He found that he didn't seem to be able to use the second-order ability of Shi Wang!

  After saying hello to Gates and Woz, Sogo Vibana returned to the tree back then!

  Like a scene in a cartoon, cherry blossoms are falling, and a girl in a sailor suit is pushing a bicycle and standing under the tree.

  The girl and Kitajima Yuko have different appearances and smiles, but they are equally healing!

  "Well, my bike is broken, can you fix it for me?"


  Joban Zhuangwu was stunned for a moment, walked over, and then everything was hours!

  In front of it is an ordinary big tree (Zhao Zhao), and next to it is an abandoned primary school!

  Everything just now was just an illusion!

  Now, it's not cherry blossom season!

  Besides, Neon, only students will wear sailor suits, adults wear them, it will be very strange!

  Ten years have passed, and the big sister of the sailor suit will not wear a sailor suit again!

  Shuanggo Vivian, just unwilling to admit that the kind and gentle big sister back then will become what she is now!

  "Perhaps, without the power of the Moon Knight, she will be fine! Khan"

  Glancing at Gates and Haywards, who were quietly hiding in the dark and worried about him, Shuanggo Joban felt that it was not bad now, at least, he was not so alone!

  Under the setting sun, a man stood on a tall building, silently looking at the Shi Wang trio below, pointing to the sky with one hand.

  "Grandma said: The king who takes away the power of other knights is not a good person!

  Just let me, the man who walks the way of the sky and is in charge of everything, come and see your true face! ".

Chapter 142

  (PS: Attached photo: Real Fish in the Valley of the Wind!

  Meow, the Kiva chapter was not handled well. I originally wanted to write a longer one and write about Hongdu and them, but the subscription was as low as Kiva's ratings at that time, so it had to end earlier.

  Meow, let's do this today, I will try to restore the normal update speed tomorrow! )


  "Your Majesty, the disorder of time and space has become more and more serious recently!"

  Phoenix, looking at the starry sky, fell into contemplation.

  Two meteorites, braving flames, streaked through the air and fell towards the center of the city.

  That is, a meteorite carrying alien life!

  The meteorite that was supposed to land in Shibuya in 1999, brought alien life, did not fall!

  That is the history related to Kamen Rider Kato, and it is meeting with reality.

  Meteorite is just late!

  Moreover, there is a larger meteorite that is still behind.

  Looking at the huge meteorite that is quite a distance away from the planet, a smile appeared on Lin Huan's face!

  "Creating a new future is not so easy!

  But now, it's fine! "

  "Knights, coexist with alien knights!"

  "On the contrary, I really want to meet this world, the man who walks the way of heaven and is in charge of everything!"

  A red beetle flew from the sky and landed on Lin Huan's shoulder!

  Kamen Rider Jiadou, the strongest is never Jiadou, but its summoner, the Chief Secretary of Heaven!

  Lin Huan wanted to see, with the same power, who is stronger between him and the Director of Heavenly Dao!

  However, it was late at night, and now is not the time to think so much, in the daze of a certain "red beetle".

  Lin Huan threw it out!

  Immediately, I hugged the girl and returned to my room!

  He is different from the single dogs like Shogo Joban, Gates, Haywards, and Monyaji, but he has a family!


  Your Majesty Lin Huan, did you enter the wrong room? "Fenggu Zhenyu, when he saw Lin Huan and Phoenix come in,

  After being stunned for a moment, after thinking about what to do, his face instantly turned red.


  "Oh!" Kazuya Mayu lowered her head shyly.

  Although I have had a similar experience before, but sure enough, I still feel shy every time!

  The sound insulation effect of the room is still very good!

  No matter how loud it is inside the house, there is basically no sound outside.

  10 o'clock at night!

  Yuko Kitajima, who couldn't sleep, quietly came to Mayu Kazuya's room.

  Mika saved those innocent sacrifices. As the price, she naturally had to do her job as a cook!

  So, she wanted to come over and ask the chief cook at home for advice on cooking.

  She carefully rang the doorbell of the room, and then felt that something was wrong, after all, it was almost midnight.

  The wind valley real fish may have rested.

  However, just as Yuko Kitajima was about to leave, she received a voice message from Mayu Fenggu on her mobile phone!

  At the door of the room, there is a monitor showing the identity of the person standing in front of the door!

  Yuko Kitajima was not surprised that Mayu Kazuya knew that he was coming!

  After clicking on the voice message, Kitajima Yuko was taken aback.

  Fenggu Zhenyu's voice is a little strange!

  "Yu...Yuzi, is something wrong?"

  "Well, Sister Zhenyu, can I ask you about cooking?

  If my cooking skills improve, Your Majesty Lin Huan and the others will definitely be very happy! "

  There was a bit of shyness in the girl's voice!

  In addition to repaying Mika's hard work in cooking, she came to Fenggu Zhenyu, and the other part was because of Lin Huan.

  She remembered a little thing that happened the day she met Kitajima in 2015!

  Unfortunately, she rejected Lin Huan's kindness at that time.

  However, because of the experience that night, and Lin Huan's excellent appearance.

  The girl raised some thoughts that she shouldn't have.

  However, she knew that the gap between the identities of the two parties was too great, and the other party was obviously not an ordinary person.

  All she wants now is to make Lin Huan more satisfied with her cooking!

  The reply to this message (cfdj) was a bit slow. Just when Yuko Kitajima wondered if Mayu Kazuya fell asleep, a voice message came over.

  The voice is a bit long, with a long nasal sound at the beginning.

  However, Kitajima Yuko, who didn't understand Xueyue, didn't think much about it.

  At the end of the speech, there is a sentence.



  That, Yuko, the door is unlocked, open the door yourself and come in! "

  Kazuya Mayu's voice regained a little calm.


  The bedroom door is open!

  Kitajima Yuko's face instantly turned red!

  "Well, am I here at the wrong time?"

  The girl wanted to turn around and leave, but the door couldn't be opened for some reason!

  "No, you are here, just in time!"

  Lin Huan raised his eyebrows.


  "Good morning!



  And Haywards! "

  "You're awake, Zhuang Wu, it's almost cold, you should eat first!!"

  "Morning, Shi Wang!" ㄧ Gates

  "Morning, His Majesty the Demon King!" ㄧ Hewarz.

  When Shogo Joban woke up, Gates and Hawards had already finished their meal.

  Watching the morning news with my uncle.

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