But in front of you who have gathered all the power of knights, it is vulnerable! "


  "FinishTime! (Final moment!)"

  "Sprinting time shatters!"

  The phantom of the red sports car appeared behind Mika, kicked along with Mika's knight, and hit the alien galloping rider who had just stood up!


  After the explosion, there was only a black alien galloping watch left!

  When Mika picked up the alien galloping watch, it was the time when Shogo Joban and others left this era!

  The moment the space-time channel opened, Lin Huan frowned.

  He understands what the other party wants to do!

  Obviously, "Shogo Joban" knows that he is not the opponent of Lin Huan and Mika who has gathered all the power of knights!

  Therefore, he is ready to let the two of them stay in this era forever!

  In this way, no one will stop his plan!

  After all, Shogo Joban, who is not empowered by the devil, is just a puppet to "Shogo Joban"!

  Just when Lin Huan was thinking about all this!

  "Zongis ㄧ Zamonas, double time smash!"

  A green Zamonas as huge as Ultraman appeared in the forest, waving his double fists that shone with mortal light, and slammed down at Lin Huan's villa in this era!

   "Trouble, I thought, what surprises can you prepare for me!"

  Although this attack could not cause damage to Lin Huan's divine body, Meihua, Woz, and Clara couldn't!

  Therefore, Beth is sure that Lin Huan will definitely resist this kill!

  that's the truth!

  "FinalAttackRideDarkDecade! (Final Attack Ride ㄧ Dark Emperor Rider!)"


  (PS: Meow, please explain, Shi Wang’s space involves all the Heisei knights, so it’s a little longer.

  But now it's time to wrap up the main story!

  Because the plot of the next world has to be prepared, the latest update will probably be maintained at four or five, which is not very stable! ).

Chapter 205

  "FinalAttackRideDarkDecade! (Final Attack Ride ㄧ Dark Emperor Rider!)"

  Before the giant knight's attack landed on the villa, Lin Huan, who transformed into a passionate warrior of the Dark Emperor, appeared above the villa!

  Passing through the layers of yellow energy cards, he kicked the armored form of the giant Kamen Rider Zamonas Zongis transformed by Bass.


  Bass was kicked to the ground directly!

  "a ha ha ha!

  The Lord's plan has been successful! "

  The giant knight who was kicked to the ground by Lin Huan stood up and laughed out loud!

  At this time, the space-time channel was closed, and under the action of "Joban Shogo", this era was completely separated from the main world!

  "Joban Shogo" knew that he was not Lin Huan, and that there was also the opponent of the resurrected Resurrection King, the King of Demons!

  Shogo Joban, I'm about to collect all the knight watches!

  In order to sit back and enjoy the success, overturn the history of Heisei!

  "Shogo Joban" had to make a plan full of loopholes!

  There is no way!

  Using the changes of the ancient screen and the disappearance of the history of riding, guide Lin Huan and the others to 1575!

  In the end, with the assistance of Black 25 Woz and Bass, Shogo Joban successfully obtained the Chi Chi watch and returned to 2019 in front of Lin Huan and the others!

  After Shogo Joban leaves this era, "Shogo Joban" will immediately cut off the history before 1575, the connection with the main world!

  Then, take the main world and disappear into the vast parallel world!

  The Great Thousand Planes is huge, Lin Huan, it is very difficult to find the coordinates of the Lord's World!

  This is the limit of what "Shogo Joban" can do!

  If Lin Huan didn't go to 1575, or left in the middle, or left before Shuanggo Joban, his plan would fail!

  Fortunately, his plan, with the efforts of many of his subordinates who sacrificed their lives, succeeded!

  As for the disappearance of history before 1575, triggering modern changes,

  There are also fragments separated from the main world (the era of 1575), which will end in 1575 and enter into destruction. These things are not within the consideration of "Joban Shōgo".

  Because, originally, he wanted to destroy the world and create his ideal paradise!

  "The plan was a success, but, do you think I really can't go back?"

  Looking at the figure sitting in the forest, bigger than the mountains, Lin Huan was a little disdainful.

  "Joban Shogo" with the main world, can't run far at all!

  Otherwise, if he is really that strong, there is no need to be afraid of Lin Huan.

  Even the rookie "Joban Shogo" can't get along in a slightly stronger world. If he dares to take the Shiwangzhu world, he will go to some high-level world.

  Maybe there will be an extra one every minute, allowing the higher world to enter the secret realm of the dungeon called Kamen Rider Shiwang!

  In the general high-level world, Lin Huan at this stage is gone, and he doesn't dare to wave at will!

  "Joban Shogo" didn't even dare to go!

  Well, having said that, if Lin Huan really wants to go, as long as he can get in touch with the strongest person in that world, the situation may be reversed.

  Looking at Beth's large size, Mika, who has never seen Ultraman, was a little excited: "Brother, although I don't know what you are talking about, but, he, leave it to me!"

  "Well, it's up to you!" Lin Huan nodded and released his transformation.

  Meijia looked at Meihuan with great interest!

  "Let's come together!"

  "Yeah!" Mei Huan nodded coldly!

  Now, the power of knights has been gathered!

  The two are basically in their strongest state, and they are beautiful and want to try. Compared with this large knight, how strong are they!

  After a while, the two of them, who became one, took out two golden knight dials!

  "OHMAZI-O! (The King of Demons!)"

  "REVIVE! (Resurrected!)"


  The golden energy clock with the imprint of the King of the Devil and the Resurrection appeared in the void behind Mika!

  On both sides of the clock, there are also a pair of golden wings!

  Dark golden lava flows within the clock!

  The scorching high temperature made the space begin to distort!


  (Two kings in one!)"

  "Thebestofbenevolence! (The best of benevolence!)"

  "ZhigaoXeon! (Supreme Xeon!)"

  "Kingslanding, the strongest king in the world! (The strongest king in the world!)"

  Accompanied by the domineering sound effect of the time-space drive that has transformed into a golden color, the complete body shape waving the wings behind him!

  The resurrected King of Demons, flew to the armored form of the giant knight Zamonas Zongis!

  "Zamonas-Zongis Double Time Smash!"

  The dark green light condensed on the right hand of the giant knight, and then punched the resurrected king, the king of the devil.

  Mika was not afraid at all, and she threw her fists to meet her!


  The result of the ordinary punch vs the sure-kill punch was that Bass, the transformed giant knight, was blasted directly into the air.

  Dark golden energy spreads on Bass's body that covers the sky and the sun!

  "What, so weak?

  Forget it, wait for me to kill and end the battle! "

  Looking at the figure that was about to fall to the ground, Mika was about to turn her belt and launch a kill.


  before that!


  Beth's body exploded directly.

  Okay, just have fun! ! !

  To solve the enemy with one punch, Mika was shocked by her own power!

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