The bone-crushing knife hit the ground heavily, raising a cloud of dust.

  As the smoke dissipated, Bai Ye also disappeared from sight.

  [Is my brother dead? 】

  [I haven't even seen the corpse, this knife is really ruthless...]

  [No, I just wanted to fall in love, but the person died? 】

  People are gone.

  At this time, Thor and others, who were watching the live broadcast, were also stunned. They didn't know what to say, and nervously began to frantically search for Bai Ye's figure on the screen.

  "Sister... No way?"

  May murmured, her eyes full of disbelief.

  Bai Ye won't die! ?

  Absolutely not!

  "Well, you are really powerful with this knife. Speaking of which, your speed is too slow for a big man. I told you that martial arts in the world can only be fast and not broken. That's right, I'm right on top of your head, come and kill me, you idiot!"

  After speaking, Bai Ye jumped and left the place directly.

  There is a small wing on his shoe!

  Jump cards!

  Symbol: strength to play, the best state.

  It grows small wings on its feet and has the magic of high jumping. .

Chapter 85

  【This person... is so arrogant! 】

  【I have never seen such an arrogant person! 】

  [Speaking of which, he jumped so high and ran so fast. Isn't it true that the superpowers don't have superpowers when they go in? 】

  [Maybe it's because of good physical fitness? 】

  [When you say this, Auntie, I am somewhat excited! 】

  The speed of the night.

  The evil spirits chasing him were also a little puzzled.

  After coming in, I am not an ordinary person, how can I jump so high.

  But his running position is the middle side.

  The closer you get there, the stronger your own-strength.

  Therefore, the evil spirits were naturally not in a hurry, they were just chasing after him.

  " the evil spirit chasing people?"

  On the way, I naturally saw other people who joined the game.

  Seeing that the evil spirits are chasing people, they are very careful to stay away.

  After all, it is best to take care of yourself when you come here to play games.

  Once you join in the fun in the past, it must be yourself who will die.

  It is better to say that while this evil spirit is chasing other people.

  Get away quickly.

  "The big guy is coming..."

  Saitama was walking on the road, and the heartbeat of the big man in his ear was getting louder and louder.

  But then, a voice flashed directly in front of his eyes, and then he flew up...

  "It's me, don't move!"

  Grabbing Saitama's cape, Bai Ye jumped directly towards the church.

  "Aren't we going to take care of the big guy in the back?"

  "Are you still capable?"


  Saitama shook his head.

  He was very strange before, he was obviously not a superpower, but after he came in, he felt that his ability could not be exerted at all.

  But he can feel that the power is in the body.

  "It's very strange, right? Why do I feel that the power in my body is still there, but I can't use it."

  "Are you the same as me? I thought it was just me."

  Saitama had thought that this was the only thing that happened to him.

  It turned out that Bai Ye was the same as himself.

  If you think about it, it's not your problem.

  Qiu Zixi: What's going on? I don't understand.

  Forever eighteen years old: That should be the power of his Clow card, this guy and the Clow card have made me worry all the time!

  Ninja Dance King: No, what he said to that bald man seemed to have some special meaning!

  Be my son: I don't know, let's see what he has to say, I'm confused now too.

  Where is Bengyu: Looking at it this way, Brother Bai Ye seems to know what's going on!

  Keisha is Bitchi: Come on!What bothers me the most is this kind of guessing, can't I just say it directly?

  Qiu Zixi: I guess we don't have time to explain it to us now, but it seems like he knows something.

  Now even if you want to ask Bai Ye to answer it, it is estimated that he will not answer it.

  But Qiu Zixi guessed that since he said so, he must know what was there.

  outside world.

  Saitama looked at the evil spirits behind him that were getting faster and faster.

  He turned his head and stared blankly at Bai Ye, and said, "It seems that you are catching up, do you want to try?"

  Although the body seems to be some kind of seal.

  But Saitama was not the one who ran away.

  There is no way to be caught by Bai Ye now. He estimates that Bai Ye knows something and wants to take him there.

  "No, that stupid big guy is easy to get rid of!"

  After Bai Ye finished speaking, a floating card appeared in his hand.

  Tap your finger on the float.

  The magic takes effect instantly.

  Floating card symbol: liberation and freedom from bondage.

  It has the magic to levitate people and objects, and can move at high speed.

  The two flew into the air, and the evil spirit that was chasing was stunned.

  Why even fly?

  It was hard to catch up, but this product can actually fly in the air.

  He can't fly!

  [This TM can also be done? 】

  [I vomited, I thought it was a massacre, how can this person use super powers! 】

  [I don't know, this person's ability seems to be the ability of a card? 】

  Everyone watching the live broadcast was stunned.

  I could have explained it before.

  But now everyone is taking off.

  How else to explain?

  "Isn't your ability sealed?"

  "It's not actually a seal. It's just that after we entered this space, we were suppressed by a space. Have you heard of the box theory?"


  Saitama shook his head.

  Suddenly I feel as if I have so little culture.

  He really didn't know what the box theory was.

  "That is, we are the people outside the box. If we suddenly break into the box, the box will be repelled."

  In fact, it is the same as crossing.

  Bai Ye had been thinking about why he couldn't use his abilities, but the Clow card could.

  He had never figured this out.

  Later, he thought, if this space is regarded as a box, if the box is unconscious, then obviously this kind of thing will not happen.

  But this box is being manipulated.

  In other words, after suddenly entering the box.

  Think of this as a field, this is someone else's field, and there is no advantage in just entering.

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