Chen Xiangshan was caught off guard by the sudden voice.

He never expected that there were defenders here?

Holding back the uneasiness in his heart, Chen Xiangshan suddenly turned to the right and looked up, only to see a red-haired man wearing a gorgeous and mysterious purple-gold armor, looking at him with half-smiling eyes and playful words. expression, looking at himself.

When he saw this young man, Chen Xiangshan was immediately confused.

He knew this man, and he was not a general acquaintance.

It was the man he found in the First High School when he was looking for the holy relics. After a while of observation, Chen Xiangshan discovered that this man named Uzumaki Tang En was very mysterious, and seemed to know everything. This made him very strange. No matter what little moves he made, Uzumaki Twain seemed to be able to get out of the way unintentionally, which made him speechless and completely unable to understand what was going on.

Of course Chen Xiangshan didn't know why, because Tang En used his perception to counter-track Chen Xiangshan every time he launched the Ghost Gate Dunjia observation, so there was a situation that Chen Xiangshan couldn't understand at all, because he didn't even know that he was being tracked. He is the one walking around. He has been led by Tang En. He is the one who has been teased.

Whirlpool Tang En...why do you appear here?

After Chen Xiangshan was initially stunned and shocked, he regained his calm mood. This is also the quality that a commander-in-chief should possess.

Why am I here? Why are you here? That's why I am here!


Chen Xiangshan was almost stunned by Tang En's jingle.

What am I here you are here I am right here...

You have spied on a lot of things recently, Chen Xiangshan. As the vanguard of the invasion, you are the murderers who steal the final fruit in the end. Tsk tsk, I wonder which master arranged this plan? It's interesting.

Tang En's words were like a sledgehammer hitting Chen Xiangshan's head! Unexpectedly, this man could see through their perfect plan.

Isn't it very cool to do so many little tricks behind your back? But have you ever heard of me? How can you walk by the river without getting your shoes wet?

Damn it, how did you find me!

Chen Xiangshan was so angry that he was fooled by Tang En. Only now did he realize that this guy had cracked his Ghost Gate Dunjia!

Not everyone can crack this technology, or it cannot be cracked with the current technology. The only way is to be vigilant in all directions, but this will consume a huge amount of energy, so this magical ancient magic cannot be cracked. There is no good way to fight it.

How did I discover you? Chen Xiangshan, what you said is so funny. When did you hide yourself? Not to mention your Guimen Dunjia, the original Guimen Dunjia and Qimen Dunjia are just some of them in front of us. It’s just fur.”

What? You actually know about Qimen Dunjia?

This time, Chen Xiangshan couldn't calm down. It was the organization's top secret.

But he didn't know that all the secrets of the organization had been packed up and moved away by the young man in front of him...

What's so weird about this, okay. I can't talk nonsense to you anymore, so go ahead!


The space fluctuated slightly, and then, a faint misty purple mist appeared around Chen Xiangshan.

This...what is this?

Haha, don't worry. You have to take the blame. How could I let you die? I just erase all your memories.

What did you say? Impossible, you can't do this!

Tang En curled his lips, and no matter how hard Chen Xiangshan struggled, he just waved his hand gently.


The next moment, Chen Xiangshan's eyes lost their expression and he fell softly to the ground.

Tang En made a tsk, tsk tone in his mouth, and then abandoned Chen Xiangshan and started a sweep in this confidential database alone!

All the physical information was confiscated by Tang En. It was a three-way policy of burning them all, killing them all, and robbing them all!

Whether it's research data or mature magic data, it even contains magic data from the ten master clans!

Tang En did not let go of any of them and threw them all into the void.

Boom boom boom!


Just as he had just swept through the entire data room, there was a deafening sound of shelling outside.

It's time to leave.

Tang En smiled strangely and appeared next to Chen Xiangshan, and then the two figures completely disappeared from the Magic Club's branch building.

On the battleship of the mysterious organization.

Reporting to the commander, the battle has been successful so far. We have successfully controlled 90% of the island. The other party's resistance forces and civil resistance organizations have been nearly completely eliminated.

Very good, just waiting for the good news over there!

A pleasant smile appeared on the commander's face.

Although due to the resistance of the independent magic equipment brigade and some of the ten master clans, some units were slower to control, but overall, it was not bad.

The situation was so one-sided that Major Kazama Xuanxin of the Independent Magic Equipment Brigade frowned tightly.

This time, it’s different from last time!

In the battle three years ago, because of Shiba Tatsuya's rampage and the insufficient local combat power, they won the final victory!

