Long Talos came over: "It doesn't matter, trams and clocks are the same!"

  "Huh? Is it a lie?"

  However, without waiting for him to refuse, Rontaros directly possessed Junichiro Vibana and walked towards the tram that fell outside.

  "I'm sorry, Rontaros, he is a little wayward!" He smiled apologetically, and Ryotaro followed the remaining three.

  "Your Majesty the Demon King, your uncle should be possessed!

  Let's go there too! "

  Shogo Joban nodded, pulled Gates, who was still eating, and walked outside.



  A cemetery in the city.

  A man named Yukihiro, holding a bunch of flowers, walked to a tombstone!

  The photo above shows that it was a very young girl.

  In the photo, the girl is still smiling!

  The girl is not very good-looking, but when she smiles, it is very sweet!

  "Sayy, I'm here to see you!"

  The man, with a special smile on his lips, put the flower in front of the tombstone!

  At this moment, a man who looked a bit like a gangster rushed over from the side and punched Yukihiro in the face.

  "Who allows you to come to see my sister!"

  "Get out of here!

  You killed my sister! "

  Endo Takuya roared and kicked the man out of the cemetery.

  At the entrance of the cemetery, Xinghong tried to justify:

  "Takuya, you misunderstood, your sister's death has nothing to do with me!"

  "You don't understand what I'm saying?"

  "Whirring whirring!!!"

  While breathing, the man's figure seems to be undergoing some kind of change!

  The unknown fear made Xing Hongfeng fled the scene like a wind!

  "Den-O (Den-O)!


  The man's emotions were out of control, and the red light flashed, much like a gangster man, who became an alien king of electricity!

  "Tsk, I found you, little mouse!"

  Accompanied by a magnetic male voice, a handsome boy followed by a beautiful woman in long boots and colorful feathers in her hair.

  Pulling a little loli in a white dress, blocking the alien king of electricity!mouth.

Chapter 164

  "It's you?"

  When he saw Lin Huan, the Alien Electric King was instantly shocked.

  Then run away directly.


  In the next second, the time of the alien electric king was suspended by Little Loli Alpina!

  "Big brother, am I amazing!" Little Lolita looked at Lin Huan as if asking for credit.

  "Well, it's awesome!"


  Loli giggled.

  Surprisingly cute and cute.


  The Alien Electric King came out of the time pause, and when he came back to his senses, he had already been stepped on by Lin Huan.

  "Looks like you know us!"

  Ola came over.

  Heterogeneous electric king, at this moment, has become human again.

  "Yes, when I was under Lord Ted, I was fortunate enough to witness the demeanor of Lord!"

  Endo Takuya, a bitter corner of his mouth.

  He felt really unlucky.

  Because she wants to save her sister Endo Sayuri, who died of illness.

  Endo Takuya was forced to sign a contract with Ted the Time Robber and became an alien king of electricity!

  Unfortunately, without the time train, he cannot travel through time.

  Fortunately, when he served Ted, Ted promised that he would send him there and change the history of his sister's death!

  However, Ted was unable to persist until the moment when he helped men realize the ideal of returning to the past!

  After that, although Endo Takuya was lucky not to be beaten by the Heisei Knights, he did not dare to go out and wave.

  After possessing superhuman strength, no one wants to become an ordinary person again.

  Today is his sister's memorial day. Originally, he wanted to come out and offer incense, so he went home and continued to hide!

  As a result, the accident still happened!

  He met the last person he wanted to meet.

  Ola: "Actually, you don't have to be nervous!

  Your Majesty and I have no plans to take away your power for the time being! "

  Endo Takuya: "Then what do you guys want to do?"

  "You should, want to go back to the past and save my sister, right!

  We can give you this power! "

  Ola smiled.

  Those who sign contracts and become alien knights are the kind of people who have obsessions.

  Endo Takuya: "Really... Really?"

  Aura: "Of course, Kamen Rider Den-O, came to this world, you just need to snatch his tram!

  That tram has the power to travel through time! "

  "Then what do you want?" Endo Takuya believes that there is no such thing as a free lunch!

  "You will find out later!"

  Lin Fan smiled.

  "I...I know!"

  Perhaps, in the hearts of men, my sister is really a very important person.

  After hearing what Lin Huan said, he didn't look back, and ran towards the distance.

  The red tram that landed near my home in Jobanzhuang is super conspicuous!

  After the alien king left,

  The three of Lin Huan got up and left.


  On the other side, near the cemetery, Yukihiro, who witnessed all this, suddenly panicked.

  He felt that he was going to get cold!

  At this moment, an Alien Demon God made of sand appeared in front of Yukihiro.

  "Human, do you want to sign a contract with me?

  I can help you make a wish come true! "


  Soon after, the space-time channel opened again,

  A green tram flew out from the passage of time and space.

  And the place where it landed was also near my home in Victory Village.


  Joban Junichiro's repair ability really has nothing to say, it is related to time, even if it is something like a train, he can repair it well!

  However, it takes more time to repair the clock than usual.




  The tram, which was attacked from the outside, shook violently.

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