Now in the past, trying to snatch Iron Broken Tooth was as easy as the palm of your hand.

  In front of Master Sesshomaru, Inuyasha has no strength to resist!

  Think about a little excitement.

  "No, I already have my own weapon!"

  Sesshomaru took out his weapon, which he felt very good, and he liked it very much.

  After reading the original work, he also understood the good intentions of General Canine for him.

  This weapon that does not belong to oneself, Sesshomaru actually feels that it is not worth it!

  "Ah!? Sesshomaru-sama, your weapon?"

  Xie Jian looked at the weapon that Sesshomaru was holding, and felt strange in his heart.

  Is this the weapon he speaks of?


  "Where are you going, Sesshomaru-sama?"

  Before Xie Jian thought that Sesshomaru came here to find Inuyasha, after all, they had already investigated it clearly.

  As a result, Sesshomaru came here to catch a hair monster and stopped moving.

  At first he thought that Sesshomaru meant that he wanted him to investigate.

  So he just passed by.

  As a result, after I came back from my investigation, Sesshomaru didn't go again?


  Sesshomaru didn't talk nonsense, and the evil view quickly caught Sesshomaru's mink tail.

  Fly all the way.

  Sesshomaru seems to be looking for something at the moment.

  According to the original book, after he was cut off by Inuyasha with an iron broken tooth.

  The location of the grove should not be very far, where there is a group of wolves...

  It's actually been a day since the beginning of the story.

  He hesitated at the time, but because of watching the plot, Sesshomaru gave up.

  And that is, today, Ling should be killed.

  But Sesshomaru is not sure, because he is not injured, there will be no chain reaction.

  Sesshomaru was very entangled before, and it might be dangerous to keep Ling following him, but thinking about the original book, nothing happened, plus not following him, in this world where monsters are rampant.

  It seems to be more dangerous.

  It's better to keep his wife by his side and cultivate it... uh... He wants to protect the person who saved him in the original book!

  That's right!

  That's it!

  Looking around, Sesshomaru even wondered if the plot had changed.

  But because he didn't hear the prompt to change the plot, he didn't dare to relax.

  At this moment, there was an exclamation in the distance, this voice...

  So familiar!

  Sesshomaru has heard this voice for the past two days,

  It seems to be accompanied by the sound of wolf howling, that is to say, the front is his wife?

  heck, ling...

Chapter 100

  Hear a cry for help.

  Sesshomaru quickly flew towards the source of the sound.

  At the end, the evil view that grabbed Sesshomaru's clothes correctly was stunned.

  Sesshomaru-sama suddenly changed his direction, wouldn't he want to ~ take care of it in the past?

  If you think about it, you will be denied by evil views. Sesshomaru has never been a meddling monster.

  how today...

  Human girl! ?

  Xie Jian looked at the human beings who were being chased by a group of wolf demons below.

  He didn't think much of it.

  After all, this kind of thing happens every day in this world.

  In the next second, Sesshomaru raised his little hand and instantly wiped out the wolves chasing behind the human girl.

  "Lord Sesshomaru?"

  Xie Jian looked at him in surprise.

  But he didn't dare to say it, and he didn't dare to ask.

  All of a sudden, he made a move, which directly confused him.

  I was thinking that Sesshomaru-sama wouldn't care.

  The result is the shot in the next second?

  【Ding!The plot change is successful, reward: 2W points! 】

  so much?

  Sesshomaru did not expect that if he rescued Ling once, there would be so many bonus points.

  "It seems that Sesshomaru-sama is in a bad mood today. I don't need to think too much about it."

  Xie Jian thought that it might be that Sesshomaru was not in a good mood, so he killed this group of wolf demons by the way.

  This can also make you feel better.

  Should be leaving... This little girl is really lucky.

  Xie Jian has some emotions in his heart.

  I didn't expect to meet Sesshomaru-sama's solution.

  To change it, under normal circumstances, this girl is doomed.

  Now that these wolf demons have started chasing people, they obviously won't let it go so easily.

  It can only be considered that this little girl has a big life.

  Just the next second, Xie Jian was stunned again.

  What is Sesshomaru-sama going to do?

  He felt very strange, shouldn't he be ready to leave after all these things last night?

  Why do you still have to go down, and looking at the goal of Sesshomaru, it seems to be walking towards the little girl.

  Could it be that His Highness Sesshomaru is not going to let anyone go?

  "Go down!"


  The evil view that was thinking was very honest and jumped off Sesshomaru's mink tail.

  "Then...that thank name is Ling, how about you?"

  Although I know, the person in front of me should also be a youkai.

  She was afraid, but the other party saved her, so Ling naturally stepped forward to thank him.

  If it wasn't for the man in front of him, he would have been dead.

  "Well, I saved you, you come with me."


  What's the matter, Your Highness Sesshomaru! ?

  Xie Jian feels that he must be dreaming.

  Why did Lord Sesshomaru leave here with a little girl.

  Something is wrong!

  Absolutely not right!

  This is not the Sesshomaru-sama I know!

  I squeezed myself hard, and the evil view screamed in pain. It wasn't a dream that it hurt!

  But this scene was also seen by Sesshomaru, and Xie Jian felt that something flashed by in front of him, and he was directly kicked out.

  This... is the Sesshomaru-sama he knew!

  Tears are about to flow out of the evil view. This kind of person who beats himself up at one word of disagreement is Sesshomaru.

  Ling looked at the evil view that was knocked out, and instantly became nervous.

  This monster said before that he would take himself away.

  Don't you want to eat yourself?

  But seeing that he looks so handsome, shouldn't he eat people?

  "Anyone else in your family?"

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