This time, although Shiba Tatsuya also played a partial role, the enemy's military strength was too strong! Looking at the number of fleets on the sea, you will know that they are not at the same level as last time!

Damn it... call Tatsuya Shiba over here, I have no choice but to use that!

Chapter 135 Strategic Magic Reappears

In this extremely unfavorable situation, Genshin Kazama finally used his trump card, which was the unstable strategic magician, Tatsuya Shiba!

His strategic magic last time was still vivid in everyone's mind.

Although this time there is a more accurate launch trajectory due to technological breakthroughs, it is obvious that within three years, there will not be much breakthrough., strategic magic is still extremely unstable. Do you really want to use it?

Kazama Xuanxin looked at the information uploaded from the tactical helmet with an ugly expression.

It must be used, otherwise this island will be completely lost before reinforcements arrive! If that is the result, you should know the consequences.

Yes, Kazama Xuanxin is right.

Once this place is captured, it will become a direct springboard to the mainland. It may be possible to fight back, but it will cost a lot of manpower and material resources!

Has Tatsuya Shiba arrived?


Kazama Xuanxin turned his head and looked at Shiba Tatsuya with a cold face.

We have obtained the right to use your magic from the Yotsuba family and the unified staff meeting.

Shiba Tatsu didn't speak either, but his eyes told people like Kazama Xuanxin that he would definitely crush these enemies to death with his strategic magic.

It seems that this child still has his own position.

Unlock the seal of the three eyes.


Form is emptiness, emptiness is form!

Password confirmed, passed.


What was displayed in front of everyone was the three-eye amplifier specially created by the independent magic equipment brigade for strategic magic.

This sniper rifle-like weapon can connect to satellites and be displayed in front of the user at the same time.

However, with the current technical level, the error of using mass explosion is quite large. Although it is only a small number, if it is placed on the map, just a slight error may hit another place. .

In accordance with the orders of the Integrated Staff Council, the Yotsuba family uses mass explosion magic to destroy the local fleet!

Shiba Tatsuya nodded coldly.

Screen captured, locked.

Buzz buzz...

A large number of thoughts began to erupt from Shiba Tatsuya's body.

In the sky right now.

Tang En, Midnight, Maya, and Miyuki were hidden in the high clouds, paying attention to Shiba Tatsuya through their powerful perceptions.

My dear, can his blow really hit the other side dozens of kilometers away?

Tang En analyzed it a little.

It shouldn't be possible, because with the current technology, it is impossible to meet the standards. I think that special amplifier should be just a test product. Because there is really no other way to do it, Kazama Xuanxin made this move.

The three women all nodded.

What if it goes wrong again this time?

Tang En smiled mysteriously.

Whether it's crooked or not, I won't let him destroy these fleets. Only balance is what we want to see.

Late night and others also understood what Tang En meant.

If the foreign enemies are eliminated, then the ten master clans will have time to deal with them. Although Tang En is not afraid of them, they are always a trouble.

Who is sleeping well, and then there is always someone knocking on the door in the middle of the night? Who is it?

But Tang En can't be ruthless and solve the ten master clans, so who else is going to take the lead? Could it be Tang En?

This is quite contradictory, so there must be foreign enemies to ensure their peaceful life.

Look, the mass burst is activated!

Miyuki reminded the three of them at this time.

Tang En squinted his eyes.

The moment Shiba Tatsuya pulled the trigger, he knew what the mass conversion was.

It was a drop of water on a landing ship in the center of the battleship formation.

Convert the mass of water droplets into infinite energy, which explodes instantly!

This is the principle of mass explosion!

Boom...boom boom boom boom!

what happened!

Report! The third formation...the third formation...

Speak quickly!

The third formation has disappeared!

Disappear? What do you mean!

Reporting to the should be strategic magic!

Tell me again? Isn't there only one strategic magician on the other side? The intelligence says that person is not here at all! You are kidding me!

Commander, please look...

After speaking, the intelligence officer showed the big screen in front of him to the commander again.

When the commander saw the exploding magic of the black ball, his legs trembled...

This...this is not the one three years ago...

Yes, Commander, he is the Black Star, one of the black and white twin stars three years ago.

Fuck! How is that possible? According to the analysis of our intelligence department, isn't it true that black and white stars only appear together? Why are there only black stars and no white stars?

The intelligence officer was also a little speechless, how could he know such a thing.

Behind Shiba Tatsuya, Kazama Genshin and others exhaled heavily. They were sweating just now, fearing that Shiba Tatsuya would miss the mark again.

But this time it may be luck or other reasons. Shiba Tatsuya hit the target with one blow, and one of the three enemy fleet formations has been eliminated.

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