Star!

  Kaisha is Bichi: Princess Baixing is really good-looking, and she is also Poseidon, the emperor of the sea. It's really good, but it's a pity that she can't bring her back to her own world.

  Qiu Zixi: There is no such function yet, and it is unlikely that it will be enabled. I am not very clear...  

  Ninja Dance King: He has money to cross the world anyway!

  Draw Master: Please, I'm really not an LSP!

  He simply wanted to see the mermaid and fulfill his wish when he was young.

  Don't they know that they have a desire to see mermaids since they were young?

  This time I just want to fulfill my dream, that's all!

  There really is no other purpose!

  "My sphere of influence is also limited, mainly because my energy is also limited."

  There is only so much where he can shelter, can he still stretch his hand very far?

  Mainly because there are not many men who can carry the banner.

  The once new world was called Rox!

  But it was absolutely impossible for Whitebeard, a member of the Rocks Pirates, to know how powerful the Rocks Pirates were at that time.

  There is a big gap between my current pirate group and the Rocks pirates.

  "You don't understand this, right? Buy some T-viruses for the captains to use first, the strength will definitely be improved, not to mention the physical resilience will definitely be greatly improved, and then draw cards and draw cards!"

  "I see, I'm just looking for you to spend points, right?"

  Whitebeard always understands what Bai Ye means.

  This guy just wants to spend his own points.

  "Cough cough, although the points are bald, haven't you also become stronger?"

  Qiu Zixi: It feels like Saitama wants to hit someone!

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