Refer to the emperor's form of Ultraman Geed

  However, handsome is over! )


  The axe carrying Gates' slaying energy did not hit, and it was very similar to the appearance of the king of the devil!

  It's like the resurrected person who adds a pair of golden wings behind the king of the time of the devil, the king of the time of the devil.

  The axe was clearly cutting the air, but there was a sound like a broken mirror.

  After the void, the transparent resurrected person meets the King of Demons, revealing his cool appearance.

  At the same time, the female Woz, who had been waiting for a long time, came to Mika's side with frantic eyes.


  She is above all!

  The king of time who knows the past and the future!

  In this moment, she changed history!

  Created the resurrection, the great power of the King of Demons!

  History, at this moment, has opened a new chapter!

  come on!

  Rejoice for the birth of a new king! "

  "Uh, sure enough, it's every Woz's instinct to celebrate this kind of thing!" Sogo Vibana was a little helpless.

  After celebrating, the female Woz returned to Lin Huan's side with frantic eyes.

  Well, watching the battle in other places is very dangerous!

  Only by Lin Huan's side is the safest!

  After glancing at the female Woz, the girl who wanted to experiment with her new power snapped her fingers!


  The next moment, a mirror really appeared in front of Shi Wang Sanjie.

  A phantom of Shiwang's third-order energy rushed out of the mirror, waving the axe in his hand, and slashed at Shiwang's third-order.

  "The time is long and the long sickle is harvested!

  Kill with a sickle! "

  When the king was third-order, he changed the control of Hewarz to block the mirror's kill.

  However, what shocked the three of Shiwang's third-order was that the mirror image did not disappear!

  The left-hand time is long and the long sickle is harvested!

  Right-hand time bow axe ㄧ axe!

  Mirror image waved the weapon in his hand, and at the same time, the third-order king of the time was released, and he released the kill.

  "King's ultimate slash!" Switching to Shiwang's third-order controlled by Joban Shogo, he released his own kill.

  The mirror is still intact!

  What's more, in the sky above the mirror image, there is also a floating sword of the King of Time!

  Then ㄧ

  "The King's Ultimate Slash!"

  "Time Blast!"

  "One sickle will kill!"

  Mirroring the third-order Shi Wang, carrying three kills, they attacked the third-rank Shi Wang together.

  "Can a mirror image of an attack be replicated?

  But this way, there is no way to beat me! "Joban Shogo controlled Shiwang's third-order and stopped attacking.

  Possessing a small part of the power of the demons, Kamen Rider Shiwang, Kamen Rider Gates, Kamen Rider Woz's power is much stronger than the original Shiwang III!

  Even if it is a three-way kill, it is not a problem at all in terms of the current third-order defense power of the king.

  In contrast, if you continue to attack, and the mirror can continue to copy, it is really troublesome!


  Three sure-kill attacks landed on Shi Wang's third-order body.

  Shi Wang's third-order body stood on the sea, motionless.

  After the end of the kill, Sogo Vibana was a little excited.

  "Gates, Haywards, sure enough!"

  The mirror image in front of Shi Wang's third-order disappeared after the attack.

  "Your Majesty, it's too early for you to be happy!

  If she can continue to create mirror images, it will be difficult for us to deal with it! "Haywards was a little worried.

  Gates agreed: "Her appearance looks like the king of the devil, and there is a pair of wings behind her that may have unknown powers!

  This kind of appearance and pressure, it feels very similar to the king of the devil! "

  "Haywards, Gates, don't worry, I said, even if you don't become the king of the devil!

  I will definitely create a new future! "

  Shogo Joban re-controlled Shiwang's third-order and launched an attack.

  Then ㄧ

  "Every devil is a blast!"

  The resurrected person, who was experimenting with his own power, had no choice but to launch a mirror image again to resist the attack.

  The resurrected person was behind the King of Demons, and some illusory golden wings were gently instigating.

  The third-order King of Shi, once again lost the trace of the resurrected King of the Devil!

  When the king was third-order, he immediately used the power of the resurrected Gates.

  "Resurrection ㄧ Gale!"

  After using the power of Gates' resurrection, the third-order Shiwang who entered the accelerated state finally caught the resurrection behind him and met the Demon Shiwang.

  Shi Wang Tier [-] wanted to react, but it was too late!

  The resurrected ㄧ The fist of the king of the devil has already been hit...  


  Just a light normal attack!

  Shi Wang's third-order body was directly knocked into the air!

  And generally knocking the opponent into the air is all about preparing for the next attack!

  Even if it is the third-order king of the time with the power to meet the devil!

  When being knocked into the air, there will also be a short period of stiffness!

  In the top duel, even if this is stiff, not even 0.1 seconds, it can do a lot of things.

  "Fighting the devil with a strong punch!"

  The resurrected man's fist of the King of Demons shone with a golden light.

  Then, a punch hit Shi Wang's third-order body.

  The third-order Shiwang, who reacted in time and felt the danger, urgently buried the cause and effect of time reversal on himself.


  Shi Wang's third-order body exploded!

  Shi Wang third-order, instantly evaporated!

  Meijia, one of the resurrected kings of the time of the devil, frowned. She found that in her current state, she could use at most one-tenth of the power of the resurrected and the king of the devil's time!

  And in the process of fighting in person, the pressure on the body is too strong!

  The strength of collecting knights with Mika is getting stronger and stronger, and the physical fitness far exceeds that of ordinary people countless times.

  "Time Reversal!"

  "Powerful chainsaw!

  Time interception!

  Powerful chainsaw cuts! "

  Because before being bombarded, the third-order Shi Wang had already buried the time reversal program on his body in advance.

  Therefore, after the body was blown up, the reserved time reversal was activated.

  After the recovery, the third-order Shiwang launched an attack on the resurrected Shiwang.

  The third-order Shiwang put on the chainsaw in his right hand, and the spiral energy blade that was launched flew straight to the resurrected ㄧEmperor Shiwang!

  "Every devil is fierce!"

  The resurrected meets the Demon Shi Wang, and smashes the third-order must-kill of Shi Wang in an understatement.

  "Shogo Vibran, if you only need this power, then I will be very disappointed!"

  "When the devil is empty, I will kick the knight!"


  Golden energy, shining on the right foot!

  The resurrected ㄧ Demon Shi Wang kicked the Shi Wang third-order! .

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