Hey hey hey! What are you doing!

Nothing, you are Erica's classmate, right? We just have something to talk to you about!

Uh...then you can't drag me away like this!

Ah, just make do with it!

Hua la la la la la...

The group of people behind were all dumbfounded!

I... No wonder the police are not welcome here, they are too irritable...

In a small hotel somewhere.

Boss, let me borrow your room on the top floor! Don't worry, I won't give you a penny less! It's troublesome!


After locking the iron door similar to a bank security door, the three of them breathed a sigh of relief.

Leo sat across from Chiba Hisawa and his partner with a speechless expression.

Well, Brother Chiba, what are you doing here? It seems that the police are not very welcome here. After all, this is... a violent neighborhood, and you know that!

I didn't expect Erica's classmates to be so strong. You can still recognize us even though we have hidden our auras, that's amazing!

Brother Chiba, are you following someone?

No, because of the environment here, there is nothing we can do about it. Hiding the aura can avoid a lot of unnecessary trouble.

Oh, that's it!

If why we came to this neighborhood...

Ah! I don't want to come either, but there is really no other way.

Chiba Shouhe covered his forehead and said speechlessly.

Look at this.

After speaking, his deputy took out a few photos from his coat pocket and placed them in front of Leo.

We are currently investigating the case of mysterious deaths.

Mysterious death!?

Leo's eyes narrowed.

Hey, hey, although the soundproofing here is good, police department, can you please keep your voice down? Who knows if the partition walls have ears?

Chiba Hisawa waved his hands indifferently.

Don't worry, it doesn't matter if you tell me. It's midnight now, not to mention that this matter will be reported everywhere tomorrow morning. It doesn't make any difference whether it is leaked or not.

Leo looked at the photos on the table, with a few drops of cold sweat breaking out on his forehead.

The strange death...is it the kind of... strange killing in the novel?

Ah, more or less, it should be considered a murderous act.

For example, the most recent deceased was found on the lawn of a suburban park three days ago.

The cause of his death was the same as the previous deaths. They were all caused by weakness. Moreover, the death characteristics of all of them were the same. There were obviously no external wounds, but they all lost 10% of their blood volume.


Yes everyone...

It sounds like being killed by a vampire in a fantasy novel... It's really curious.

So, Leo, since you are familiar with the neighborhood here, have you noticed any special people? For example, people who move strangely and dress in a special way.

Well...I haven't seen such a person so far?

Is it……

Don't worry, since it's Brother Qianba, I will ask my friends here!

Hey, hey, Leo, be careful and don't go around asking about this kind of thing. You might get noticed.

Haha, don't worry, Brother Chiba, don't look at me like this, I don't intend to get into the dangerous area, and I am quite confident in my own strength!

Chapter 148 Leo’s flag

Leo said to Chiba Hisaka and his partners in a super confident tone.

It's okay. I don't intend to dive into dangerous things. Even if you look at me like this, I am quite confident in my risk perception.

Chiba Hisawa looked at Leo, and after looking at each other with his partner, he took out his business card from his pocket and handed it to Leo.

Yeah, if you really inquire or find something, just send me an email directly.

The world is spinning and time will not stop, at the same time Leo and Chiba Hisawa are talking.

Originally, because of the ambiguity and verbal confession she only saw with Tang En in school during the day, her mood changed to sour and sweet after being tense and stimulated, allowing Lina to have a good sleep at night.

But there are always people who don't want to see her living such a comforting life.

Lina, wake up quickly!

In her dazed sleep, Lina was shouted out by her cohabitant, Warrant Officer Sylvie...

Sylvie... um... what's going on? I'm so sleepy at night!


Sylvie put on her coat and stood beside Lina's bed... Through the light seeping out of the living room, Lina's mind gradually became clearer after seeing Sylvie's solemn expression and eyes.

Lina... Major Canopus sent an urgent message!

The sudden news shocked Lina!

I thought to myself, Ban...

