Well, I just came...

Lina was confused.

Anyone who can come to her home must be someone from within the organization.


excuse me……

Hearing the sound, Lina looked in the direction of the sound.

She saw a girl about her age standing at the entrance.

Seeing her, Lina had a look of surprise on her face!

Mia, you're here!

Yes...yes Major!

Mia, magic researcher, Micaela Honge.

She came here to study in the National Defense Department.

So the residence is not here.

Lina is very happy about the arrival of her friend!

Don't call me Major, call me Lina.

Okay... okay, I will try my best!

Because there is a superior-subordinate relationship, asking subordinates to address their superiors by their nicknames... is obviously a challenge to subordinates.

At this time, the eldest sister Sylvie next to her reminded her with a smile:

You can't talk at the door, right? Let's go in first!?

Okay... Warrant Officer Sylvie!

After the three of them came to the living room, Sylvie poured a cup of coffee for Lina that had already been brewed, and then sat down separately.

So...were there any specific findings after the search!?

Sylvie answered Lina’s question truthfully:

Although we have retrieved the public database and all the videos here, we have not found any new information so far.

Chapter 145 The difference between assessment and actual combat

Lena took a sip of coffee, closed her eyes and thought for a moment, and then asked Mia on the other side.

Mia, where are you at the Magic University? Did you find anything?

I'm sorry...I haven't made any substantial progress here.

Huh...it seems things are not as easy as we thought.

This is of course, because the real target people have known their identities for a long time, but they just don’t know whether Tatsuya Shiba has been exposed or not?

Lina, how are you doing there? It should be easy to get along with those high school students at school.

Especially the target people you are responsible for, are you a little closer to them?

Lina was a little embarrassed when she was asked.

Too many things happened today. Not only was Tang En kissing her hand, but it also made her blush and her heart beat!

At the end of the meal, Tang En asked a question that almost revealed his secret because of his own reasons.

I saw her... her hands twisted together at her waist, squirming:

I feel a little closer. But...

But what?

Um... Sylvie, today I was asked by Tang Enjun, is Angelina's nickname usually not Anjie? This question...

I was so nervous at the time...I thought my identity was exposed!

Sylvie frowned.

This must be a coincidence, right?

Lina closed her eyes, spread her hands, and made a face.

I don't know, I don't know at all.



Sylvie and Mia just looked at her.

This makes Lina... so embarrassed!

I had no choice but to pick up the coffee and take a sip to hide my embarrassment...

I thought to myself:

As expected, I'm not doing the job of collecting intelligence... It feels so uncomfortable!

But he said:

But after all, the other person is just an ordinary magician. Even if he is the administrator of the school, he is still just an administrator... he cannot be compared with professional soldiers like us.

So from this point of view, it shouldn't really reveal my identity and think that I am from Sirius.

Lina comforted herself...

Hmph, even if you suspect me, I will never let you catch my tail! Tang Enjun!

Lina raised her little hand and clenched it into a fist to cheer herself up!

The next day.

Today is the second day of the new semester. As the school administrator and bloody law enforcer, Tang En is finally going to go out again!

When the news that Tang En was on duty today was leaked, the whole school was in panic. Those gangsters who were usually more aggressive were safely attending classes among the teachers. People in various clubs were also super honest, just like the entire school. Students in a university no longer have the usual fierce competition. Rivals, students who dislike each other, and even first- and second-year students are all putting their arms around each other like good brothers and sisters. .

Tang Enjun, can I ask you a favor!?

begged Chiyoda, the new chairman of the Discipline Committee.

Even though Tang En only had a part-time job, among the three powerful student groups, the Student Union, the Discipline Committee, and the club, who dared to look down on Tang En?

Anyone who underestimates Tang En is dead. This is a saying secretly circulated among them.

What's the matter, Chiyoda?

Tianhe was drinking tea and giving instructions on Miyuki's work today.

As for Midnight and Maya, they were enjoying the bright afternoon sunshine in Tang En's office lounge.

It's like this. You are on duty today. Can you take Lina to see our school's autonomous management? As a manager, you should know this, right? You don't have any rights!


Tang En covered his forehead.

By the way, you can blackmail me... There are several meanings, but I won't argue with Chiyoda.

At this time, Lina put her hands behind her back and smiled cutely at Tang En.

Tang Enjun, I'm sorry to trouble you!

it does not matter.

Looking at Tang En and the other two people leaving...the eyes of the young men who were also members of the Disciplinary Committee spewed flames!

I, Cao, Tang En, it's not enough to have three super goddess sisters, he even hooked up with my goddess Lina! Damn it!

It's a crime that deserves death! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

Tang En could already feel the razor-sharp gaze slashing at his back.

He hurriedly walked a few steps, and when Lina came out, she quickly looked at the door.

This little move was noticed by Lina next to her!

She was super confident about her appearance, so she was secretly happy that Tang En was at a slight disadvantage!

The two of them were walking in the empty corridor of the teaching building, chatting as they walked.

Lina, didn't the school you attended before have such a system that allows students to self-control?

Huh? Uh-huh...

Lina was always embarrassed, and Tang En hit the nail on the head immediately.

Where did she go to school? Isn't this a joke?

Damn Tang En, so evil-minded!

Oh? Is it because you are only in the first grade and don't understand such things?

Ah, yes, yes, that's it! That's why I just want to know the secret of allowing students to participate in this kind of event venue.

Haha, is it to collect some experience so that I can take it back to the school over there?

This is also one of the responsibilities of international students.

Tang En said while showing a mysterious smile.

Lina couldn't answer the very common but targeted question, but Tang En gave her a step up the ladder, but Lina was smart enough to follow the steps.

It seems like she just has no experience, not a lack of brains!

In Tang En's opinion, Lina's sudden change was stronger than Midnight, Maya, and Miyuki.

Tang En walked forward.

But at this time, he noticed that Lina suddenly stopped.

What's wrong? Lina.

By the way, Tang Enjun, I heard that this school is divided into first-course students and second-course students. Can you tell me about the evaluation standards?

Ah, you are talking about this. This matter also troubles me. Even if my other identity is the administrator of the school, this is not something I can control. After all, it is a rule set by the entire magical world.

The evaluation criteria for the assessment are speed, scale, and intensity. However, I do not agree with this statement. The outcome and life and death in actual battles are not determined by these factors. There are some second-year students, although they are The results in the assessment are average or even bad, but in actual combat, the strength is outstanding.

The assessment is not the same as actual practice, so there is no difference between first-year and second-year students. After a year, these students should have understood it very clearly.

I also agree with this opinion, Tang Enjun.

I don't know when, Lina's expression changed...and her head was slightly lowered. Tang En could not see the upper part of her face.

Chapter 146 Caught off guard

Lina's face has a chilling expression, but it also makes people feel that it is very domineering to match her image.

Tang Enjun, I am not very outstanding in school, or even mediocre, because my theoretical knowledge is a mess.

But... I want to become a magician useful in actual combat!

Tang En turned around and was almost one step away from Lina. He raised his eyebrows and looked at the strange way Lina's seductive lips curled up.

I didn't expect Lina to be such a violent magician?

Oh, Tang Enjun, I didn't expect you to see it. It's amazing.

Tang En smiled casually. He couldn't tell that he was an idiot. Besides, Tang En knew the true identity of this girl.

Just as Tang En was slipping away, Lina's expression suddenly changed, and with one sliding step, she raised her palm and slapped Tang En in the face. From starting to starting, the speed was staggering.

Unfortunately, Lina was facing Tang En.

Although Lina's attack was caught off guard in the eyes of ordinary people, in Tang En's eyes, it was nothing more than that.

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