Qiu Zixi: Wow, there are a total of six time-travel spots!

  Ninja Dance King: Do you have points?

  call me queen: only six...

  Forever eighteen years old: How can this be considered a person?

  Looking at this, it seems like everyone wants to go.

  【Ding!If there are more participants, choose randomly! ].

Chapter 90

  Card Draw Master: What do you say?If someone wants to go there, I can sign up!

  Thirty thousand points.

  That skirt title is that everyone will enjoy the effect.

  But this [-] points is properly ~ properly belongs to myself.

  And he himself can pass-go to collect energy.

  Zombies can also swallow the Book of Creators in one bite.

  Newbie Village Chief: Welcome to my side.

  compared to others.

  As a person in the main world, Jiu Shu's point reward is [-], and there will be a point reward for changing the plot at that time.

  It's an added bonus for his home game.

  Of course, he welcomes them too.

  After all, he had given him a lot of help before, and he also wanted to meet his skirt friends.

  Qiu Zixi: I'll go too, [-] points, if you don't go, you won't go for nothing, anyway, just follow you guys!

  Meow: I applied too!

  Forever eighteen: want to go...but I still have things to do now, unfortunately...

  Thirty thousand points.

  If this is the past, Yakumo Zi must pass.

  But now I have more important things to do.

  So it's not over for now.

  The noble son of the demon world: I will not participate.

  Sesshomaru actually wanted to go, but when he thought of the other party, it seemed that they were all human.

  And usually he doesn't come out very often.

  At this time, it seems that there are some things that are not very good to grab places.

  Let's talk about the water skirt later.

  It was probably embarrassing in the past.

  Sister Shinobu: I can apply, but I'm very weak!

  Butterfly Shinobu wanted to pass, but because of her weak strength, she felt that she was a little bit of soy sauce in the past.

  I really have no money: don't worry, just apply directly, anyway, someone will bring it when the time comes.

  Forever eighteen years old: You guys really have a good idea!

  Qiu Zixi: Someone came to lead the team, Bai Ye seems to be enough, right?Does Mr. Luke and Morgana come?

  Light and Dark Maker: I'm not here this time, I'm messing with my Silent City, and my current form is more severe.

  Kaisha is Bitchi: I'm not coming either, I'm on Earth, and there are still many things to do, so I can't come.

  They look at their future here.

  In fact, he also started to prepare for the next thing.

  It's not that I don't want to come here, this is [-] points.

  It's just that there are more important things at hand.

  In comparison, he definitely couldn't leave.

  Be my son: Gu la la la la, I won't go there, my son can't explain it here, and the navy's surveillance is tight, there may be an accident when I leave.

  Whitebeard is still on the New World side.

  There are the other three emperors here, as well as the surveillance of the navy.

  He suddenly disappeared from the Whitebeard Pirates.

  That lunatic Kaido will definitely come.

  After all, it has been a long time since he disappeared. As the strongest man in the world, his every move is watched by others.

  Unless you leave the new world, leaving at this time is basically impossible.

  Qiu Zixi: Then we'll sign up everyone first. If you want to go, sign up, but if you don't pass, you won't sign up. It's the first time to meet your skirt friends!

  Forever Eighteen: Be careful if the night is over!

  Card Draw Master: Damn it, what are you worried about?

  Bai Ye was speechless.

  What to watch out for?

  Don't you think that you really have nothing in your mind except women?

  And he has never even seen Qiu Zixi.

  If a dinosaur has to be careful about him, shouldn't he be careful about the other person himself?

  But the last time I saw Qiu Zixi's writing round eyes, that eye Bai Ye probably wouldn't be a dinosaur.

  Those who are ready to sign up have also signed up.

  As for not going, he chose to refuse the mission.


  Three days passed.

  Renjiazhen was also fully armed at this time.

  Ordinary people all went to the Ren Mansion and the Huang Mansion next door to hide.

  There is a large-scale formation in it, and zombies and ghosts can't get in for a while.

  The news that the two towns next door were slaughtered by zombies also spread here.

  Now the people in Renjiazhen can only wait for the news of the ninth uncle.

  "You said Ninth Uncle in the end..."

  "I don't know, but we can only trust Ninth Uncle."

  "Yeah, it's definitely impossible to walk, and the surroundings are surrounded by zombies."

  "Hey, I can only watch..."

  A group of people huddled in a room and started chatting.

  Ninth Uncle asked at the door, and when he was about to leave, Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng looked at each other and said, "Master, let's go together!"

  Although timid, this time is about the comfort of the whole town.

  They don't care too much.

  And let Jiu Shu face so many monsters alone, they can't do it.

  You must go with your master.

  There is also a support for everything.

  "Ninth Uncle, I'll go with you too!"

  "Tingting you!"

  Seeing this, Master Ren hurriedly wanted to stop him, but Ren Tingting also had a flash of determination on his face at this time, and said resolutely: "Father, even if you stay here, you need to see Uncle Ninth, and I can go over and help!"

  She has learned a little from Uncle Ninth these days.

  Although it wasn't much, she didn't want to wait here to die.

  And in fact, in the original work, Ren Tingting's role is more than Wencai.

  Wen Cai was purely a pig teammate, she was better, at least helped a little.

  "Actually, you don't need to, just stay here."

  A wry smile flashed across Jiu Shu's face.

  I've said it many times before, I don't need help.

  Because someone will come.

  A few of them couldn't help much in the past.

  But seeing them like this, Ninth Uncle couldn't refuse, and then he could only agree: "Well, Mr. Ren, if they follow me, I will protect them, so just wait here."

  "This... well, Tingting will ask you."

  Master Ren nodded, sighed and finally agreed.

  He knew that this child was stubborn, and he knew that if Uncle Ninth died first, they would also die.

  The reason why he didn't go out to help is because Uncle Jiu said before that he didn't need it.

  And if they are bitten to death by zombies, they will also become zombies and become a local fighting force.

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