She quickly lifted the quilt, wearing only a shirt, and hurriedly ran towards the phone in the living room. Her two straight white legs and the looming skirt were eye-catching...


Ban, I'm sorry for keeping you waiting for so long. There's only sound, because I was sleeping just now, so I'm sorry!

Captain...I should say sorry for disturbing you while you were resting!

It doesn't matter, tell me, what happened, that you sent me an emergency contact at this time!?

Everyone in Lina's team knew that the captain had left the country for a foreign country because he had to carry out a confidential espionage mission.

Logically speaking, she would never be contacted during her mission, but this time it was obviously because the matter was urgent, so she had no choice but to contact Angelina Silius!

Captain like this, we have found out the whereabouts of those who escaped a few days ago! Although time is a little slow...

It's okay, keep talking!

Lina closed her eyes and recalled the night before coming here.

In Dara City, Lieutenant Fred, who was executed by her, although he died, there were seven magicians following him, defecting from the UUU army one after another...

Ban, have you found the location? Where is the place you mentioned!?

Captain...right where you are staying now...

With a flick of the brush, Lina's face turned pale, and her sky-colored eyes showed confusion and complete disbelief.

She was originally standing in front of the communication phone, but suddenly she seemed to have lost all strength. She could only support the table with both hands, barely standing...

This news had an extraordinary impact on Lina!

After landing on the tourist island, he should be lurking in the city where the commander is currently staying!

Lina looked confused...

She didn't understand why...why she had to come here! ?

Why haven't you let her go yet? And let her carry out her mission cruelly! ! ! !


The Integrated Staff Headquarters has decided to dispatch additional searching teams!


Lina was shocked!

Is there going to be a war from above! What do they want to do now?

No, Captain, this is a secret operation.


Lina's heart sank to the bottom, and she became completely cold...

Captain, I am now conveying the instructions from the General Staff Headquarters to you!

Major Angelina Silius, the priority of the current mission will be second, and the tracking of the defectors will be the top priority!

The above is the content of the instruction.

Lina lowered her head...

The hands were held tightly, and they were pierced into the palms of the hands. The whole body was shaking constantly. The delicate face covered by the golden hair was full of unbearable and tears...

Track...the defectors and then...execute them.

Lina closed her eyes, and when she opened them again, her whole body became extremely cold.

Now she is Angelina Hillius!

Even if she no longer wants to perform such a task, she must do it! Because she is the captain of STARS!

She must bear all this...

Although this is cruel to a 16-year-old beautiful girl who is upright and at her best age...

But she has no ability to escape her fate.

Do you really think that she is willing to be the captain of this STARS? ! ! Do not make jokes!

I understand, please convey the truth to the headquarters!

Tang En, who was lying on the bed practicing magic meditation, suddenly opened his eyes!

Because when Yu Lina came into contact during the day, Tang En's own mental mark was left on her body, so all changes in Lina's position were under Tang En's attention.

Oh? Is this... something wrong?

Tang En's eyes flickered.

He decided to check it out.

After putting on his clothes quietly, he disappeared into the house as the space twisted slightly.

But Tang En didn't know that the moment he disappeared, Maya, Miyuki and three others opened their eyes at the same time in the room next to them.

Obviously, they were very familiar with the fluctuations when Tang En unfolded the sky realm.

Brother who runs out in the middle of the night needs training!

Miyuki... turned from black!

As for Midnight and Maya, they smiled and closed their eyes... As mature as they were, of course they would not take the initiative to ask about Tang En's whereabouts, because they believed that Tang En would definitely explain to them when he came back.

In an abandoned factory in the suburbs somewhere, Tang En hid his figure in the sky and looked down from Sky 0.3.

Only two figures were seen, running away and moving quickly in the Feiqi Factory.

But it was obvious that the people in front were slightly weaker and were soon blocked in the corner.

As for the pursuer, Tang En was stunned.

He has blood-red hair, a mask that covers half of his face, and his eyes are even more sinister.

However, Tang En soon discovered something was wrong, because this blood-red haired magician was covered with a layer of armor covered with psions.

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