And lanterns.

Walking forward noisily, they were no different from the other people who came to the temple fair.

The only difference is...the three ladies around Tang En have a very high rate of returning...

The eyes of passers-by and people eating melons would instantly go straight whenever they found the three girls, Miyuki, Maya and Miyuki, who were wearing kimonos. Some of them even bumped into other people's stalls, causing embarrassment. .

Midnight, Maya, Miyuki, your charm has not diminished at all! Even in this sea of ​​people, you are as bright as the Pearl of the Orient.

Tang En said with a wry smile.

Leo also nodded seriously.

Yes, she is very eye-catching. After all, even the auspicious goddess is only so beautiful.

At this time, Tang En, who was looking around, suddenly had a smile on his lips.

He curled his lips and complained to Leo, Mikihiko and others beside him:

But...what if one person's vision is different from someone else's?


Everyone was surprised when they heard Tang En's words. Then they followed Tang En's gaze and looked towards the street not far away.

This is incredible... No one has any reaction yet! But the yandere brother controlled Miyuki, and at this moment, the whole person felt bad.

I saw a beautiful blond girl in the crowd not far away, wearing a European-style double-breasted white nylon coat, black gloves, and knee-high black leather boots.

The thigh that was tightly exposed was covered with thick black stockings.

What made Tang En almost laugh out loud was that the originally beautiful and delicate golden curly hair was actually wearing a hat that had expired for who knows how many years...

This is completely pre-World War III hottie elements, all mixed together.

But it was this beautiful girl with sky-colored eyes, golden curly hair, weird attire, and appearance comparable to Miyuki, Maya, and Miyuki. While eating the marshmallow in her hand, she looked at Tang En as if nothing had happened and she was spying. A group of people...

But it was such a soft blonde girl who suddenly gave Miyuki a strong sense of threat!

In her eyes, this beautiful girl whose looks were as good as hers didn't look at anyone else at all, but just stared at Tang En closely! In fact, Miyuki didn't know that this beautiful blond girl was not only observing Tang En, but also Midnight, Maya, and herself...'s true! What a beautiful girl! But...have you seen enough?

Miyuki's tone... was a little scary.

At this moment, Leo and others quietly took a few steps away from Tang En and Miyuki. It seemed that Miyuki's powerful dark aura was really scary!

When Tang En heard Miyuki's voice that sounded like it came from the Nine Nether Hells, cold sweat broke out from his back!

But he can already deal with such things very skillfully!

Within a thousandth of a second, he skillfully placed his hands on Miyuki's weak shoulders, gently pulled her body over, and then looked at Miyuki's beautiful eyes with affectionate eyes. eye.

Hey, what are you talking about Miyuki! I just looked at her weirdly, but I didn't look at her appearance! Besides, Miyuki is the most beautiful in my heart!

While talking, Tang En gave Miyuki and Maya two girls wild winks, meaning I was trying to coax Miyuki! ! Don't get me wrong!

Midnight and Maya were wearing white kimonos, their hands were touching each other at their waists, and they were smiling at Tang En's funny behavior.

Erica and others smiled half-heartedly.

Here we go again! The yandere brother-in-law.

Their relationship... is really good!

Meiyue's face was so red that it was abnormal.

Leo commented calmly...

Yes, but I feel that Tang Enjun is really pitiful.

It's the worry of happiness.

Mikihiko hits the nail on the head...

Under the gaze of everyone with such expressions, Miyuki's dark energy dissipated almost instantly, and her face became shy...

It's like this every's like this every time! Brother, do you think you can get over it with this method?

Miyuki said this, but anyone who saw her expression knew that she had indeed been fooled...

The little eyes that Leo and others looked at this scene were really unflattering.

Are you here to be funny?

Tang En held Miyuki and whispered in her ear:

I'm not fooling you, I really think so, and there are beautiful women like you around me, why would I pay attention to other women? I pay a little attention to her because she has value worthy of my attention. It exists.

Is it worthy of my brother's attention...?

Miyuki suddenly woke up, but the blush on her face had not disappeared. She secretly glanced at the beautiful blond girl not far away. Miyuki also discovered the problem at this time.

Brother, what she is wearing... doesn't seem to be from this era at all, right?

Tang En chuckled.

Yes, that was a popular style in the 1930s. Now that it's spread... it's a bit too eye-catching. Doesn't she know that her style is so attractive at this temple fair...

What a strange girl.! It's true!

Miyuki, who was suddenly moved by Tang En, finally realized what Tang En had just said that made people blush!

Leo and others' eyelids drooped...

I'm leaving first...what a scary brother and sister.

Me too……

Wait for me……

Meiyue, it’s really unbearable what Erica has done to Tang En’s family!

Just as everyone was paying attention to this cosplay girl who seemed to have traveled through time and space, they saw her throwing the finished marshmallow bamboo sticks into the trash can, turning around and walking in the direction of Tang En and his group.

At the same time... by coincidence, I passed by Tang En.

At that moment, the two people looked at each other out of the corner of their eyes.

Tang En's eyes were filled with a hint of smile, while the blonde girl's eyes were filled with a trace of scrutiny.

A hint of amusement appeared on his face, and the girl passing by did not notice this small detail.

Have STARS already penetrated? Haha, this drama is about to begin again...

Chapter 141 Stupid Sirius

The STARS captain of the UUU Army, Angelina Silius.

