Dianwang and Gates consciously left the last monster to Shuanggo Vivian.

  "it is good!

  Time to end! "Joban Shogo turned his belt.

  "The end time!"

  "Chonghuang Shiwang!"

  "Twenty Knights Time Smash!"

  19 clock gates formed in mid-air!

  19 knights in the final form of 25, use the kill, and fly out of the clock gate!

  next moment!

  "Pause, time!"

  At the time of Emperor Chonghuang, the clock on the king's forehead flickered.

  Immediately, the 19 knights, with their kills, stopped in mid-air.

  Shogo Joban thought he was handsome, so he took a sword and looked at it a few times.

  Takuya Endo was stunned.

  "The King of Time is the strongest sword!"

  "Overlord Slash!"

  In the end, the alien electric king was knocked into the air by Shuanggo Vibran.


  The statue of Shiwang on Chonghuang Shiwang's forehead flashed again.

  Nineteen knights must kill, time, running again.


  In addition to Ted, he was killed by the invincible alien King of Electric, who was the leader of the whole Heisei, and fell.

  Takuya Endo, who was forcibly released from the alien knight state, lay on the grass.

  A black knight dial fell to the ground.

  Endo Takuya tried his best and crawled towards the position of the knight's watch.

  He was willing to lose this extraordinary power!

  However, just when he was about to touch the knight dial of the alien electric king.

  Endo Takuya felt that the sky suddenly became dark.

  At the same time, the alien knight watch fell into the hands of a man.

  "This, I may not be able to give it to you!"

  Putting away the alien knight dial, Lin Huan walked to Shuanggo Vibrant.

  The discussion that I promised before can't be given up so easily.

  Zhuangwu Vivian: "Come on, Lin Huan, let me see your power!

  This time, the winner is only me! "

  "Well, although I really don't want to make you shriveled the first time you transform, but who made this your own!"

  With a special smile on his face, Lin Huan pressed the dial in his hand.

  The next moment, the two came to a certain time node in the future.

  The world seems to have been destroyed!

  The yellow sand that filled the sky looked extraordinarily desolate.

  Somewhere on the top of the mountain, three girls plus a cute loli, ready for snacks, ready to eat melons and watch a play!

  Well, Mingguang Academy Gates and Hewarz are still looking for the time node when the two come.


  "Lin Huan, I will show you the power of all knights!

  I will use this power to create a new future! "


  "Celebrate! Chonghuang Shiwang!"

  Shogo Joban was the first to insert the dial and transformed into his current strongest state.

  The sculpture of the full knight, and the golden rain falling from the sky!

  It looks great!

  Thoughts, Lin Huan's side is much more monotonous!

  "DarkOHMAZI-O (Dark ㄧ King of Demons!)"

  After pressing the black gold dial in his hand, a black belt appeared on Lin Huan's waist.

  "Dark Blessing Hour!

  Perfection and kindness!

  The Supreme King!

  The king of darkness meets the devil! "

  A black energy clock appeared under Lin Huan's feet, and then transformed into a special symbol of the king of every demon.

  The surging black magma, carrying heat and high temperature, flowed between the symbols of the king of the devil, and finally rushed to Lin Huan.

  After a while, a black king of the time of the devil appeared in front of Shuanggo Joban.

  "build! (Create ride!)"

  Shuanggo Joban was the first to press the relief on his body!

  A Chuangqi appeared behind him.

  Lin Huan on the opposite side was much simpler in comparison!

  The special Yajituo icon on his body flashed!

  "DarkAgitΩ! (Dark Agito!)"

  Afterwards, the Chuangqi summoned by Shuanggo Joban fought with the black and dark Yajituo summoned by Lin Huan.

  And Lin Huan also confronted Zhuangwu Vivian.

  It's a pity that although Lin Huan restrained his strength, he didn't use the power of every demon to blast Chonghuang Shiwang with a punch.

  But in close combat, Shuanggo Vibrant is still not his opponent!


  After the two of them fought for less than ten seconds, Shuanggo Vibrant was beaten by Lin Huan with a basic fight and flew away with a punch!

  Not far away, Chuangqi and Diablo Yajituo summoned by the two also exploded and disappeared after kicking each other.

  "Lin Huan, you are really strong, but I won't admit defeat!"

  In Lin Huan's eyes under the mask, the wiser Vivian Zhuanggo pressed all the reliefs on his body!

  "Kuuga (empty me)!

  AgitΩ (Aji Tuo)!

  Ryuki (Dragon Rider)!

  Faiz( )!

  Blade (sword)!

  Hibiki (ring ghost)!

  Kabuto (King of Armored Fighters)!

  Den-O (Electric King)!

  Kiva (Moon Ride)!

 540 Decade!

  W (double ride)!

  OOO (Oz)!

  Fourze (stealing)!

  Wizard (Witch Riding)!

  Gaim (Kaoru)!


  Ghost (spirit ride)!

  Ex-Aid (Ex-Aid)!



  Nineteen gates of clocks appeared after the birth of Jopanzhuang Wu!

  19 Heisei main riders, from the clock gate, came out!

  Well, Shogo Tobane actually wanted to summon the final form of all Heisei knights.

  Unfortunately, he didn't know why (unstable strength, lack of energy) and failed!

  Lin Huan snapped his fingers, and 19 dark knights appeared in an instant, without deliberately bullying Shuanggo Vibran.

  What Lin Huan summoned was also the basic form of the Dark Knight.

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