"Doctor, Sayuri, can she be discharged from the hospital?

  Should she be fine?

  Wouldn't it be a job that's been missed for too long! "

  Yukihiro asked nervously.

  Jing Feicai, who was in charge of the patient, frowned.

  "Who are you from the patient?"

  Yukihiro: "Oh, I'm Sayuri's husband, how is she doing now?"

  Jing Feicai: "I just saw her examination report, it's just a kidney stone!

  Although it is more serious and can only choose surgery, you can rest assured that my surgical ability can ensure that the patient is safe and sound!

  The sequelae are also minimal! "

  "¨〃Hey hehe??? Surgery, do I have to do surgery?

  Can you not do it?

  Will the surgery be expensive? "Xiaohong was a little nervous.

  The money on his body is indeed not very rich.

  Jing Feicai glanced at the man in disgust.

  "Don't worry about money!

  She used to come to our hospital often.

  She is a VIP customer of our hospital, and the operation fee and so on can be deducted directly from her private account! "

  "I will prepare her for surgery as soon as possible!

  After you let her, pay attention to her diet and eat less junk food!

  By the way, if you can, you can transfer her to the intensive care unit, where the environment, relatively speaking, will be better. "

  "Oh, I see, doctor!" Looking at Jing Feicai's back.

  Yukihiro nodded dumbly.

  Endo Sayuri's family background, he only knew now, thinking of a certain bank card (Li Lizhao) that he had seen that was treasured by a woman before.

  The man's face suddenly darkened.

  He felt that his thoughts were a little confused and needed to be sorted out.

  So he went straight to the bench, but he had no choice as a gentleman to sit on the side of the young husband and wife.

  Instead, prepare to sit on the wife's side.

  Look at the snow-white patrol in the knee area above the "wife"'s high boots and under the short skirt.

  A trace of greed flashed in the man's eyes.

  "Hey, that's just a little bit!

  However, it should feel good, right?

  Mmmm, if it's a short skirt, maybe! ! ! "

  The man is ready to act like he used to be on the subway, pretend to be careless and experience it!

  Ordinary little girls don't dare to speak out in public.

  Even if there is a special, daring, gentle-looking, like a gentle scum, as long as he pretends to encounter it accidentally, apologize, nothing will happen! .

Chapter 167

  In fact, Yukihiro didn't want to be a hentai if he could, but he didn't let him touch him until after the pressure of life and his girlfriend's marriage.

  It made Yukihiro gradually hentai, and formed a vulgar habit of indecent//molesting women in public!

  In his eyes, Endo Sayuri is not particularly beautiful, and the family is not particularly good, just one of his backup marriage objects.

  Now, after he learned the identity of Endo Sayuri, the situation changed slightly.

  He has some new ideas!

  Before that, though, he's ready to relax!

  Yukihiro got closer and closer to the bench in the corridor.

  The man pretended to be calm and wanted to sit down!

  However, he didn't realize that a family of three, looking at his eyes, was a bit strange!


  Before Xinghong sat down and stretched out his hands, he was horrified to find that his face was already on the ground.

  A little loli stood in front of him and looked at him with interest.

  "Uncle, you have to thank me, if Sister Ola takes action, you will be dead!"

  Little Loli Alpina's tender voice echoed in this space.

  "I...I don't know, what are you talking about!

  What do you want to do? "

  Yukihiro's face was full of horror.

  The three people standing up opposite obviously possess supernatural powers!

  No one shot him, but it seemed like there was a [-]-pound weight on him.

  "We know exactly what you want to do, uncle!" Alpina said disdainfully.

  Although Yukihiro hides it well, unfortunately, what he has done and what he wants to do, Loli, who has the power of time, is very clear!


  Lin Huan kicked out and kicked the man up from the ground and onto the wall.

  Yin Hong's blood donation flowed down the corner of the man's mouth.

  Originally, the people around who wanted to help men get ahead, seeing Lin Huan's powerful destructive power, rationally chose to shut up and walk away.

  After falling from the wall, Yukihiro,

  curled up on the ground.

  "It's so boring!" Lin Huan kicked a few more times.

  Although it's just a dispensable scum, fortunately Hong can't die for the time being!

  Let the alien king know that Yukihiro will do things to (cfdj) Sayuri Endo, and things will become more interesting!

  "Let's go, Ola, now, I can't, let the alien king take the lunch!"

  "Yes, Your Majesty!" Looking at the black camera in Lin Huan's hand, Ola nodded.

  "Hey, goodbye, uncle!" He glanced at Yukihiro pitifully, and Little Loli Alpina followed in Lin Huan's footsteps.

  At the door of the ward, Kouhiro curled up, a little resentful, staring at Lin Huan, Aura, and the back of Alpina leaving.

  After a while, he opened the door, rushed into the ward, and punched Endo Sayuri in the face.

  "Fortunate... Yukihiro?" The weak woman looked at her boyfriend in disbelief.

  "Sayuri, why are you hiding your identity!

  If, if you had told me earlier, things might not have been like this! "

  Yukihiro "crying"

  While crying, he slapped his mouth.

  With the blood on the corner of her mouth, Endo Sayuri's heart softened instantly.

  "Do you know my identity?

  Sorry, Yukihiro, I didn't mean to!

  I want to wait until we get married, and then tell you! "

  Endo Sayuri looked guilty.

  "Oh no, I'm sorry for you!

  If I try harder to give you a good life, you won't be overworked and put on a terminal illness! "

  Endo Sayuri: "Absolutely... terminally ill?"

  Endo Sayuri was stunned for a moment.

  Yukihiro, who was fake crying, flashed a ferocious look in his eyes.

  In addition to her rejection of cohabitation, Endo Sayuri is actually a very simple and easy-going silly woman.

  Yukihiro has a plan, maybe he can not only prostitute Endo Sayuri's body for nothing, but also get a sum of money!


  The goal of Alien Electric King and the Alien Demon God who signed a contract with Yukihiro in 2019 are the same.

  It's all May 2017!

  The difference is that the heterogeneous electric king wants to stop his sister's "tragedy".

  And Alien Demon God, it is simply because, here, is a very important time in Xinghong's memory!

  However, now the blue Alien Demon God and the Alien King of Electricity want to curse!

  The group of villains who caught their two hammers just now chased after them and surrounded them.

  Kamen Rider Zero North! (Sakurai Yuto!)

  Kamen Rider Den-O! (Nogami Ryotaro

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