Thirteen strategic-level magicians were revealed by the great powers in order to promote their respective deterrent powers.

She is one of the Thirteen Apostles.

After returning home from the temple fair, Tang En returned to his study, turned on his computer and skillfully entered the Supreme Throne, and began to search for all information about STARS Captain Angelina Silius Sirius.

But this time, the High Throne failed him.

It should be said that he is the country's top secret strategic magician, and there is no news about him even from the Supreme Throne.

This is also normal. The Supreme Throne is just an underground intelligence collection machine. If there is no information classified as confidential by the great powers, it can basically be queried, such as underground organizations, forces, people, etc.

But it is absolutely impossible to find out the true identity of someone like Angelina Silius.

The only thing that can be determined from the information is the origin of the name.

Nickname and code name, and age is underage.

Tang En narrowed his eyes, took a sip of the black tea Miyuki made for him.

It can't be...that cute girl with blond hair, right?

Major Angelina Silius was assigned the task of conducting an undercover investigation, and she also had a strong mission to seize the opportunity...

One of the steps is to confirm the appearance of the target object and at the same time let the other person see your own appearance.

Judging from the contact with the target object, the Whirlpool family, this initial contact process has gone smoothly so far.

She was originally worried that hiding her aura and approaching the past would not be discovered, but as her subordinates said, this was just unfounded worry.

However, it was hard to let go of Tang En's easily aware of her existence.

Major Hillios thought about this matter and returned to his temporary residence here. He opened the door gently and walked into the house.

Welcome back.

When the blond-haired Major Hillyus returned home, he thought his cohabitant had not returned yet, but unexpectedly the other party greeted him from inside the room.

Sylvie, you are back.

The major called her cohabitant, or rather her adjutant and part-time nanny, who came to the entrance to greet her by an affectionate nickname.

The cohabitant's name is Sylvia Marjorie Fast. Except for the name Sylvia, they are all codenames, Marjorie Fast, which represents the first in line for the STARS planet-level magician Mercury. Rank is Warrant Officer. Age twenty-five.

She was given the codename Number One at such a young age, which shows that this female would-be officer's abilities are highly regarded. Sylvia's original intention was not to join the army, but she specialized in media interviewing in college. This time her intelligence analysis skills were appreciated and she was promoted to be the assistant to Major Hillios.


Sylvie, who was supposed to be very straightforward and without any sloppiness, did not show any signs of competence this time, nor did she respond to Major Hillyus's words. She could only look at her frequently.

This made the blond girl Major, who had just returned home and noticed something was wrong, ask again.

Facing the boss in front of her who was nearly 10 years younger than herself, Sylvia maintained her gaze and finally responded.

Lina... what are you dressing up like? Don't you think there's something wrong? Or has your sense of aesthetics completely disappeared from your mind? Even if you are the captain of STARS, but you In essence, she is still a woman. Do you know how terrible it is for a woman's aesthetic sense to disappear? Don't you realize it until now?

Lena is Major Hillyus's private nickname. In order to hide her identity while performing undercover missions, Lina ordered her not to call Captain or Major, but to use nicknames. Sylvia was informal by nature, so she didn't care about the gap in military rank or position, and quickly got used to using an intimate tone.

She was using honorifics now, but it was actually not suitable to speak like this to a superior, but Lina didn't care.

Ah, this? In order to avoid drawing unnecessary attention, I searched through the fashion photo materials of this place in the past century. It took me a lot of effort. Is this appropriate? And I feel that I am dressed up It’s very beautiful! I don’t think there’s anything wrong with my own aesthetic sense!”

...I would like to ask a question before answering.

Okay, what's the problem?

Lina tilted her head, looking cutely at her outfit that she was satisfied with.

Sylvia looked like she was going to press her temples to endure the headache at any moment, but Lina didn't seem to notice.

Wouldn't it be hard to walk in those boots?

Sylvia asked, and Lina immediately nodded her head in agreement, just as I wanted.

Don't tell me, it's absolutely right. Just these shoes, with my strength, I almost fell down several times. It's hard to imagine that the girls here can wear these boots without twisting their feet.

Have you seen other girls wearing similar boots?

Looking at her as if she still didn't know what was wrong, Sylvie asked immediately. Lina obviously didn't seem to care about her question. She just recalled it carefully, frowned slightly and said uncertainly.

Hey, let's put it this way, I don't remember seeing it.

Sylvia's expression of enduring a headache changed to one of enduring a sigh. There is really nothing she can do against this captain.

Lena, let me be clear. These boots are out of date.


Sylvia's words made Lina widen her eyes. Seeing this reaction, Sylvia's impatience suddenly burst out.

Ehhh! Not only the boots, but also these pantyhose and hats are out of date. You actually looked back too far when looking at information from a hundred years ago! What's more, this outfit is very mismatched and not the taste of young girls. It should be dressed like this Isn’t it very conspicuous?”

Lina looked embarrassed after being scolded, probably because she felt confident. To be honest, she noticed that she was being noticed wherever she went, but she didn't care much and thought it was because she was a foreigner, which was a strange relationship.

I found you on your mission this time to attract the attention of the target... But how can you make irrelevant people pay attention to you? I guess you have already made everyone remember your appearance at this annual meeting... …”

Sylvia finally couldn't help it and let out a long sigh.


The cold words with a respectful tone... made Lina break out in a cold sweat and her scalp went numb.

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