Therefore, Gates of Mingguang Institute burned all his life and used the power of idealism to come to this, the main world where he could not come, the time when I received the lunch box from Victory Panzhuang.

  The only thing that Gates of Mingguang Academy didn't expect was that Haywards would stand up and save Gates!

  However, he does not regret his decision!

  People always have something to care about!

  There is no doubt that Shogo Joban has become something that Gates is very concerned about.

  Shogo Vibana, who didn't understand all of this, wanted to ask something.

  However, Mika had already turned around and left!

  "Well, Vivian, although it's not very suitable for you to be the king, but as a friend and partner, you should be good!"

  "After all, there are not many people who are willing to give up everything to save you!"

  "Treasure your companions well!"

  After that, the girl ran to Lin Huan's side.

  "Hey, brother, what's wrong with your mouth?"

  Lin Huan explained: "It's okay, a little accident!"

  Mei Huan was expressionless: "Liar!

  Sister Shi's mouth is also swollen! "

  "Wow, I'm so biased, we're struggling to fight monsters over there, but His Majesty and Sister Shi are enjoying themselves.

  Sister Phoenix and the female Woz, must have stole it just now!

  No, I want too! " Yamabukika roared!

  "Ah, so that's the case, no, I want it too!" Meijia and Meihuan moved closer.

  In the end, several girls, except Men Yashi and Phoenix, were trying to make Lin Huan's mouth swollen!

  "Fenis, don't you want it?" Men Yashi asked curiously.

  "No... not very good!" Phoenix was a little moved.

  Men Yashi: "Okay, if you are shy about this kind of thing again, you won't even have the chance to drink soup in the future!"

  Moments later, Phoenix joins the battlefield. .

Chapter 193

  Looking at Lin Huan and a few girls, in the frolic, the figures gradually disappeared.

  Vivian Zhuangwu is inexplicably envious.

  Not envious of women's fate, but some, other things.

  "Haywards, you said, Gates, is he really~ all right?"

  Shuanggo Vivian, a little skeptical.

  "Your Majesty the Demon King, I believe that the other King of Time should not deceive you in this regard!

  Also, for what happened before, I'm sorry! "Hey Wo-Z, with a face full of guilt.

  "Please believe that I have difficulties!"

  "It's alright, I forgive you!" Shuanggo Vivian said, running towards the house, "Let's go home and have a look!

  I'm a little uneasy, is Gates real...! ! !

  Gates! ! ! "

  Before he could leave, he saw a arrogant, very ill-fated young man who limped towards him.

  "Hey, Shi Wang, what happened before!

  Why am I lying in an underground garage alone and don't remember anything?

  Did you do it? ' Gates looked suspicious.

  "No, Gates, Haywards, let's go back to eat sukiyaki, no, let's go to Chinatown and eat hot pot!"

  Shuanggo Joban was excited.

  This time, he finally didn't have to envy Lin Huan anymore.

  Shogo Joban pulled Gates, walked somewhere, followed the last Hewards, and sighed.

  Haywards turned around and glanced at it. On the display screen of the building behind him, a cultural relics discussion program and a display of the Warring States screen were playing.

  On the ancient screen, there are several patterns that do not belong to the products of that era.

  Experts are discussing why, in that era, there will be a picture similar to the robot (Kamen Rider).

  Unfortunately, Haywards knew the robot "Kamen Rider" on the screen.

  Kamen Rider Shiwang (Shogo Joban)

  Kamen Rider Gates (Meikoin Gates!)

  Kamen Rider Woz (Black Woz)

  Kamen Rider Zamonas

  Kamen Rider Zongis

  Kamen Rider drive (gallop!)

  Kamen Rider Mach (Mach!)

  Kamen Rider ㄧ The resurrected King of the Demon King! (Mega/Meicall)

  A teenage girl in modern clothes with a quirky book!

  (Female Woz)

  And the boy in modern clothes next to the girl! (Lin Huan)

  At this moment, the book in Hewarz's hand shook, and inexplicably added a new page.

  It seemed to be a one-page plan.

  "I'm sorry, Your Majesty the Demon King, I have my own mission to complete!"

  "Hey, Haywards, what are you doing, come here quickly!

  I have notified my uncle to come! "Seeing that Haywards hadn't followed, Shogo Joban turned around and shouted.

  "Your Majesty the Demon King, wait a moment, I'll be right here!"


  After everyone left, a man with short yellow hair and a sad face in a white trench coat holding a blue toy gun with a strange shape in his hand,

  Walked out to the downtown lawn.

  A man in a suit with a girly magenta camera hanging around his neck is lying on it.

  He seems to be "forgotten" by everyone.

  When the man in the white trench coat came over, the man opened his eyes.

  "Sir, so you're not in a coma!

  However, it seems that you are not doing well!

  Power has been taken away, and no one seems to care about you except me! "

  "Haidong, I see that you are not too happy!"

  Man in white trench coat: "Well, I met a very hateful woman and was robbed of something!

  However, it should be better than you!

  You don't even have the power of Emperor Qi and the power of space!

  It doesn't feel good to be an ordinary person, right? "

  Haidong Dashu laughed all over his face.

  "That's not necessarily true, Haidong!" Standing up, Men Yashi took a magenta camera and took a picture of the building.

  "It looks like things are getting more and more interesting!"

  "Let's go, Haidong, I'll treat you to dinner!"

  While speaking, a white dimensional wall was formed in front of the door Yashi.

  "Hey? Shi, why do you still have such power?" Uncle Haidong was stunned.

  "Well, this is what I was born with!

  Let's go, that guy's hot pot, how could we be without us! "

  Menya Shi took the lead and walked in.

  Haidong shrugged and followed.

  Well, the two of them think it's feasible to eat something like rice!

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????


  After the Kakogawa Feiliu incident, Lin Huan and Victor Shuanggo were rarely calm for a while.

  However, this is only the calm on the surface.

  In fact, the waves are turbulent, and the undercurrent is surging!

  It seems that the group of time managers in the time management bureau will not be able to sit still!

  One day, Mika, who was reading the news, finally found Huadian.

  Holding the tablet, the girl found Lin Huan.

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