The two quickly agreed.



  The station at [-]:[-] was already closed.

  And because of the relationship that someone sneaked in before.

  Therefore, at the entrance outside, there are security guards here at the moment.

  "Hold me and I'll take you in."

  He held Eiri in his left hand and Shiyu Kasumigaoka in his right.

  Then Shenwei launched and dived directly into it.

  There is also an energy protection barrier outside, it seems that the rumor about this is true.

  "Thirteen minutes left, we'll wait here for a while."

  Pick up the phone and check the time.

  Bai Ye found a place to sit down.

  At this moment, it was very dark and quiet inside, and Ying Lili and Kasumigaoka Shiyu were sitting directly on the left and right sides of him.

  So scary.

  " look at the platform opposite..."

  Eiri, who was being bored, suddenly noticed that there seemed to be a woman standing on the opposite platform.

  And this look seems to be looking at them.

  "Is it the same as us?"

  Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu guessed.

  The woman didn't speak on the opposite platform, just looked at them like that.

  "No, that's not human."


  The two were taken aback in an instant.

  The distance between the original and Bai Ye was shortened in an instant.

  Leaning on his hand seemed more secure.


  Xiazhiqiu Shiyu calmed down. He had seen ghosts before, so it seemed that he didn't need to be so afraid.

  "Well, you can see that all the ghosts coming one after another are ghosts. It seems that it is really a shuttle bus to hell!"

  All the groups are ghosts.

  Bai Ye is curious, where will this take them next.

  The train came from a distance.

  The faint green lights seemed to be guiding others, the moment they saw the tram coming.

  This group of wandering ghosts seems to have lost the ability to think.

  It floated over from the opposite platform and flew into the carriage.

  The train stopped in front of Bai Ye and the three of them, and the door was opened. At this moment, many people were already seated inside.

  Draw Master: Open a live broadcast and take you to visit hell!

  Bai Ye thought about it for a while, and felt that a person's adventure was really boring.

  Let the skirt friends take a look at their hell trip, and by the way, see if anyone gives you a wave of rewards!

  Qiu Zixi: Wow, I didn’t bubbling all day today, and I started live streaming at night, night owl?

  Forever Eighteen: Playing with two younger sisters?Good guy, he really deserves to be our sea king!

  Ninja Dance King: I feel that this guy Bai Ye is really full of women, how can he become stronger like this?

  Sister Nin: Bai Ye, you don't want my sister anymore?

  Butterfly forbearance feels that this is too much.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????

  Every day, the women around me keep changing.

  Your sister will not be allowed to wear a lot of green hats in the future?

  I really have no money: the true nature of a man!

  Be my son: ahem, Bai Ye should have everything!

  Kaisha is Bichi: Actually, I don't think this kind of thing is too much of a problem, I've seen too many...

  Where is Bengyu: Brother Bai Ye, where is this?There are so many souls around.

  As a god of death, Aizen could see it at once.

  In this carriage, all are ghosts.

  Although Aizen doesn't chat often in the skirt.

  But he has been diving for a while.

  Naturally, I also know that Bai Ye is not such a person.

  Card drawing master: Aizen still understands me. How can I be that kind of person? This is the train to hell. The main reason is that this child came to me to solve the problem, so I took it with me to see it.

  Bai Ye sighed in his heart.

  He actually thought that he was making a girl for a live broadcast.

  I mean, is he that boring?

  Qiu Zixi: That's Ying Lili, Kasumigaoka Shiyu and Yingli Li, when will you bring Kato Megumi over?

  Card Draw Master: In the future, I will train Megumi Kato to be a ninja!

  Ninja Dance King: Ninja?

  Suddenly a person needs to be cultivated.

  And also ninjas.

  In terms of ninjas, Madara Uchiha feels that he still has a voice.

  In other words, how did he think of training this person into a ninja?


  Qiu Zixi: Because that girl has a very low sense of existence and is basically ignored, I also think that ninjas and assassins are actually quite suitable for her!

  Ninja Dance King: That's right!

  won't be noticed.

  Really good as a ninja.

  Just having that is not enough!

  Card Draw Master: Not to mention other things, I have to get in the car first.

  The train is about to close.

  Bai Ye can't talk anymore.

  Otherwise, I am afraid that this train will not be missed.

  If you miss today, you can only wait for tomorrow.

  "Let's go, let's hurry up, the train is closing!"

  "Well, we'll follow you."

  Eiri felt gloomy inside, if it wasn't for her own problems.

  She doesn't want to go in.

  Carefully pulled the corner of Bai Ye's clothes.

  After the three of them walked into the carriage, they felt that the atmosphere inside was not quite right.

  It was seven or eight degrees cold in an instant.

  Bai Ye is okay, the other two are not lucky, they are ordinary people themselves, and they don't wear much.

  This icy carriage, it seems that only by getting closer to Bai Ye will not let yourself get cold.

  Qiu Zixi: This is really accompanied by a sister every day.

  Forever eighteen: she's just my sister.

  Meow: The boss is mighty and domineering, I want to study with the boss!

  Qiu Zixi: Miaomiao, you are really good at learning, but bad at learning!

  Where is Bengyu: If you go to hell, I am really curious about what hell is on your side, brother Bai Ye.

  Ninja Dance King: I'm also curious. Anyway, I've had enough of Huangquan in our world. It's estimated that no one wants to go to this ghost place.

  There is no way to fight, who would want to go through it.

  And they were curious about what the world he was in was like in Bai Ye.

  " did they stay so dumb?"

  Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu looked around subconsciously, and there were many ghosts crowded in the carriage.

  Only the location of Bai Ye, I don't know if it is because the ghost doesn't want to stay here or is afraid.

  No ghost dared to approach this place at all.

  This also made them both feel a little more at ease.

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